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Loon/WV Opening Days


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Mitch no problem, it was good to finally get some turns on that Kessler. It was too bad that there was only that one good section, then a 2 mile obstacle coarse to get back up.

Remember our group usually meets Sat/Sun at 7:45 in the PBR, you cant miss us. old, graying, grouchy, well fed, scruffy, group of A$$holes in the corner. All the guys are super helpfull and some what friendly, so stop by when you can.

ECES is coming up, lets go fhuck some $hit up ! A private ballot election is going on right now, for this years camp counselor for the road trip.

On the ballot:

a. Guy Fatha

b. Metro

c. Petabilt

d. Coach Sandusky


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A little Pats highlight reel remix from our buddy Fitzy....

Time to hit the Jackie's Packie on rt 34 in Danvaaahs!!!


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/moWnPEMx7GA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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We will have gate training saturday and sunday on lower walking boss, just make sure you show up at 7:45, so you sign the waiver. at 1pm, we will hit the west basin quad for some free riding, unless the conditions hold up on the north peak quad.

Petee, i just watched that Pat porn, i got goose bumps. Gronk, spiking the ball, gives me a pants tent. He should be in the WWF. Hopefully Ray Ray doesn't turn this into a U thang. It always seems like a Hurricane or a thug U alum gets stabbed or shot the week prior leading up to the games they play the Pats, Ray Ray and Edzo use it as motivation .

Rumor has it that the T32 cougars will be making an appearance on Saturday, T32 binge, Saturday afternoon stacking, anyone ??????????? I know Sloan and Anne are going for a hike on Saturday, but they should be able to join us in the afternoon after riding.


p.s 2012 Tinkler award is wrapped up for at least the next 2 years. I am scaring myself.


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Because I am not on the voting panel for our CPS, I can only point out some things as I saw them, just saying. So just a reminder to the committe before the 1/3 CPS comes out :

The GOOD: ( in NO pahh-ti-kuula orda )

1. Chainsaw T32 JV goon squad

2. Captain Schwartz-anator T32 JV goon squad

3. Hurricane Karina T32 JV goon squad

4. Guy Fatha surving a head on crash with a snow mound !

5. Mitch, supporting a Boston based sports team as your base layer ( Reminder the PATS are going to the super bowl, and the Celt's are in last place, because you didn't have a PATS shirt on Tommy played like $hit, your fault, its on you)

6. Fligies new boots = bee-atch slapping his Sig around

7. Irish Springs smooth as silk

The Bad: (won't mention names, but you know who you are and who you aren't )

1. Boot warmers ?? BTW not being used my the team cougars.

2. Can't bring your fiances purse on the hill with you (rule 74:B Gleb Rule) you can bring it to the mountain, but it stays in the car.

3. Can't borrow Glebs pants (rule 82:A Gleb is the only one that can dress like a crossing guard)

4. Metro warning's needed, it wen't undetected. (noone likes surprises)

The Ugly:

1. In the woods tinkering with a plate system (what an a$$hole, it was 10 degrees out )

2. Boot warmers ( I know its up above, but I dont care !)

3. Beard trimming (during a fhukkin playoff run??? pretty fhukkin selfish, your fhukkin lucky we still got the W, or it would be on you, guy..............)

4. Lack of appearances (IR members included, actually this means you. save us a table or something)

5. Lack of consumption ( we should all be ashamed )

6. Lets not forget our guy........from Nantucket !

GFY's, and a extra special GFY goes out to Joe Fuhhko, Ray Ray, and Billy with an awful last name, but thanks, CHOKA ! :biggthump


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I'm out for the weekend, and next weekend isn't looking to good either. I was in Vegas all week at the world of concrete show. Im in the fetal position on my couch due to various factors. The main factor is I somehow ended up on a mechanical bull at 3:30am Vegas time our 1st night in town. My only functioning limb is my arm that I used as my swing arm. My liver is still on full throttle, just laying on the couch my heart beat per minute is in the low 130's. My immune system is telling me it's time to have the flu, but I keep fighting that with 2-3 airborne capsules a day.

Vegas: 6 BIG DUKE 6: 0

Maybe next year my crew and I can control ourselves.

Btw mitch, good hands in the pic above. Keep working it, square your shoulders up with your knees a little bit more.


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We will have hillspace on Lower Walking boss on Saturday morning. Chappy and I will be meeting extra early for some tinkering involving a vist plate and a Kessler. I think Jewell might be around also, I know he filled in for me last weekend while I was in the fetal position recovery from my bull riding injuries. Talk about about a college professor subbing for a 7th grade math teacher !!!!!!!!

I want to change it up a little saturday, I'm going to head over to the west basin right at 8, and take a couple laps over there before I pick up the mini-goons at 9.

I hope that the WV/LOON thread was slow this week, due to pre game jitters. Understable, I have been a mess all week with anticipation for the BIG tilt on Sunday. Sunday is going to be Fhukking crazy, I'm already getting the pre game butterfly's. I will be praying with Gisele all weekend, she needs my support !

GFY'S and see you in the PBR !


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