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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. My parnets sent me that video. The guy wants $1500 for one. Good idea but for $1500 i can train a monkey or dog to do the same.
  2. snowboarding in the rain is the best. But only when its still cold out. The falls are more forgiving and the carving is still good. Have fun guys.
  3. :lol: I have the 157 and love it. My friend is carving in it in softees and is in love with it too. Good luck.
  4. Gleb

    Break through day-

    exactly! find a summer hobby to pass the time. I got my kiteboard, now I need to buy a kite. pebu: I'm with you on that except i was a skiier before. Willy, did u ever take your skis out this season?
  5. Glad your having fun. Tomorrow temps will reach 50 so bring a bathing suit if youre gonna go. It will be really forgiving snow so if you can get up to speed, carving will be easy, and so will falling. I got class so have fun and good luck
  6. Gleb

    Break through day-

    funny you mention digging the nose of the board in because thats exactly what i did. By the time we got to the 2nd mountain, it was a nice 35+ degrees outside. One of the 2 trails with snow left was the mogul run which is fun. At the bottom, i was carving and all of the sudden i was slammed down and in a position my body wasn't ment to be in. I'm suprized the nose of the board didnt snap but my shoulder pretty much did. From then on, I had to keep leaning back and i felt like I was water skiing in all the slush. It was so much fun but a huge workout. I'm already looking forward to next year.
  7. Gleb

    An ebay auction

    i think i might jump on this and just pick it up. I always wanted a slolom board for those days where there are so many people, you cant even see the snow from the lodge. thanks for pointing this out. edit: actually, I got plenty of boards. If you want, i can buy it and ship it anyone that wants it.
  8. Gleb

    Break through day-

    I just had the best week of riding in my life! Everyday I experienced another break through with something in my technique. The best was when I was at loon on friday and I got to ride with a couple of guys that ride there all the time. Riding with them completly changed my style in a matter of an hour to suit degrading conditions better. Before I was going for the euro carve while now i'm doing the more racer style. Its all about droping the hip fast and keeping one or two hands over the edge of the board. I still would drag my hands sometime and by the end of the day, i destroyed a sweet pair of gloves. Duct tape works though. My heelside is stronger than my toe, which was never the case. Thanks guys Hopefully we can drag this season out for a few more days. Dr. D, I'll definitly be ready for Big Mountain in time for my next spring break.
  9. met another sit skiier the other day. He was an instructor and was extremely modest. He knows hes the best skiier on the mountain that day by far.
  10. defintitly wachusett. the indian summer trail is good for getting yourself used to the edges of your board (if you never snowboarded before) and challenger is perfect for doing the norm. Its where I learned. Tell me which day you're going to be out there and I'd be glad to ride with you.
  11. I love fresh groomed trails and usually make the first lift if I go to okemo. It feels so weird carving on fresh cord, im just not used to that much hold. Almost ended up in the trees one time My technique has improved so much in the past few days. My spring break started there and I was doing ok, and it also ended there, and I was able to kill the turns, especially heelside! I can use my GS board in trails half as wide as before too:biggthump tires me out fast though.
  12. On friday I got to ride with some guys at Loon and they told me to just drop the hip as fast as possible to the snow. I got to practice this all day today at okemo and my carving style changed/improved more in one day than it has all year. The faster you drop the hip to the snow, the sharper the turn. I just improved my heelside to being better than my toe. I also learned on friday that its good practice to keep both hands (i feel more comfortable with just one) hovering above the board edge instead of bringing them forward. I feel kind of off balance if I use both hands but when I nail it, i can definitly feel the difference. This gives you the ability to apply more pressure with each turn. I'll try to get a picture of what I mean tomorrow.
  13. i was at okemo today with my friend whose an instructor there. It was around 36*F at the summit but the snow was so easy to carve in. What a great day though. After spending a few days at the steeper parts of loon, I see that okemo is way too flat for a good carver, still good for me though.
  14. it takes alot to make me quit for the day, especially after a long drive, and at that point, I'd just say F that.
  15. Today at Loon mtn. in NH we had some godly carving conditions. Me and my friend dave were heading to our favorite carving trail and a guy in a sit ski just flies by us laying down extreme carves like nothing. He was blowing everyone away. I talked to him a bit and it turns out he has Kevin Bramble's model which i guess is the best you can get. I met Bramble at the screening of the new Warren Miller film and that guy is no joke. Cam, the guy we saw today he was able to easily lay turns that I was just dreaming of with full control, even over some bullet proof ice patches. Just giving credit to the sit skiers. Some of you are insane! Keep it up.
  16. you guys are crazy. The vasaline trick i heard is great. Sorry, i forgot to put up the screenshot i had, its up now. It was definitly a glitch. Tuckermans looks inviting. It was a beautiful day out and i think Loon has the best carving trails in the area. It was like -8 at the top but no wind at all, which was unreal. What a day, my legs are killing me! 5 days of straight riding and 5 more to go.
  17. i've been in a -30 with the windchill but thats ridiculous. I think its a glitch or something because these places are only 2-3 hours apart. Whats the coldest temp you guys and gals have ridden in? edit: oops, forgot the picture.
  18. Maybe I'm just too used to smaller mountains, but my regualar mountain now is waterville valley since with a little bit of gas, i can get there in less than an hour and a half from boston. I went to okemo yesterday and it was my best carving day in my life. I've never been on trails so wide open and snow that held so well. It is true that there weren't too many steeps, but it all suited me perfectly. Many people from upstate NY go there because its like an hour and a half away. Its also one of the easier mountains to get to from CT because all you do is shoot up 91. I think its like 2 and a half - 3 hours from CT. Also, i got to ride for free since my friend works there:biggthump I probably will get an okemo, stratton, sunapee pass next year since those mountains seem less crowded than the American Ski Company mtns.
  19. Mark your calenders because March 14th is a special day. Since last year there was no notice, this should give everyone some time to prepare. For the ill informed, Steak and BJ Day is a holiday that compliments February 14, which is Valentines Day in America. On valentines, it is mainly the guy who gives the chocolate, card and flowers followed usually by a nice dinner and...well, I'll let your imaginations run wild. March 14th is simple. The woman should cook a steak (no steak tips. They are the razor scooter of the meat world.), and give the man a BJ. You can do that in any order you'd like, perhaps at the same time. Enjoy! http://steakandbjday.com/
  20. I don't see them being far away from being able to take off from the ground. Having a personal helicopter would be so much cooler. I'll stick to carving for now though.
  21. that guy is most likely banned from owning any super car ever again.
  22. they better be running scared. more room for us to carve :)
  23. I like the wood grain flame idea. If that doesn't go well, just go for a picture of me.
  24. it happend to me this weekend too with my Silberpfeil. Came over a roller and it dug right in. I don't know how i didn't wipe out but the trench ended up being so deep that it was still there hours after it happend. Now if I can get in that deep into the snow when I want to... Glad you're ok though.
  25. Gleb

    Break through day-

    you mean one of those mono boards, right?? When I was getting into alpine, i actually went to my shop and they had a magazine with a new vokl they couldve ordered for me...for like $600+. no thank you.
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