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Analysis of this month's Transworld

Jack M

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I'm wondering with Lowell...where does that description of alpine come from in AASI? I've read alot of their stuff and never seen that description. I've had beers with many of their examiners and members and never heard them put down alpine.

Also, how many of you have been laughed at and made fun of directly by kids in soft boots because of your gear? Just curious, because I've never seen it happen. They may not be informed about plates. At my local mountain, carvers get respect from the park kids. They respect our skills, and we respect theirs.


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Riding rails/jibbing never really appealed to me, even though I came to snowboarding from skateboarding. But, I have great respect for people that can do amazing stuff on rails, just as I respect people laying out beautiful carves all the way down the mountain. Personally, I'm now focusing my efforts on the carving side after spending many unsatisfying years learning aerial tricks.

You definitely do not need a mountain to snowboard! Just this weekend I was at a local resort with 350 feet of vertical. You can make a lot of carves from top to bottom with that little rise. It sure would be nice to have longer runs, but that simply isn't an option for me without a 12+ hour drive or a plane ride.

I will agree with everyone that TWS is a worthless magazine. I don't even have the urge to flip through it if I have to kill some time at a newstand. No content, just ads!

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I find transworld to be essentially a Maxim/FHM for snowboarders, which again is basically the male equivalent of Cosmopolitan/Vogue magazine

Vhat are you friggin nuts? I have learned more about america and how to survive from dis magazine alone! I mean they actually teach you how to do stuff, like blowing stuff up.... How to get even mit people, best chick bar advice...how to keep from getting fired!... man its endless!... Its the only magazine that has **** to read on every page! instead of just looking at pictures! and they keep doing it month to month!

I learned about all the parisites that live in ;your body and the worst wuns to get! .....Man so much interesting stuff,

Its loaded with the most street user advice money can buy! and the girls ain't bad either. Except now I expect every girl to look like that! What wrong with that!, I think they all should!

BTW FHM this month! Girls of the X-games,,,,,NiCE!:)

Finnally a magazine I read instead of all the pictures.. Every page filled with pure enjoyment!

your Straight right? :eek:

Right said Shred

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Guest Mark Jeangerard
Originally posted by jlm27

I'm wondering with Lowell...where does that description of alpine come from in AASI? I've read alot of their stuff and never seen that description. I've had beers with many of their examiners and members and never heard them put down alpine.

I've heard it three times from two different examiners in the context of official AASI clinics. On two occasions, each of them stated exactly that (and a bit more) to the entire clinic. The third time was in a private discussion on a chair. Again, during an official clinic.

Perhaps it is a case of examiners stating personal opinion instead of AASI policy, in which case I am mistaken.

One of them claimed to be instrumental in the design and philosophy of the new Snowboarding Manual. He told me to my face, and 7 other faces, that the "Y" model was to have one of the 3 arms removed. The carving arm. In that I am not mistaken.

But I hope things have changed.

Originally posted by jlm27

Also, how many of you have been laughed at and made fun of directly by kids in soft boots because of your gear? Just curious, because I've never seen it happen.

Me either.

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Guest Mark Jeangerard
Originally posted by Lowell Hart

Even though you heard this during an official AASI clinic, I don't think it is AASI policy to dismiss <I>any</I> aspect of snowboarding.

Which is exactly why, if you can imagine, I find the idea so dark.

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Lowell Hart- just a short note to say thanks for the Book you wrote on snowboarding, btw which does not dismiss any aspect of snowboarding.

I've gotten at least 20 people to buy your book- which I'm sure is small compared to instructors that reccommend it. Your model of illustration and example in the book really hits the mark.

Please if you would, drop me a note at johngilmour@rocketmail.com I would be greatful for some advice on a project I am working on.



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Guest J Randy

I’ve been involved in a few of the past manuals and AASI has nothing against hard boot riders and they certainly have nothing against carving. There will always be people that are short sighted and say things out place as it appears your examiners did. Hard boot riders make up a very small percentage of the snowboarding population, that in its self make them an easy target for people who like to give others grief. As AASI an examiner I never had a problem with riders on any kind of equipment; only when riders tried to use their equipment as an excuse for lack of skill. Ride what you like, don’t worry too much about what others think.

On the other hand, if you are an instructor, your mountain, supervisors, or cliental may suggest or even dictate what style of equipment you need to be on. I wouldn’t try and coach a high-end race client in soft gear any more than I would be involved in a halfpipe camp on a race set up.

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Guest Mark Jeangerard

Hey J

Thanks for the boost. I think we are in the same area, New Mexico, right? I get the feeling that NM is severely seperated from AASI influence. We have no mountain reps, I'm getting no newsletters, the website is less than helpful... I would really like to meet you on the snow and pick your brain. What AASI offers is of the greatest value to me, however, they have been a little short on delivery in my neck of the woods. At my area, no one has a solid view of what AASI is or what the latest trends are. I would love to learn more about how you are kept up to date.

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