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if you were going to build a "one board"


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One Board - Isn't that kinda like an all season tire, not great at anything?

Thanks for the input Debbie Downer!

I disagree...there are boards that can do a lot of things well. No, they won't rip turns as hard as a full on race board, but it's well known that I'm just a recreational rider who isn't dynamic enough anyway, so that's not an issue.

"One Board" won't do ALL powder, either, but I'll likely never heli or see bottomless, so no big deal there.

a close approximation is what I'm looking for, and I've gotten some good answers. Thanks to those!

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Hi DSub

Cool Question. It is very interesting to see the HUGE variety in what riders want.

I have been really wrestling with this question. I tried to get a simailar thread going a few weeks ago:


Here is the process I went through and the conclusion I came to:

1. What type of resort do you ride most often?

(IE - wide runs, narrow runs, tree runs, wide open runs, mild pitch, very steep pitch, etc)

2. What type of snow conditions do you see most often?

(EI - east coast, west coast, powder, western cement (snowball type snow lumpy crap), blue ice, ect.)

3. Do you ride ‘All’ over the mountain or do you avoid certain parts of the mountain?

(IE - Groomed, Trees, Moguls, Ice, Powder, Harbor Chop, etc)

4. Where does this “one board” fit into your quiver?

(IE - You already have a 175 alpine board with a 13m side cut and a 185 Swallowtail. Will the “one board” fill the gap around the existing quiver or be the ONLY board you have?) = long or short board length.

5. Are you going to run more of an alpine or a freeride stance setup? Is there a difference between the two for you? Will you use both hard and soft boots on this board? = board width.

(IE - Big Feet and a preference for low stance angles vs small feet and a preference for high stance angles?

6. Do you want a tight turning board that can bang off 10 turns in the space of a phone both or a GS style cruiser? = side cut and board length. How does this length fit into your quiver?

7. Trust the board maker to: dial in the magic flex and length for your weight and snow conditions.

8. Trust the board maker to: dial in the side cut radius. It seems to me that Flex and Side Cut are bound to each other to the point that you have to trust the builders experience here.

The answers to the previous questions lead me to this type of conclusion:

1. Narrow runs, trees, moderate pitch

2. West coast, quite a bit of powder and chopped up crap

3. Yup, the entire mountain. I force myself to go into the moguls!

4. I like a 3 board quiver. For me this board fills the gap between the dedicated alpine and powder board.

5. Big feet with more of a freeride stance with BOTH hard and soft boots = wider board.

6. I want tight turns. I find it easier to ride a turny board in open areas vs a GS rocket in tight spots. I seem to go into a lot of tight spots and turny SL boards are fun to ride.

7&8 has lead me to wanting a ‘One Board’ shape like the Dupraz D1, Pogo Longboard, Prior Spearhead or the Sigi Grabner Cult, etc ... if I could have only ONE BOARD. I see these boards as alpine carvers with a better than average level of powder ability.


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Hey D-Sub

Couple more ideas:

I would ask Sean Martin what he would build/ride if he could have only ONE board to use for an entire season.

I would also ask Sean Martin what board he would love to build, but hasn't gotten around to. It is always more fun to build the 'first' of anything vs the millionth Freecarver.

Finally I would consider a Donek board dedicated to POWDER!

When you look at the Donek product line-up there seems to be a hole here. Find out what time of the year is slower for Sean and work on the powder project with him ... way cooler than just ordering an Axxess.

Hmmm. The first Donek Swallowtail named the D-Sub ... Need a snorkel for the D-Sub-marine deep powder<smirk>!

Oh yeah, don't cheap out here D-Sub! Save a few bucks and get the board you want. What is the point of getting a standard board then selling it 12 months from now on the Bomber classifieds?

Looking forward to your pick and the threads that follow:)



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It would be interesting to see how some new takes on retro designs would fit with carbon/titanal materials...this company in japan has made a big gun (short by my standards) 173 with a shape similar to the old Ayack and Johly...wish I had $1200 laying around to get one and see how the shape performs (and possibly make a longer one), but something else to think about when considering shape for your new "One board to rule them all".



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Hey D-Sub

Couple more ideas:

I would ask Sean Martin what he would build/ride if he could have only ONE board to use for an entire season.

I would also ask Sean Martin what board he would love to build, but hasn't gotten around to. It is always more fun to build the 'first' of anything vs the millionth Freecarver.

Finally I would consider a Donek board dedicated to POWDER!

When you look at the Donek product line-up there seems to be a hole here. Find out what time of the year is slower for Sean and work on the powder project with him ... way cooler than just ordering an Axxess.

Hmmm. The first Donek Swallowtail named the D-Sub ... Need a snorkel for the D-Sub-marine deep powder<smirk>!

Oh yeah, don't cheap out here D-Sub! Save a few bucks and get the board you want. What is the point of getting a standard board then selling it 12 months from now on the Bomber classifieds?

Looking forward to your pick and the threads that follow:)




I love you, dude. You and me...we...think alike. Despite the fact that you're an infallibly nice guy and I'm a ****ing jerk...we are two of the same

I basically said to Sean...build me a board. Make it rock. Make it look cool.

so I can stare at it while I wither away. maybe I'll ride it if the current tide passes.


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It would be interesting to see how some new takes on retro designs would fit with carbon/titanal materials...this company in japan has made a big gun (short by my standards) 173 with a shape similar to the old Ayack and Johly...wish I had $1200 laying around to get one and see how the shape performs (and possibly make a longer one), but something else to think about when considering shape for your new "One board to rule them all".

Right on, Sandy. Not that keen on retro for styles sake...i want something I can literally take anywhere almost. I believe it exists. Maybe not at Baker or Big Mtn, but for the rest....

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Right on, Sandy. Not that keen on retro for styles sake...i want something I can literally take anywhere almost. I believe it exists. Maybe not at Baker or Big Mtn, but for the rest....

I agree with the not for style...would be interesting to see what some of the old board companies had on the drawing board, but never made for fear of how much it would weigh or worrying about flex due to the materials that were available back then etc...two good examples of old ideas reborn would be the Dupraz and the Fish. Can't wait to see what you come up with.



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My personal vote goes something like this, without that small blem, with polished surface and orange sticker on nose and it to be called FatJack :rolleyes:

I mean metal feels to be working so well also outside of prepared slopes too.

My board is for rider less than 90 kg, but otherwise similar to that mentioned above. It is board most left in this picture here.


We just had great weekend on slopes in great condition and got also good change to ride some softer stuff. Some turns in this picture are made with that and i must say that board looks to be working like dream on all conditions i have managed to find for it :ices_ange


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