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I love BOL!!!


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I just wanted to let everyone know that this website is awesome. Over the Christmas holidays I went to visit my sister in Denver. I posted a request over on the CO ride board to see if I could meet up with a few carvers for a brew or better yet, doing some trenchdigging with some fellow carvers. I was going to be hauling ski gear with me so I didn't want to haul snowboard gear too.

Big Mario responded quickly offering up his Donek FCII, with a simple phone conversation I was able to use his board along with his TD2 bindings. We arranged a day (Sat. 12/22) to go riding at Loveland. D.T. also responded that he was going riding that day and said that on his way through he would stop and pick me up. D.T. was there shortly before 5:30 am on Sat and we were off to Mario's house. I didn't know what to expect other than they were fellow carvers. We get over to Mario's and load up the gear and we our on our way. On the way to Loveland we were conversing and based on the coversation I thought I had gotten in over my head with these two riders. I was actually stressing a bit. I didn't think the SoCal carver(me) could hang with the Colorado boys.

We tore up the cord at Lovey for most of the morning and into the early afternoon. The conditions were incredible and the company was great too. I felt right at home with these guys. While riding we met up with Tony and Kate and took a few runs with them. My sister showed up with her friend and they were going to ski but decided the temps were too cold and left. D.T. offered to take me back to my sister's place afterwards even though it was off his route.

My sister and I were going to go to Copper on Christmas day for some skiing but I really wanted to board. Mario allowed me to keep his board for a few more days so I could use it Tuesday. We woke up Tuesday to lots of snow falling in the Denver metro area and being that my sis is fair weather skier she didn't want to go, so we stayed home.

Looking back, I had over 800.00 worth of gear for a few days based on a post on this site and a phone call. I know that wouldn't happen on my flyfishing and/or biking sites that I frequent.

I think my point here is :, I don't know of another website that you can make a post and someone offers up their Donek along with bindings, a ride to the hill and back and just a great day in general. I hope that I can be as accomodating to my fellow BOL members that might come out to SoCal to ride as much as Mario and Dustin were to me on my Colorado trip.. Thanks guys, that was awesome!!

I hope to buy you a few more brews if I can make it to SES!!!

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I was contemplating this exact same thing this morning. I flew across the continental US to ride with the girls a couple of years back, all my friends thought I was mad, but Alpinegirl picked me up and dropped me off at the airport, and we all rode and had a blast. Steph and Shaggy loaned me gear all weekend, and PSR spent a couple of hours of his valuable and expensive time teaching me.

Likewise, I met up with Steve and Darcy at Nakiska last weekend, and we rode all day while the boys gave me lots of tips. Not asked for, but very much appreciated.

I'll often go up the hill to meet people I've only ever talked to online, and I'll travel to places I've never been. I'm sharing a room with Kinpa in Montana in January - I've never met her :-) Likewise sharing with Mike T and Quentin at SES - never met them either!!

This board is full of great people and I love meeting them in person. Roll on SES!!

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At the beginning of the '05/'06 season I was looking over my worn out gear and thinking I needed to find a "stiff" soft boot set up because all the shops selling the good stuff had vanished. This.. after riding "hard" for eighteen years to this point. A google search landed me smack dab in the soul center of the carving universe... BOL. I made up a ridiculous screen name (thinking there would be no chance of actually having to say it out loud to another living person) so I could log on and check it all out. I quickly found my way to Fin's online store and the classified section where I proceeded to indulge my every desire. I had no clue there was such great gear being produced let alone personal contact with the builders themselves. I'm still amazed that there are a fairly large number of builders and those several are searching for the finest materials, shapes, and construction available. Seriously folks... we could all still be riding PJs or thoroughly used up race gear.. but we are in free carve heaven here beyond what my wildest imagination could have fathomed. At my first SES I thanked Fin for saving the sport... to which he humbly denied credit. We could debate that point in general, but he and his website certainly saved the sport for me.<O:p</O:p<O:p

Now days.. I have a regular posse to ride with (who by the way are all fantastic riders) and an amazing quiver of decks that suit my style of riding and my over the top taste. Not to mention some very close friends that I hope to have even after my body refuses to carve the last turn. <O:p

Since my introduction to BOL, I've also been able to get that feeling back that I used to have when I first moved to the mountains from the flat lands. It's a ski bum thing that lives in my soul... thanks BOL! <O:p</O:p<O:p

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Very well said: Thor :biggthump

I knew nothing about this sport/ but after I seeing it one time & he was just learning I said: that's for me! Latter I ran in to Christian Phillips on my local slope/ he & his brother Scott blew me away! They told me about Bomber!

Its been great great ride / Great people on here/ ready to help in any way! That was 5 yrs ago I think I went to a Pure Carve session in 2002/ that was my first season on a Alpine board/ My board at that time stunk & so did my ridding/ but at least I tried! hummmmmmm funny after 5 yrs I should know more than I do!!!! Reality just set in!!!

Lets Ride!

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While we're on the subject of BOL and Big Mario's awesomeness

I am just a member of a niche community full of cool, passionate, and slightly quirky people(see above posts lol) whom all share the relentless pursuit of the perfect turn. It is the community itself that is awesome.


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Stan, was that your first session when we met? You were like a kid in a candy store with the demos. Thats what it is all about, getting to ride with like minded enthusiasts, ripping it up and spreading the gospel. Hell, even D is starting to soften up after a tale like this.

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Stan, was that your first session when we met? You were like a kid in a candy store with the demos. Thats what it is all about, getting to ride with like minded enthusiasts, ripping it up and spreading the gospel. Hell, even D is starting to soften up after a tale like this.

Yeah Art! I think when we met it was my second or third day at my first SES. My mind was totaly blown... still gathering pieces.. and funds for the next stick.

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Ah yes. I remember you sheepishly mentioning your BOL name. I think you were in ski boots too! Obvoiusly you got bit. Cheers!

Funny! I was reluctant to spread my screen name because I had recently bought and sold my first board or two on the classifieds and had gotten the BOL welcome wagon... a thorough bashing to the FNG which I stood up to because I wanted to stick around. I was afraid my retorts might have ruffled feathers so I wanted to lay low.

Ski boots? Now there's something I've never done whilst snowboarding. I was wearing the same pair of Raichles that I wore today.. minus every removable part on an AF 600.. twice.

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I was contemplating this exact same thing this morning. I flew across the continental US to ride with the girls a couple of years back, all my friends thought I was mad, but Alpinegirl picked me up and dropped me off at the airport, and we all rode and had a blast. Steph and Shaggy loaned me gear all weekend, and PSR spent a couple of hours of his valuable and expensive time teaching me.

This board is full of great people and I love meeting them in person. Roll on SES!!


pretty sure we met in the gondi at stratton when you came out for the girls carve fest. Great day, great people. Got to ride Brammer's demo Madd BX, Banker was there with a girl from the Vineyard. Bluebird sky, great snow.

:) :) :)

I think I snowed hard that night and we bagged the Mexi Fest at Shaggy & Cheri's cuz we had to drive back to Mt Snow :confused:

Hooked up with a new Boston BOL'r the other day for some sweet carving at Mt Snow. Zach is a super cool guy, carves well and fun to rally with.

BOL stoke worldwide ! :biggthump

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BOL is the only reason I go on the net regularly. Seeing as how I don't personally know any other carvers, this place is a Godsend. Thanks BOL for creating this community. Can't wait for SES. What a trip! couple hundred hardbooters on the same hill, gear to demo, clinics, helping advice. All because of Bomber Industries. Makes me feel guilty I don't ride TDs. (Yet)

Thanks Fin, Michelle, et all for making this whole thing a reality.


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