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Burton jumping on the porn bandwagon

Jack M

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Who's "up in arms?" Is this a snowboarding-wide forum and the jibbers are all muttering about us and our staid sensibilities? No

and if you didn't care, why'd you post?

As a mommy of a young rider, I personally don't want to get a board for my son that has those images on it-and guess what-I didn't

The fact is that probably a good many of these boards are going to be bought and displayed, not ridden, because that is apparently what Burton's big marketing drive is now-outfit the rich posers...

Hence the fact that about 75% of their catalogs are clothing ads

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Have some gonads people... this is snowboarding, not badminton.

Have you ever even seen a professional Badminton match? It's like tennis, only about 30x faster.

Burton is falling into the same mediocrity trap that the majority of North America's manufacturers are falling into. It has now become trendy to look like you're athletic and outdoorsy, so the once hard-core manufacturers are now catering to the masses that want to look like a hiker/snowboarder/backpacker/ect. I'm saying this in the wake of my 3rd recent North Face product failing, as I pass 500 miles in my 1999 North Face bouldering pants. Burton seems to be having the same problem.


Mercedes-Benz Om642 Engine History

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Cornish Pasties that is...


Wish we had them in MN. Steak and kidney pies or scotch eggs would nice too. I get get fed up with fast food or subs for lunch.

Mmmm, pasties... just got back from visiting my relatives in the UP, had to have a couple.
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What the thread is about - is using porn to market to teenagers. And just like when K2 started their f*** authority campaign I stopped using any of there stuff. Not my thing.

While porn may have it's place in the world - it is not something that I have to support. And I even like some of it. But not on my snowboard subjecting people to it that may not want to see nearly naked women at their family ski area.

Blah blah Burton is marketting to teenagers. Maybe our sport would be a little more popular if we didn't get up in arms about crap like this. Have some gonads people... this is snowboarding, not badminton.

Yeah yeah yeah... I'm leaving.

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While porn may have it's place in the world - it is not something that I have to support. And I even like some of it. But not on my snowboard subjecting people to it that may not want to see nearly naked women at their family ski area.

I'm all for nearly naked women at ski areas. Maybe we should have a thread about where to find those...

:D :D :D

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the guy with the nude on his board makes certain to shake the snow off so everyone in the lift line can see it. You can also bet everyone on the hill is going to be happy to see the dork with the nude board wipe out.

Many years ago, I put a "s**t happens" sticker on my kayak for the image value. Needless to say, it was tempting fate and a lot of s**t happened and it was to me. Things seemed to get better after I took the sticker off.


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I'm all for nearly naked women at ski areas. Maybe we should have a thread about where to find those...

:D :D :D

In Tiffindel ski resort, Eastern Cape, South Africa!

But you need to time youre visit to the closing ceremony of the National Championship / Snow Festival, normaly held in July or August. Depending on how much liquor has flown, you'd see various levels of female or male nakedness on slope or in the pub (or skiing from slope directly into the pub without taking the skis off). I have seen girls skiing only in g-strings and masking tape stickers on nipples, and man with only a sock on his thing.

Various other entertaining things can be observed or tried, like drinking vodka shooters while strapped in set of skiis fixed to the ceiling, etc.

The fun factor still doesn't make up for the very limited facilities/slopes of the resort. But hey - it's the best in Africa south of Marocco. ;)

As for the nudity on snowboard - what a heck? It is ok on TV, magazines, cartoons, beach. We are all born naked. Plus, nudity, even provocative, does not mean porn. So, if they have market for it, let them be. No one is forced to buy the product, or even to look on it. Only comment - they didn't do to great artistic job out of it, but that's just my opinion.


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As for the nudity on snowboard - what a heck? It is ok on TV, magazines, cartoons, beach. We are all born naked. Plus, nudity, even provocative, does not mean porn.

Okay Boris, you're telling me that if you had small children that you would have no qualms about owning such a snowboard? Or that you wouldn't be the least bit annoyed at the guy riding one who slides up next to your kid in lift line?

So, if they have market for it, let them be. No one is forced to buy the product, or even to look on it.

Actually we are forced to look at it. At least once.

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Okay Boris, you're telling me that if you had small children that you would have no qualms about owning such a snowboard? Or that you wouldn't be the least bit annoyed at the guy riding one who slides up next to your kid in lift line?

I have more problem with children being bombarded with violence than nudity. Make love not war. There's so much nudity and sex around that a snowboard does not make any difference. And it is not "a porn board" as per enciclopedia definition. I'm a bit anoyed by double or false morall so present today, especially in North America. I can bet that every one here has watched some porn, at least in teen years, and sudenly a poorly done cartoon on a snowboard is a big deal?

To elaborate even further: Ancient Greek culture is believed to be the root of Western civilisation. Greeks walked around mostly naked, and depicted naked figures in their art (still unsurpased in purity, as trusted by many critics). Actualy they depicted even real porn scenes (but you do not see it in regular school books). Rome spread somwhat bastardised Greek ideas around old Europe. Fast forward, entres the Christianity, Rome falls and West is bound for 10 centuries of darkness. No nudity tolerated in this period. Fast forward again, Italian 15th century brings us the Reneissance. Art, culture, poetry, and science blossom under the influence of Humanism and revived Greek ideals. And nudity is ok again - check the art history books.

Todays fundamentalistic branches of various religion are oppressing the free spirit (just like the most governments do, too). It is simple - by accepting the nudity (and love making) as natural, and educating the children in that manner, it stops being taboo and therfore it becomes less interesting, thus need for deviant forms (porn) should deminish. I personally do not have a problem with my own, or someone elses nudity, in private or in public.

As for my children, I hope to educate them in the natural way, before they get the twisted ideas from TV, porn magazines, moralising hypocrits, Big Brother governments, etc.

So, again, I wouldn't mind having a snowboard with a nude figure on it, but I would like the image to have the artistic quality. Burton's is poorly done. But that's just my taste. And the tastes and aesthetics are another topic all together...


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