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Loon/WV Opening Days


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Stevo, Nice sticker placement! I will put it down for carve pts.

Weekend round up:

Saturday: Ken, Andy, Greg, and Myself. We also had a guest rider from Kmart (Scott). After getting hasseled by the man on the gondi for no leashes we finally got underway. The light was flat the temps were cold but the snow was good. Ken brought his A game and was killing it. He got his NSR down Angle Street, NICE! We made a few runs on North and made our way West. We ran into MR JOHN DEERE who was out for a few runs (he had a break in his kid duty). We hit it hard all day and the chute was pulled at 2:30.

Sunday: Mojo, Myself and a softbooter friend of mine (Paul G). Mojo was there bright and early with his Alpine stuff ready to go. He hurt his thumb riding two planks on Saturday. We taped him up and out we went; the dude is hard core. The riding was as good as Saturday with better visibility. We made some top to bottom runs, a few on north peak, and some on west basin. We rode from 8 until 11:30 without any breaks.

It was amazing how few people were at the mountain this weekend, it was like riding mid-week. Stevo, there were ponies all over the place. Three Team members will be heading to Copper next weekend.

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usually when he ventures out without gretch, she puts a diaper on him for the night. at least he had is bruins bib on, so all the mustard dripping's didn't ruin his new bruins sweatpants :biggthump bleading black and gold, walpole style !

we just picked up two more seats for the playoffs in the same row as our origional four seats, so six total for the playoffs. i will > TRY < to do a T32 playoff game. ill check with the budget committee, and see if theres any room for T32 hockey jersey's obviously with the fighting straps in the back. the big guy gets crabby with tickets .

hollywood, where going to need your cps totals soon, so i can whip up the superlatives.

steve hold the fort down while where gone, once we get back, ill try to put together the 2011 T32 "controlled chaos" freestyle championships. LMP here we come you huckers ! ill bet half of those pipsqeeks have never seen anyone over 165lbs in the park before :freak3: :


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In that pic I was practicing my burnouts on the Weirs Blvd. I was a little tipsy and shocked that I didn't dump tha hog.

Not sure if any other team membas have had the opportunity to indulge, but Stevo is the worlds greatest Margarita bartender!!! The guy is a champ with the Cabo!!! :cool: I nominate him in charge of drinks at the next summer function.

Good luck at Nationals!! Hope you guys take home some hardware!!:biggthump

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"The reviews are in: today was a great day to be here at LoOn! The forecast calls for snow developing tonight, becoming heavy at times into tomorrow morning. 9-10 feet+ possible - this is not an April Fool's joke!!" yeah right gfy


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long time no talk !

saturday is our annual HUCKFEST, riders enter at thier own risk.

9am rider meeting in the pbr, followed by a quick redbull toast. then its on the hill rain or shine until 10:30am.

for those on the IR List this is a mandatory sit down. it would be nice to get a look at those pale white hen legs before they get all tanned up ! :barf:

gfy's and ill see you saturday.

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being a former player, there really is no closer bond than a hockey team. from the blood baths, long bus rides, airport delays, donnybrooks, kangaroo court sessions, HAZING, group penicillan shots, major dental work, etc,etc, you have no choice, but to learn how to survive as a group.

i have become close freinds with GUYs from all over the world. finlander's, swedes, german's, cccp's, canucks, slovaks and a bunch of mutts from the states.

this is a little too close, but they're habs, what else would you expect ?


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Stevo wasthat quote from the Hamirlik hit on Ryder when he dove & faked the boarding. Nice try guy but you gotta be in a soap to win a daytime Emmy. Fkn pathetic!

Even if the Bs miraculously come back to win the series, I won't be fully satisfied until someone lays out pk subban. Nice hack on Kelly at the end there!

Hoping to see the kid on the ice Thurs night. The pp is pathetic & needs a major help!

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2010-2011 T32 Supa Superlatives

Rider of the year : S.S "BUCYRUS" McKay Finally gone are the endless nights of tinkering and stocking other riders wondering about, stance, stance width, boots, buckles, liners, angles, heel lift, toe lift, inward cant, outward cant, degrees, elastomer stiffness, McMaster Carr custom made parts and accessories, sock thickness, or no socks at all, side cuts, knee pads or shin guards. That OCD behavior is all behind this NFL interior linebacker sized hard charger from the Iron range. Stepping his quiver up to some race shapes this year, it all seemed to come together for this modern day Adonis. he's all dialed in, without any tinkering to haunt his mind during the summer ! He plans on spending 2-3 hrs a day in the gym, starting his training at 4am everyday, then ending each day with a 2hr cardio session, either working on his agility or his endurance. Either way, this guy is going to put down some serious protein and some other behind the counter products ! Spot on Stevo, you were killing it every time I rode with you, your a fhukkin psycho, keep it up ! :biggthump

Come back Rider of the year : With not much, actually no competition at all for this once highly competitive award. Coming back from a drive train rebuild on his holster side, the uncertainties of a comeback were endless. Fighting all the residual affects of a his surgery all year, MR. BIG DUKE 6, was able to hold it together right to the end. " I did whatever I could to have myself physically and mentally prepared for every outing, whether it was doing yoga on the side of a trail, stretching in the lift line, stretching at McDonalds while waiting for my three egg mcmuffins, or electronic stim treatments, I made sure I was ready. I used whatever means necessary that I could to stay focused, even doing visualization routines to stay frosty with a guru from the Ashrams spiritual center in India ! :AR15firin

Canadian Tuxedo Award: This award seemed all but wrapped up with Bucyrus sporting the XXXL red and black flannel every weekend, I had already made the trophy up with his name on it. Then out of nowhere comes Hollywood, in a pair of tapered jeans that he got as a high school graduation present. Holy$hit then to top it off, he had the ball huggers tucked into a pair of homemade knee high sorrel boots. I looked at another GUY, and we both looked at each other saying " who the fhuck is this GUY " ??? well there he was marching in the USASA nationals pride parade waiving the New Hampshire series banner, HOLLYWOOD 90210, formerly known as GlennC. I guess the C, stood for Canuck. :barf:

Brite N Early award: Gleb, we all know you were the 1st one up every Saturday morning. Because of a minor technicality in the CPS (carve point system), pulling an all night prescribed drug cocktail binge. Then realizing that its morning, so time to load up the fish bowl on wheels, with all sorts of random's to head up north, those efforts unfortunately don't score any points on the CPS. Strolling into the PBR after the PBR's are already flowing with tomatoes for eyes, gets you nothing around here. AIS (A$$ in $EAT) in the PBR, is the only way to earn this prestigious award. Love the effort and where going to miss you next year, but get your **** together and btw, before you take off, you owe the Team about $100 bucks for NOT taking advantage of the new guys wallet, now where stuck with him, and no chaperone. So GFY and have a safe trip. The winner of the Brite N Early award goes to Bucyrus ! Early and often, that's the way the BIG guy rolls, Fhukkin A rights, Stevo ! ;)

1% : I'm not sure if we're even allowed use this badge of honor for the Former "True Grit Award". My connection over at MCI Walpole, I guess got throat stabbed by a guy with a huge "81" tattooed to his forehead when he asked permission for our use of his social clubs emblem ??? The reason for changing the name of this award is because we have no longer have any ties, nor do we want to associate with the organization called Waterville Valley country club. Seeing that True Grit is the name of the only respectable terrain at that country club, we have decided to move on with a tuffer name for this bad to the bone award. The winner of this award 2 out of 3 times it has been given out, is also know as the GUY FATHA aka Polarious ! The God Fatha of carvin wicked hard turns in the 603, for 20+ years. This GUY, gets thru every year, without injury, no on hill adjustments, equipment failure, and he doesn't even look at a razor for 6 months. The guy plays hard, surf's hard, rides hard, drinks hard, shoots $hit, drives like a Nascar hot dog, he even has flavored tooth pics. ***king rights GUY ! way to, DO IT, TO IT ! :AR15firin

It's always perfectly groomed and sunny at Waterville award, formerly known as the "Cannon got dumped on award": You know who you are, come get your hardware ! all kidding aside, you adapted well, You looked like a lost little puppy that 1st day in December, with the snow guns blowing, howling wind, flat light, and mid teen temps !! The team was concerned that your grooming expectations would not be met, and the transition would have taken longer than it did. Run what ya brung and ride whatever they can throw at us, OVA ! :argue:

Wardrobe whore Award : There is a new winner of this award, and the winner stomped the competition with the some serious color changes. In his defense, a changed had to be made. I heard he froze his A$$ off in British Columbia, and said Fhukk it ! So when he got back, he went full retard at the Burton outlet, breaking a Team rule that he implemented 3 years ago. I guess I'll just GFM with my green jacket then ! Dishonorable mentions: Gleb, I wear my yellow big bird Pj's when I ride. Mojo, the prettiest dude i've ever seen. GUYFatha, black leggings for race day ?? :1luvu:

Tinkerbeller of the year : Bucyrus had a hard time letting the hardware go for this award, this year would have been a four peat for him and this award. I thought I saw a tear in his eye, when I asked him to give it back so someone else could be honored with this illustrious badge of merit. The torch has been passed for the time being. There was some usual adjustments that had to be made early in the season, after this GUY sold his sidewinders and replaced them with custom bomber bench grinders, that wasn't bad. However, due to a bit of quality un-control, and not realizing that Bomber has produced some different length bails in the last couple years. Many sleepless "BUCYRUS OCD" nights were spent scratching his head, as to why, two set's of identical bindings would have to be set up differently with the same pair of boots being used on both sets ?? Long story short after measuring just about every part on the TD3's, it was different length bails that had this GUY stumped. But what took the cake was an end of the season boot Demo for the local Dalbello rep, that went bad, real bad ! Last week minor foot surgery was required to fix a dying toe nail along with popping a broken blood vessel under the damaged toe nail. More time was spent tinkering the last three days of the season, than this GUY had in the previous two years combined. 1st, the boots had too fit into the bindings which is very tricky with ski boots, then three nights having to completely change stance angles so there wouldn't be any over hang (not hangover maybe we should change that?) due to the longer boot. For the record, "I did this in a pair of underwear one night", because of the immense heat that gets built up from farting around with new gear in a hotel room. Needless to say, the boots fit properly after a superb boot fitting by our fearless leader Fin "Irish Assassin" Doyle, then a wide enough board was tracked down, to keep the binding angles the same. So then came the last day of the season to try to get a good feel for these things. The conditions were perfect for a closing weekend at Loon, 31 degrees, mostly cloudy, and 20% or the mountain was groomed out with 2 inches of April sugar on top of the granite glacier. In the end I think the demo went well, hey I won this award while product testing, hell I almost lost a toe in the process ! It looks like the Team might be making the jump, but we'll see. One thing is for sure whoever tries these boots out, will be in the front of the pack for the "Tinkerbeller of the year" in 2012. I guess you can GFY's, once again taking one for the team, product development, while winning yet another award under team by-laws ! :angryfire

The Mack-Chatta-Mug: This is a new award for this year in memory of ex-T32 rider and raining team drunk, Ken" its not worth getting my mug dirty if where only gonna have three beers" Mackenzie. It goes to the Team member that went above and beyond his limits on and off the hill, but mainly off the hill in the PBR. I'm reluctant to even give this award out because this was our worst showing ever in the PBR. We all should be ashamed of ourselves, and we should all take a hard look at our lack of effort in this once heralded topic for the team. We originally were noticed in the Loon public eye as a group of guys, that not only could tear it up on the hill, we could then take it to the next level from 10am-3pm in the PBR ! Now we actually ride, for almost 80% of the day ?? I'm not sure if you noticed this GUYS behavior this year, but here's how it went down every weekend, and I Fhukkin loved watching every minute of it ! You know when this GUY would peel off around 11am to meet his better half ?? We'll that turned into a on hill daily pub crawl. It started in the PBR around 11am, that would lead to a gondola ride to the top, for a quick half dozen rum-runners at the Jamaica Bar maaan ! At around 3pm, it would be time to head back down to the PBR, but not before making a pit stop at camp III, for a couple Bud Diesels. Then a romantic snowplow down brookway together. That's right I said snowplow, one would ask how do you snowplow on a cahvin bod ? You can't you can only do it on Ski's ????? The man, the myth, the legend, none other than MOJO !! :freak3:

The Seventh Player Award: Another new award for this year. This award goes out to the "glue", the "bond" the team chemistry that keeps the ship tight. This award is given out to the GUY, who keeps it going from start to finish, full fhukkin bore ! The Rocky Balboa " I didn't hear no bell " mentality right up until there's one ribbon of snow at TUCKS left. This rider could care less about accolades, its all about the team and its performance on the hill and in the bar. This will be a very sought after award once we get things back together with his return next season. He was truly missed by the Team, not only on the snow with some hilarious chairlift rides, that he always seems to have the ability get others to do the stupidest $hit, but off the snow in bar when he would constantly complain about his hen legs ! Once a MA$$-HOLE always a MA$$-HOLE ! Petee have a fast 100% recovery, and we will see you on the snow at some point next year, I garan-fhukkin-tee-it ! :AR15firin

I do have to mention a very close, almost a tie, but an extremely competitive second for this award. A new comer to the carve whatever the $hit bum groomers could throw at us mentality. This guys stepped it up big time for us in a rebuilding year, from his rigorous pre-season training sessions, to pushing the team to make it past 12pm everyday. His expert waxing advice, too harassing coarse setters looking out for his new teammates. He even came up with the CPS (Carve Point System), the CPS was a weekly report card of each riders performance from the previous weekend. It was a different approach from years past, we once used the KYDM (knock you down then build you back up method) of teaching. The CPS was new and constructive way, I guess to $hit all over someone, but it was hilarious. It was also an instrumental way to keep track of the team leaders throughout the year, and it was a huge help drumming up these superlatives. So thanks CHAPPY for joining the big club ! :biggthump

So everyone have a relaxing and rejuvenating summer, and GFY'S ! :eek:

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:lol: fcukin sh!t jd did ya need an IV fur dehydration after henpecking that out??? thanks fur taking me back to the 1%er lifestyle cus i wuz just throwing up all ovamyself reading the 2012 bored porn thread.

im gunna miss yous guys (full homo) free-sexy-smileys-938.gif

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never knew a ma$$hole had so much to say. nice job JD!!

Hey Montreal GFY!!!

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