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Everything posted by bschurman

  1. It appeared that in the final run after breaking his board that Jasey was on a Kessler board. Not sure but there was writing on the base and I don't think that Bruce puts any die cut writing on his bases. Maybe it wasn't even his board. Jack, when was that interview? I didn't catch it. I have the race on my DVR except for the begining when the Patriots 5th quarter was on. ->Ben
  2. It's for the pair. You get one for each boot. They are new, never used. ->Ben
  3. I have a new in box 3 strap race Booster strap for sale. $30 shipped More info here: http://www.bomberonline.com/store/boots/acc_booster_strap.cfm ->Ben
  4. I am selling my Coiler AM 177 with the 21.5 cm waist. It has a stiffness index of 7.6 and was built for me at 195 lbs. I had Bruce change the biax fibers in the glass so that the board edged better then a normal AM. It has about 15 days on it and is in exccellent condition. There is also a PTC tune on the board. Pictures are located here: http://www.bogeydog.net/pics/album17 Looking for $425 shipped to lower 48. Email me if you are interested. ben -at- bogeydog -dot- net Thanks, ->Ben
  5. I have two pair of Thermoflex liners for sale. Both are size MP 27. One pair is new in the box and completely unused. The other pair, the right liner is new and completly new in the box. But the left liners has been molded once but has never been ridden. I am selling them becuase I determined that I have the wrong size for my boot. New pair - $110 + shipping Left molded pair - $90 + shipping email me if you are interested. ben -at- bogeydog -dot- net Thanks, ->Ben
  6. It's an M5 so 5mm and I'm not sure of the thread pitch. Probably 0.8, I know that M6 is 1. ->Ben
  7. If the boots are new then there is no need to remove those tee nuts. Oh yea. Use the screws that came with the INTEC heels. Not the ones you took out of the boot for the standard heels. They are a shoulder bolt and will not let you get the proper torque. You need to use the fully threaded ones. If you want, you can replace the phillips head ones with 4mm hex head ones. Much nicer! Part #92290A242 at www.mcmaster.com ->Ben
  8. Looks like my old Wombat plates would fit in there. You can tell if it's a Burton compatiable format by checking if any of the triangles in there are 42mm apart. If they are then you can use a Burton binding on there. ->Ben
  9. How old are your 413s? The tee nuts that are in there may have sunk deeper into the plastic on the boot. The 413 is a very soft boot. If that is the case then you need to knock out the old ones and put the ones that came with the INTEC heels into the boot. I use one of the m5 bolts that came with the heel and thread it into the tee nut a little without the heel in place. Then gently bang on the head of the bolt with a hammer. This will push out the old tee nut and you can then "seat" a new one in there. Do this for both heels and there shouldn't be any more gap. ->Ben
  10. Indy's come with the Tee nut pre installed. No need to use the supplied ones with the Intec heels. Just the m5x20mm phillips bolts that come with the Intecs will be needed. ->Ben
  11. There should really be little to no slop in the heel when setup properly. I have some heels that when out of the binding have a small amount of movement in the pins but when I am steped in, there is no movement. The ramp as well as the pins are used to distrubute the weight. There has been some talk on the board here about looseness in the binding on pupose but I think that is playing with fire. Do so at your own risk. ->Ben
  12. The first year TD2s had slightly different sized base plates. However, now both the step-in and standard have the same base plate. You can tell the difference between the years by the radius on the front and back. In the picture above you can see there is a concave radius cut into the plate and the first year TD2s had a convex radius. ->Ben
  13. Yes, the stock liners suck. I replaced them on mine with Termoflex liners sold right here on Bomber and I now have the best fitting boot that I have ever had. Buckle them in the morning and never touch them until I take them off at the end of the day. Remeber to use an insole too. Very much needed in any boot. The stock insoles are terriable too. ->Ben
  14. Well, the guts are different. But the cable can be removed from the left heel and put on the right one. The outer mold could be swapped too if you took the guts out of the right one and put them in the left heel. Essentially making the left heel a right heel. See the attached picture. It's from Scott Firestone at The Carver's Alamanac. ->Ben
  15. If you have the factory liners in those boots get rid of them and get some Thermoflex or Intution liners. You'll be happy you did.
  16. I don't think that Willy is saying that he is part owner of Winterstick. That is from the Winterstick web site history page here: http://www.winterstick.com/history.php
  17. I think that the fact that you are even questioning it is enough to get new heels and receivers. I broke my leg in October and if all it cost me was $85 to able to snowboard right now I would do it in a second. Is your safety not worth $85? ->Ben
  18. But I only broke my Fibula. I am thinking that the plate won't be too much trouble as right now the swelling is down quite a bit and the aircast and air stirup that I am using for support dosen't seem to bother it too much. So I think if I just make a little pocket with some bootfitters foam and reheat my Thermoflex liners in that area with a heat gun I'll be set to go. I'm not there yet, gotta get the stength back in my leg and some more rehab but I think I'll be there late Feb early March. The attached picture, although not my ankle, is pretty much what I am looking at. I am also planning on having my metal taken out as soon as I can. I am told that I have to keep it for a minimum of 6 months. But I don't want it in me any longer then I have to. I'm not a fan of metal in the human body. What is the recovery time looking for your husband? With a Tib/Fib break I would think that it would take a while and then he could have the metal taken out before next season, heal up and then no bootfitting problems. But I'm no doctor. ->Ben
  19. I would suggest <a href = "http://www.superfeet.com/content/blue.html"> these</a> from Superfeet. You can get them pretty much at any ski shop or online if you want. Tognar sells them as do some others. I am going to be trying out <a href = "http://www.itsyoursole.com/"> these</a> once my ankle is fully healed. I'll report more on them once I get to try them out. But I have used the superfeet insoles and they 10x better then no footbed at all. You need the footbed as a starting point to get your foot/leg in proper alignment. Once you have that foundation then you can go from there should you have any other issues with the fitting. ->Ben
  20. Geoff, I got ya. Check your email. ->Ben
  21. What does BNC stand for and no looking it up? That would be cheating. Oh, and don't forget to use longer bolts to mount the base plate to the board. TD1s use 10mm use at least a 12mm. ->Ben
  22. I just wanted to post and let everyone know that I have done business with Raceboarder7 and all went well. Item was shipped in good time and as described. So for those that are questioning him there is no need. ->Ben
  23. They are fine with Intec. You'll have to use the tee nuts that come with the Intec heels and the 20mm phillips screws that come with the Intec heels are the right length too. I have heard that there are problems with the TD1 step-ins but I have not confirmed this. The TD2 step-ins work fine however. I would also recommend that you put tee nuts in the toe pieces as well. This will really make them solid. I am currently working on instructions on how you can do this for your boots. ->Ben
  24. I just saw this movie and I have to say that it was as intoxicating as Dogtown and Z-Boys. Which was Stacey Peralta's other documentary. I recommend everyone checking out Giants if you have not already done so. Both movies are great and of the type that you wish they just won't end. There is one quote from Riding Giants that I felt was so apropos for all here. The ride itself is such a bitchin deal, so rewarding. It becomes so important to you that it becomes the object around which you plan the rest of you life. Steve Pezman editor surfer's journal
  25. And I'll post some pics about what I did and the parts I used soon. I'll try to get them up on my site today. If you switch them around that much I would highly recommend changing them out to the metal tee nuts. Are you a patroler out at Vail? ->Ben
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