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Gloves v mitts?


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I'm a typical girl, which reads ... I'm really cold blooded and have lots of issues with my fingers and toes while on the hill.

The toes I think I have under control. With some Smartwool socks and some new thermo liners, I'm all set for the new season.The fingers are another issue, and I thought this season I might try some good mitts and see if they're warmer than gloves.

The part that gets really cold (orange and purple and numb) is the end of the fingers from the knuckle down. The back of my hands is OK. If nothing else, mitts will give me the room to put those hand warmer packets in, right by my fingers.

Anyone have any thoughts or advice? I'm not a knuckledragger so the longevity of the gloves isn't an issue, but if you can recommend a good brand/model that would be great.

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I ALWAYS ride mitts except when Im racing (not allowed) This last season I picked up an AWESOME pair made by __________ that are made of Gore-Tex and stuffed with goose down. SOOOOOOOOO warm. When I'm racing I wear the Reusch leather race gloves, which are also wicked warm and I actually started wearing them recreationaly. The only problem with the Reusch gloves is that when the leather gets wet the glove gets HEAVY. I picked the mitts up on sale for $70, and the Reusch gloves go for about $90. Burton also makes a hell of a Mitt, I rode them for about 9 years (3 pairs). I think the model was the Tactic. They had a nose wipe on the thumb of the right mitt and a goggle squeegee on the thumb of the left, and a pouch for hand warmers in the back of each hand.

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I use leather Reusch mitts! They are FANTASTIC for cold weather, but as said above, when they get wet, they do get kinda heavy/saggy (But never cold).

That said, they do breathe well, and it is nice to scrunch my fingers up inside when my tips get cold. The only problem I am having with them is that my right hand now requires a wrap or two of duct tape; the edge of the board has worn through the palm a little bit from carrying it around.

I also use the Reusch goves on wamer days. They too, are fantastic.

FYI: I order my Reush gloves/mitts and tuning gear from ArTech.

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I've been a huge fan of Reusch leather race gloves for years (like 25 years). Last season I bought a pair of the mitten version of the same thing. I love them. There are little dividers between the fingers inside that make it feel more like a glove, I can still deal with buckles and clips fine, and they are very warm - too warm for many Tahoe days.

The only downside w/ mittens is its a lot harder to hold a smoke while riding. :p

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I got a pair of mitts a few years ago (and yeah, they still do the job) for about 40$. It is a fleece glove underliner with a kind of kevlar mitts that go over the gloves. That "combo" is a real charm for me and I just can't complain about it !

Always warm and you have the advantages of the gloves for grabbing things (or picking up your nose !! :lol: )

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From a failed attack beaver, maybe? Enough with the beaver jokes :)

Taking Neil and Justin's advice, there is a great looking pair of Gordini down filled mitts with a Goretex liner at MEC. I feel a weekend buying trip coming on...

They were gordini's!!! I can't find where I left them now, hence the blank :smashfrea

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I also get cold hands easily so I only use mitts. I have two different pairs from MEC: one for 5C to -10C, another from -10C to -40C. The warmer weather ones NEED to be waterproof!

I hate individual fingers in mitts. I find they're as cold as gloves but have the dexterity of mitts. Having one big open area for your fingers is much warmer.

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hey allee.....

given my stupid schedule of riding these past few years i tend to wear my gloves a lot! as you have discerned, waterproofing, durability, and quality insulation are what you are looking for. i know that your general riding conditions are colder than mine, and yeah, mitts rock. i give up some warmth so i can help students more readily, and i got to really test some gore-tex gloves last season. i could wear them open to close most days. and if the temp dropped into the single digits (F), then i'd don my skanky old mitts for the evening (with fleece gloves underneath. no fashion for me). leather palms tend to hold up better than most synthetic, woven materials.

burton's AK oven mitts look rather toasty. but seriously, stick to what you're thinking and find the best waterproofing possible (gore-tex comes in so many forms these days. silly chemist geeks goofing around). you can always add to insulation. and yes, the gordini's that you have spotted do warrant a trip!

hope you have a fantastic season. i expect a full report on what you discover!

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Mitts are annoying. Gloves get too cold.

BOTH ! I have fingerless gloves that have mitts that fold back.

THINSULATE makes them. Look in the "sportsman" section of the hunting area of a Dicks sporting goods or walmart, sports authority Etc...

They rawk !

Especialy if you need your hands to undo straps, or tie laces, smoke cigarettes on the lift..... whatver... as an Instructor, I tend to use my multi Tool quite often, and with mits it's IMPOSSIBLE !... fingerless gloves are perfect.


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Thin fingerless or silk gloves with mitts over the top for cold days (-15c or below). Mitts get too hot (at least, good ones do) for me, I have to take them off on the lifts to cool my hands down, hence the liners. I've never had need for the "glove heater pouch" on my mitts.

Lined leather work gloves for warmer days.

What's more important is keeping them attached to you. All gloves and mitts stand a probability of being lost which is inversely proportional to the temperature and proportional to the square of the price you paid for them divided by their age in hours.


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Huh !? Why aren't mitts allowed for racing ?


I have no idea why I just follow the rules. Nearest that I can figure is that if a mitt gets caught on a gate, you could break all your fingers and/or your wrist, whereas a finger gets caught on a gate, you snap the finger. I dunno, thats my best guess. I'll see if I can dig up the rule.

Edit: No luck digging up the rule. I read it a few years ago (2000-2002ish), they may have changed it, I just haven't read them again ;) I bought the gloves that season and have always worn them for competition since then. They have nice padding on the back anyway to cushion gate bashing. Whatever, now I look like a tool because I cited an old rule.

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