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This was a new one for me:

"Man that dude has a long teleboard, and someone should tell him that he has his bindings on incorrectly. I'd like to see him ride that thing....

Comments after being off the lift: "What the @#*#$ are those for turns...." and that is all I heard...

I was with some skiers on a 195 that day. I get such a kick out of clueless people on the slopes


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Mine is usually the one where the guys says "Tell me more about that square tail on your snowboard" I told him " I got tired of it falling over when I stood it up against a wall so I cut it off square on my bandsaw" But since I was on the chair with him I was able to tell him more about alpine boards.

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Originally posted by bobdea

"hardboards" are outdated and that there is just no need for a snowboard over 175 and I was basicly stupid to have a 190 and then started to drone on about how the new SL skis are only in the 160s

he's lucky i wasnt there to give my two cents on how the insanely short shapped skis are ruining the ski racing scene. it just isnt right when seven year olds are carving like olympians and that FIS courses are getting so technical that some guys have trouble riding them. Also, the new FIS limit of 160 min. supports this arguement. i am shamed by many of my PSIA cousins sometimes:(

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Guest Jagger
Originally posted by C5 Golfer

Mine is usually the one where the guys says "Tell me more about that square tail on your snowboard" I told him " I got tired of it falling over when I stood it up against a wall so I cut it off square on my bandsaw"

C5 Don,t be borrowin my material!:D


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Originally posted by Jagger

C5 Don,t be borrowin my material!:D


No Borrow just Fact -- I think you probably got it off of an older post I wrote years ago on the old forum... It is ok if "You" borrow my material since you are east of the Mississippi :D

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Guest lonecarver

i use to hear all those silly comments monoski, teleboard and speed board. this season i hear more comments like that's a race board, alpine or that guy must be a racer.

the best comment was at crystal on sunday after getting off the chair. i just got my back boot in my binding when two hot chicks on boards skidded to a stop in front of me and one of them says "wow awesome race board," guys that ride alpine are sooo hot. 2nd hot chick: you look totally cool just standing there. next thing i know they were both on their knees right in front of me and one of them says "you don't mind if we check out your equipment do you"? yeah, get your mind out of the gutter (couldn't help it my mind was there too). as they are looking over my boots, board and bindings and asking questions. i tell them the board is a custom donek fc185, bindings are bomber td and boots are richele. they loved the tds, thought they were really pretty, i told them to check out bomberonline. two hot chicks, my head starts to swell really big (the one on my shoulder) life is good. then off the lift comes two guys on skis, they stopped just behind the ladies and the guys introduced themselves and one of them said "thank god, the wives finally caught up to you." talk about a nut buster," i excused myself and carved away a little more humble.:D :cool:

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I will vouch for jagger..... ...he said nearly those exact words...

I've said this on before, but it's my favorite...

~is that a snowboard?


~what’s with the tail?

oh....that...well I bought this alpine board and then decided I wanted skis..sooo..I though I could cut it in half but then decided that it wasn't a good idea...so I left it like this....


(Referring to my Burner)

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At my home hill "Bear Creek" in PA. A girl lift operator asking me. I'm on my FP185.

Girl: (asking me while looking down) Is that hard?

Me: No not right now... Oh, I'm sorry. You meant riding the board. No that's not either.

Girl: (turning red) Oh. Thanks.

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Funny stuff

I just procede to tell people that I like 'em long and stiff. (In the case of my freeride soft boot board...wide too.)

Yeah monoski used to be very common. And I love it when I hear people talking about it, "Yeah this guy was wearing ski boots on a snowboard!" or "If I had thousands of dollars I would by all that race stuff!"

We started a race team at my local high school and two of the local kids wore alpine gear. Lots of fellow freestylers talked very poorly of their gear choice. They won every race. One actually rides on the Us Snowboard B team now. So I decided to convert and train hard in the gates and started winning races. I got a lot of negative feedback from others calling it the usual names. They claimed I only won because of my race board. I could not disagree that it was an advantage. But I laughed when we did the mile long course at Northstart and 2 girls decided to give hardboots a try. When they crossed the finish line they lay down and started crying holding their legs in pain. I thought to myself,"Not so easy is it?" But for my last race I decided to use my softy 156 board with low angles. I ended up with a DQ in the overall because of a minor minor gate issue on the first heat, but for my final second heat I cleared 2 seconds faster than anyone. Currently there are way more hardbooters racing in our league. Even one girl who used to talk sh$t to me about my hardboots converted 1 year later when I was her coach and took a State Championship her senior year.

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Softbooter sitting down, ratcheting his binding closed, as I'm clipping in (standing): "Have you ever tried snowboarding?"

I also had a discussion with a skier at Buttermilk who described (with humor) having to avoid all the trenches people we laying down... :D

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<b>Hey MAD1</b>

I've been to Bear Creek...I went last year when I was visiting family....not really the place for anything over 180! By the stares i got...I thought I was the first harbooter they'd ever seen! I went to Blue Mountain too...why don't you go there?

This season looks like it's coming to an end, but if you want, email me and I'll add you to my mailing list, that way if I'm ever out your way again we can hook up and ride Blue....or the Beaver!

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Mellow Yellow

Your right, not exactly the place for a 185. But I had to try it out some where. The reason I don't go to Blue Mtn more often is because it's 45 minutes away and Bear Creek is literally 4 minuntes away from my house. And between work, school, and trying to have a life, 4 minutes away just makes things a lot easier to deal with. Oh, and they also have an all evening season pass for $120. Hard to pass up. I'll e-mail you.

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Since John send me a stack of raceboarders.com stickers, I've placked one on the tail of all my boards. Now I'm waiting for someone to ask me "hey, is that a RACE board?":confused:Why yes, it IS. How did you guess?;) I love it when someone alerts me that my Burner's tail is cracked...."oh my God!I better get that fixed!":rolleyes:

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the best one that I've heard (also the one that pissed me off the absolute most) is: Ok, so Im riding at McIntyre getting a feel for a new board. Note: McIntyre is a tiny tiny little hill in Manchester NH, where people go to learn how to ski on flat ground. Ok, on with the story. I pull up into the liftline, and the two girls behind me start talking and one says to the other "What kind of snowboard is that?" And the other one replies "Oh, thats the cheap kind that nobody rides, I used to ride one until I got good and didnt suck anymore" A few runs later, I see her going straight down, no turns at all, wobbling all over the place and then she catches an edge (going straight down??) and face plants. I get up to the top and start going down, and I see her sitting there catching her breath, so I felt that my duty was to lay down a nice fat trench around her so she could see how much I "sucked". Felt that I needed to share this story.




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Originally posted by Justin A.

the best one that I've heard (also the one that pissed me off the absolute most) is: Ok, so Im riding at McIntyre getting a feel for a new board. Note: McIntyre is a tiny tiny little hill in Manchester NH, where people go to learn how to ski on flat ground. Ok, on with the story. I pull up into the liftline, and the two girls behind me start talking and one says to the other "What kind of snowboard is that?" And the other one replies "Oh, thats the cheap kind that nobody rides, I used to ride one until I got good and didnt suck anymore" A few runs later, I see her going straight down, no turns at all, wobbling all over the place and then she catches an edge (going straight down??) and face plants. I get up to the top and start going down, and I see her sitting there catching her breath, so I felt that my duty was to lay down a nice fat trench around her so she could see how much I "sucked". Felt that I needed to share this story.


most side comments dont piss me off, but when they start gettting negative i speak up

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