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Riding with your buddies


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The other day I rode with a friend whom I haven't rode with in about ten or so years. This guy rips turns and rides fast. At first I found it a little hard keeping up with him but after a few runs I was riding right behind him. It was such a great time riding behind someone who can really turn their board and with some one who you can bs with on the ride up the chairlift. Riding with friends, especially ones that can really rip is the best thing ever. Through out the years I have met only a handful of cool guys and girls that ride hard. Usually I can meet up with these people every now and then on the slopes and have a pretty good day riding. I enjoy that but there is nothing quite like riding with an old buddy. Especially one that twenty years ago taught me a great deal about riding and can still rip turns. Since we both live in the same town we will be riding together often this year and I am so psyched about it.

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I am very lucky, I am part of group of freinds/riders that get together at least one day on the weekend, and sometimes both, so it is very rare that I ride alone. We also welcome anyone whom wants to join us. By the way Aaron, its not the board, you just plain rip :biggthump


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I also have been taught by my Friend Rich. We now have been riding together for 8 years. It's super awesome when you can get in a zone with another and actually know the exact turns and hits before the other takes it. It's like having a dancing partner who actually doesn't step on your feet.

Having a buddy to ride with just brings the level up a few. The smiles are bigger, the laughs are harder, the competition is stronger - and the endorphines are flying!

Good thread jt! Writing that was almost like taking a run with my buddy :biggthump

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The "Bro Stoke" is in full effect here at Winter Park. We have six regular riders (Randy, get your back fixed!) and know of others who rip but must be shy (CK-we don't care what your boots are made of... ST-bust out of the solo mode man!). We all need time alone now and again, but a good possee is always a damn good time and makes for the best memories.

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I truly appreciate riding with friends, new ones also. In SoCal there aren't many carvers to begin with and if you can meet up with a few on the hill it makes it that much better.

I met and made some new friends this weekend also. Mario and Dustin were awesome. They were great company and rippin riders too. Thanks for showing me a great time and for the use of the board.

Hope to see you for a few days at SES

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It gives me much joy when I turn on one of my softy buddys to carving. When it becomes obvious that they should've listened to me years ago, I don't say "Told ya so" I say, "Now, you need a REAL board" Last year my buddy ken was so stoked, on a Sims Carve 2 167, no less. He was ripping so hard, he was scaring me. No helmet, balls out. Dude, slow down a little.

:eek: No helmet :nono: ... :smashfrea

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Over the years I have had the great pleasure of a few "buddies" , One of them was an Army Buddy – which is the most unique bonding method of being a Buddy – anyway we’d hunt and ski, and every year he’d add a few pounds in the mid section to where now today we do not even see each other – he can barely walk and even getting out of a chair is a effort – I think the last time I saw him he was a around 350lbs. I miss him – we talk on the phone but that is about it. Another buddy was one with whom I’d play Volleyball and over the years our team became very competitive in USVBA and Rec. We’d also ski and hike together and along the way made a few other ski and volleyball buddies. Eventually they found nice beautiful ladies and married and had kids and now they can’t go anymore and do not play VB or get away to ski. Kids and soccer take the weekends. Those were great times in my life and I appreciate all the buddy time we had – if it were not for the phone we’d have lost contact – they constantly ask how retired life is while they are on the way to another meeting or working late. So my message to all of you is value your buddies and friendships while you can – tomorrow they may not be there as you enjoy them today,

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I don't have any buddies that carve. I ride with my wife who skis. BUT, every time my riding went up a level, it was from following a better carver that I had hooked up with in the hill. Following someone's better lines makes you carve better lines.

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Definately like riding with Espi and Paragon better than alone, although when you yard sale alone it isnt as emberassing:o I'd like to get ahold of Alakata and 350, those guys could really carve, especially 350. they seemed to dissapear into thin air... and I don't want to go back to Royal Mtn:smashfrea

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It's fun most of the time, especially when I get to ride with other carvers. Riding with Aaron has been great for my learning experience.

Some of my friends kind of annoy me when I ride with them though, mainly softbooters, not because they're softbooters... But because they INSIST on riding through the park, and just go THROUGH it and avoid all of the jumps, rails, and other terrain features... So, why the F*$% are they riding through the park to begin with? :rolleyes:

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Riding solo most of the time on my local slope/ only see another carver 2 to 3 times a yr!

The great thing about SES is riding with others/ I'm not the only strange odd-ball!

Last yr did 2 trips out west/Riding with Thor / Mario/Bola & the other Colorado Desperado's is a blast/ never a dull moment & at the end of the day You are not drinking alone!

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