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Critique my technique


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My friend took videos of me carving near the end of the day a few weeks ago and I got some stills from the videos. They're pretty low quality but you can get the basic idea.

I waited till the end of the day to film these because the snow was too perfect in the morning, and I have a belief that the best way to judge someone is on less than perfect snow.

In the morning, I was going down significantly lower especially on heelside. My butt was hitting the ground almost every turn. From these, I noticed that my trailing hand needs to come forward and down.







I have only 1 or 2 days of carving left so tell me what I should do next. Be as mean as you wanna be, I can take it :biggthump

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You don't have it anywhere near as bad as the photos in the article. But your hips could be down a little more on toeside, and your shoulders more level. Don't reach for the snow. Your hand shouldn't touch the snow until the rest of you is so low that it's got nowhere else to go.

Otherwise, there is good potential here. Nice.

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My point of view is that your "inside" shoulder is too low compared to the place where your "outside" one is.

Your shoulder lean too much inside the turn (frontside and backside).

Maybe in some of the frontside shown, you are too much rotated toward the tip of the board instead of the direction that your feet are pointing to...

Just my opinion.


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thanks Pebu and tex. pebu, just ride, ride and ride. But it actually helps alot when you ride with others. I can learn more in 2 hours of riding with someone than 10 days on my own.

Jack, yeah I liked that article and I had more luck driving the hips on toeside earlier that morning. My 2nd picture shows the wrong way and the bottom picture (although the angle makes it harder to tell) i'm actually trying to drive my hip while I'm bent at the waist trying to get upright. Also, I'm trying to do that in the 1st picture too.

I'm gonna read over that article again tonight before i head out to okemo.

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Willy, thats the F2 Silberpfeil. The BX wasn't stiff enough for those conditions for my liking. Im low on dough so with wachusett closing, i'm barely squeezing in the last few days in...also finals coming up soon


Jack, I'll give it a go tomorrow. thanks:)

RicHard, i think you're right about the shoulder and I think its similar to what Jack is saying. Drop the hip before you drop the body.

as far as my rotation, on my toeside, you think I should rotate my shoulders more clockwise? right?

Tex, these pictures are all optical illusions. In reality, i have a hard time finding jackets to fit my enormously muscular arms. I also occasionally make orange juice with my rock hard pecks and abs. Care for a taste? Plus, i have a hard time hiring someone to wave a russian flag behind me everywhere I go.

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as far as my rotation, on my toeside, you think I should rotate my shoulders more clockwise? right?



I mean your shoulders should face the direction that your toes point.

Too rotation toward the tip could give wrong rotational force.


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give it up and go ski on atomics!

damn, you're getting better, looks like you like to stand tall while carving, I do too but I tend to ride better when I train myself to get lower.

I figure that you just nee more time on snow than anything else, keep it up!

Get some metal too!

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give it up and go ski on atomics!

damn, you're getting better, looks like you like to stand tall while carving, I do too but I tend to ride better when I train myself to get lower.

I figure that you just nee more time on snow than anything else, keep it up!

Get some metal too!

weebles wobble but they don't fall down

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loGJuf1X3MI"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loGJuf1X3MI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

A medieval Russian icon of Boris and Gleb




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RicHard, I think I know what you mean. I'll give it a shot. I noticed it in the video too.

Neil, I flex my knees alot when I'm on rougher or tighter trails. I like to switch off. My knees always end up draging more on the snow when I do that which isn't good for the pants :-\ Next time I have to make sure to not cargo pants.

bob, thanks man. I don't want to be that "gay skier" hanging with you and willy any more. :) My skis are for teaching people how to ski and thats about it. I stay low if the trail narrows, but I actually have a bad habit of taking up the whole trail width no matter what. Guess I wanna get good milage out of each run. If more snowtime is what Dr Bob prescribes, then I guess I should be planning on getting about 800mg of that tomorrow. I dunno bout the metal yet. I don't think my riding is to a level where I can actually use its potential yet.

Tpaulka, i uploaded a few more vids onto youtube, i'm waiting for them to become avaliable. There is one my friend uploaded that willy got.

I like to think myself as a one of those weeble wobbles things. We all are, just a little more classy, and we do sometimes fall down.

Gleb is the God of Gods in Norse Mythology i think. So i'm Zeus!

Pebu, I actually got to read your post, and I think you're right. And don't put yourself down, you have far more riding experience than I do.


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Pebu, I actually got to read your post, and I think you're right. And don't put yourself down, you have far more riding experience than I do.


Dang, You're fast... I think I was imagining the extent of any counter rotation, it just looked like in that first whole turn we see it looked like you were tryin to throw the board around. Definately looking forward to that video being ready. I've always liked watching people doing things I'm interested in, whether they're good, bad or indifferent.

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I sometimes do a little counter rotating but I try to keep it to a minimum. To avoid it, I like to practice going through a mogully area with my hands behind my back now. Or I just take out my mogul shaver (F2 Speedster) and slide right over the big moguls when it gets chopped up at the end of the day.

Video is up. My next step is to get on some steeps for some faster runs. Watching these really makes me see how slow I am compared to you guys.

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That one looked alot better.

I'd be careful on the steeps... For me when I get a little over my head, my form just goes down the toilet and I basically go into survival mode. I still prefer somewhere between steep greens and fairly steep blues.

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I'm getting to like the steeps alot more and more these days. I learn best when I scare the crap out of myself. By going out of your comfort zone on steeps, it makes you a better carver on the flatter trails. I try to just focus on linking two carves then work from there.

the video starts off all white because of the sun. I'll edit that out when i have the chance/am not so lazy.

at your request willy:

<object height="350" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrH3Lw0WO6E" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="350" width="425"></object>

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not really, you're as good as I am now or better.

metal benifits everyone, it helps us mere mortals every bit as much as it helps racers because it just plain makes the boards easier to ride in ****ty conditions. You know how I feel about Madds and my Coilers but after being on metal for awhile thats all I really want to ride, they are great to the point where you feel like you're cheating or something.

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