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Madd 170 vs Swoard?

Guest Hotmop

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Jerry Hatu sound very Familiar.. Boo Boo as well. If those cats were at Franklin Pierce (you nailed it) around that time frame and rode at Temple then we all knew one another. I was a bit younger then them as well. In 89 I was still a junior in high school. But was bumping chairs and teaching at the hill. There was only a few of us on plates at the time. Ask you bro's (Boo Boo for sure since he taught there) if they remember Steve Sanders, Larry Giles, Dave Thimmel, or myself, we were the only four local guys riding plates all the time. At the time Sandy Enaguess owned the place and I was dating his god daughter so I sort of had free range. I was a little punk As* at the time so if those cats where around enough I knew them. As for yourself we may have trenched the cord at some point together I used to be a rep for F2 and helped push them out of the days of Asyms and into the speedsters. I was reasonable for the demo fleet from 90-93 if you ever road a F2 demo I probably set it up. Plus it sounds as though we were in the same loop. Also if you have been at Stratton for a bit I used to do all the SIA shows when I was around. We will get it together some time. I look forward to it.

I'm sure Arvid does not ride like he used to, lots of my friends who became reps and or part of the snowboard "world" lost the edge as they devote time to work and family. Vid's got 2 great kids and a history . Plus some Cats just peak and stop riding. He had all the talent necessary to Keep up with all the fast guys at the time I rode with him. He just had a different pace. Heck at one point he was getting all sorts of Burton garb. He had the first Burton Symmetrical 185 I ever saw in like 92.

Good Times On the east coast!!


My pig came from Andy H. as well I got a new one in the plastic for 150 I think I have a Picture of me proudly showing it of as a young tike. It was like a SG board to me when I weighed 130 and was only like 5.6 at the time. What fun. The old days.

Was it You or the John from underground that had 2 broken wrists at the same time one year 90-91ish? I think I remember a Teddy Bear Print cast? Like I said I am A few years younger then ya.

But like Curt said after a while you forget stuff like girlfriends, boards, etc.

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Damn CF........ justanotherdude.

Howz the big mountain I am the Cat you can't catch me grommers are for sissys.. life style.

Just had myself some Nice Irish wiskey the other day Bushmills I think it was? What is the name of the one you like?

Hope the stiff boot stiff binding thing is killing it for ya. Tried anygood soft boards with two much underhang latley.

If you are coming to share the stoke.... sick!

If your comeing to bring the style....sweet!

I just hope your bringing the flavor... not the anger!

Always your PCUTAHBILLY...

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Guest justanotherdude

I may be mistaken, and if I am, please forgive and correct me me. But, the voracity of the insults that are below my posts seem to be directed at me.

It starts with "don't feed the trolls". KMA. Sorry for a different opinion.

CMC. Even if your last post was directed at someone other than me, what an arrogant bastard you are. Vids and pics. WooHoo. Is your penis that small that you must elongate it with internet insults?

I do not have time for staged videos where I ride, as you do - I am too concerned with surviving.

My grandmnother can carve the groomed runs of the ice coast that you think you are the expert of - on skis. What a hero you are.

Hey CMC, the boy that claims to be the master carver, how many 60 degree slopes have you pointed your precious skills down, on a carving board? None probably, 'cause there aint no real terrain east of the Rockies.

What an arrogant weiner you are. E-Mail me if you are ever in Colorado and I will take you down backcountry ****e that will make you cry for your mamma and a freeride board with softboots - and then I will post here as to your inadequecies. Your arrogance is a disgrace to the hardbooting community and it is imbeciles like you with your narrow minded vision of the chicken****e runs that a hardbooter must ride that limit this sport.

But you feel cool and better, don't you. Take your vids and pics and, well, I won't say here.

Massage your ego and realize that you ride runs that a 4 year old can go down. How cool you are.

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Same old egos.... Hell no!

Some of us that ride just fine, where we live and have all the fun we want are done being Sweet.

I have shared my love of the sport with every cat I know How ever 1/3 of the people you meet don't like you and I am so cool with that......

Turns out Its our turn to pick out the third we don't like..

Macieks On the top of it right now.

You used to be the Cat up there...

Tring to get your spot back?

I really Don't think you can do it Maciek is a pretty big Boob.

Point being Go ride what ever you want YO!



As always bring it Chris I really hope you pick on my writing skills first!

Do some thing whitty as always.. maybe you could mention my grandmother or your sister maybe how great your dog rides It what like 7:30 there on a friday time to get your Drink on Yo!

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Guest justanotherdude
Keep your 60 degree slopes, keep your softboots, west coast fag

No, not quite right. The Rocky Mountains are not on the West Coast - perhaps you missed your remedial geography class. Let us see ... you mentioned homosexuality 3 times in one sentance arrogant curt. Is there something you need to tell us about yourself? Not only are you arrogant, but insensitive as well. Gee ... what a surpirise.

I do not own a pair of soft boots there, Mr. stud. I ride hardboots and carving boards down serious terrain that I am sorry you cannot experience.

What an arrogant doorknob you are.

Do you get it? I can carve CMC - very well. It just gets boring. I am sorry that your skills have not progressed to this point yet that you have the fear of tackling REAL terrain and must insult others because they lack the arrogance that you posses.

Take your vid and show it to the old ladies and young children that go down the same runs that you do, as I am very, very, very far from being impressed.

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Guest justanotherdude

You are actually more aggressive and idiotic than Maciek.


Heed this advice yourself sir.

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Originally posted by cmc

you sound like a swoard lover, , Ride your swoard, lay it down duuude, study my poppin vid----Thats style and technique.

thats what I thought, a soft bootin west coast faggot. Keep your 60 degree slopes, keep your softboots, west coast fag, dude you are a homo. Show us the vid or shut up

Hey, way to make friends with the west coasters, the Swoard riders, the softbooters, and the homosexuals.

Earning bragging rights = cool.

Using bragging rights = lame.

I like the way you kill the ice, but I don't think I need to meet you. Interesting: I guess we don't need to talk about religion or politics to get to that point.

Sad greetings from a West Coast, sometimes softboot wearing, Swoard loser.

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D-Sub KJL this justanotherdude cat is just really some big mountain I think I can guy named CF.

He is a huge kook whio has very outlandish thoughts of hard booting.

He comes around every know and then all drunk and stupid he is here for a few mounths and then leaves.

He is probably hurt and is on the site to ammuse himself.

Curts got it right as always.

So I will bite as always.

JUSTANOTHERDUDE would you please verify your sick riding with some action photos video or perhaps some friends posting to back your shiznit up?

If you are the elite rider you claim make it happen. Cuz I know a lot of dudes and brother sounds to my like your just another one.

You probably the kind of cat that stares at my big mountain lines wishing you could point the lines I do.

Let me guess couple of beers at the bar and you pointing to stuff you have never even kicked up claiming you schralped it huh "BRO"...

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as for CO well most of it is flat (front range anyhow)

I hope you are not one of those guys that thinks W P or Keystone is "extreme"

tell you what put 30 inches of dry snow on just about anything and I will ride it

on the other hand lay solid carves on 50 deg ice at speed I find more challenging

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the first thing I agree with strongly enough to post on this thread of sillyness is what bobdea said: my experience here this season is that (barring avalanches) I'm totally unfraid of anything if there's even just a foot of dry loose powder on it. I'm a pretty conservative boarder but even I'll drop a 10+ foot cornice onto a steep bowl on good conditions. But throw in any kind of snow that's harder to hold an edge on, and I know first hand now the consequences of even a simple mistake. On a powder day here I've straightlined slopes I believe to be 45 degree... on a day where you can't hold an edge, even someting more like 35 degree could result in a very dangerous slide.

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wind pack, pow or what ever if it aint shiny chances are its gonna be less hairy

for example I will not want drop 15 ft onto something that looks like a zamboni just went over it

I suck on steep ice in particular on alpine gear

on anything softer I am fine

I did get a little huffy earlier but it does bother me when the "I am more extreme" comments come up

usually the come from people who play in the back country twice a season

no harm intended really

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Originally posted by John Gilmour

From the look of Patrice riding the Swoard in the video the flex pattern doesn't look so soft. I think I could have a lot of fun on the board as I like to mix up the styles from time to time. The Prior 4WD looks great for even softer snow and pow-

The Swoard has a very soft flex. I can compare tonight, but I think it might be softer than my Axis. It is snappy+springy, though. Fun to ollie with.

The guys I've seen out here who like to carve offpiste down the steep, crappy, chopped-up, chunky sun-crust and windpack seem to mostly be on 4WD's and love them.

I am teh suck offpiste on my carving board currently (I can get down, but it doesn't really involve carving), so I couldn't tell you how it is in the crud, but I would guess it is pretty good: short, manuverable, and soft.

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Yessss I used to ride a pig G6 (still have it) but noooo not in utah at that time.

But at Temple Mountain in Peterbough, (89-90-91) Rember the monday night series you and da cats at underground put together many moons ago?

We have met and raced one another then. Also much later when you were beta testing Madds I was a Waterville guy(93-94-95). We and several others( Arvid Swanson, Billy Enos, Kildy, Dave Thimmal George Askavold) talked with you about board shape flex and sizes. My roomate and I begged for you to make something bigger then 180 for us. We were all riding Priors or Secert Teams at the time. Matter of fact I hid all my secert teams so you would not see them you know, young kid with Ideas of trade secerts. Ring any bells?

P.S. I like the don't get even get madd line!"



who's who....??


I helped run Back Bay Bikes and Boards, you might be confusing me with a guy who ran The Underground Dave Olcott- he had the unfortunate experience of busting both his wrists- at teh same time....talk about a toilet paper quandry. Both our shops are Boston based. I left Back Bay Bikes and boards to do Madd.

What I do have in common with Dave is that we both went to Boston University and tried to start the first snowboard Clubs at BU. However Dave is the first guy who got faculty support to make the club officially recognized. I Had about 8 members from 85-89, but without a faculty member who snowboarded....we never got funding or recognition from Student Activities Office. Later Dave and a friend of his with Long Blond Hair (forgot the name...perhaps Curt?...Not CMC) started having air and style contests and they didn't like the terrain that was built so they started designing the hits.

From that Stimilon was born. (No Limits spelled backwards)

I didn't race at Temple Moutain, last big races I entered were the US. Open Super G's + slalom in the 90's- though I had to give up my longer decks to teammates.. last Super G run on Standard at Stratton I ran on a 170 ...very icy and dicyn (speeds were pretty high on that course). I raced not so much to improve my racing- but to support other racers on our decks, and to show them that we had people at Madd who weren't afraid to jump into racing .....much like Tom Sims and Jake Carpenter used to do. I think the racers really dug seeing the owners putting it on the line like in the beginning. Most of the time I was more worried about other racers wax than my own set up or checking out the course. By understanding the race experience and working in the pits with the racers I hoped to be able to develop products that worked better in ACTUAL race situations for the racers. I had a great time.

I'm sure I met you at Waterville...did you work at the shop at the base of the mt? I always liked riding with the Waterville crew- you guys represented the East Coast well....IMHO better than the Vermont riders at the time.

Enzo- those crazy decks...I remember they had 2 p-tex platforms....I forgot the brand name though....we didn't make those....though I still am toying with the idea of having another 2nd edge embedded in the sidewall- or top sheet mounted.

I also like ptex sidealls. Never summer has them.....some of those Never summer freeride decks outride some manufacturers boardercross decks for edge hold. Great boards. BJ Slater who used to make ICE AGE boards I think went to design for them at one time ...Great designer. I just trouble shoot problems within our designs/prototypes and introduce new concepts to execute. Though I have been working on specs for competition ready PGS board.

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  • 2 years later...

some of the good stuff was there

all the goods in that thread got yanked!

some coloradan that I swear must of been CF was posting some crazy stuff and I replied all pissy like

ohh yeah it was a good one

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Here is my 2 cents<O:p</O:p


I am rider mostly Killington with European background/more EC style <O:p</O:p

It is a kind of rough up there especially with crappy winter like this, all ice and some snow.<O:p</O:p

I use primary two boards Swoard 175 (I think it soft or medium) I purchased it from Fin on ECES sugarloaf last season,<O:p</O:p

and I have volkle renn tiger 163 <O:p</O:p

Swoard 175:<O:p</O:p

it is great for first 1.5 hours after groomers when there is actually a snow and no people, it can do lower and longer turns, extra wide board seems to dig into the snow when you lay down turn giving me a chance to straiten up my body and stay in low position longer. It is a board that will require more speed and space.<O:p</O:p

I kind of love this one.<O:p</O:p

But after 10 pm when condition get a little rougher it is just getting out of control, this board kind of suck on ice (I am not sure why, perhaps it is a combination of the width and softness) <O:p</O:p

Also I like this board for spring condition and jumps; I had no chance to use it in powder but probably it is not bad.<O:p</O:p


Volkle renn tiger 163 (probably more similar to Madd 170 just bit shorter)<O:p</O:p

Great board for ice and crowds, I can turn quickly, it works on ice and I can get out of my turn if something is wrong. It is nice on "bumps and ice" kind of terrain very jumpy and I can correct my trajectory easy.<O:p></O:p>


I like my boards because they are very different.

I demo Mad on ECES I don’t remember if it was 170 or longer. It was on icy day. It was nice board great on ice but it was not “jumpy” enough for me and too narrow. <O:p</O:p

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