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Everything posted by bschurman

  1. Is it going to be Molson Export? That would be the best.
  2. Sure can. You will need two parts. The first is the actual tap and its part number is: 8305A57 and you will need the tap handle. Its part number is: 25605A63 Both parts can be had for under $10 and it's a great addition to any toolbox. I can't tell you the number of times that I have used it. ->Ben
  3. Randy, I bought the Transpack about two seasons ago and I love it. It has all the room I need when I go from the parking lot to the lodge with all my stuff and I just hand carry my boards. I usually have two or three with me at a time so a pack that carries a board would not work there. But being able to put your boots/gloves/helmet and your lunch all on your back with comfort is great. They are a little pricey but I think well worth it. Also, get the larger model that you have pictured in your post. It has just a few more features that are real nice like the hip strap and a zipper to the middle compartment. It also has a way to remove the backpack straps if you wanted to too. ->Ben
  4. You can get them at www.mcmaster.com and the part number is 92125A238.
  5. Thank you everyone for the replies. I am feeling much better now. Your thoughts are most welcome. This is exactly what I needed. I am feeling much better about it now. I am headed to Sunapee tomorrow to get some riding in and I think that will be the best medicine. Thanks again for posting. ->Ben
  6. I just needed to vent about this since I am so mad right now. My wife got home from work last night to find the front door winow in our house smashed. I called the cops and it was a break in and those bastards stole all of our stuff. I lost 3 computers, my Nikon D70 a sentimental Pentax Spotmatic, all of the lenses for them. They took my 2-way radios. My wife lost a diamond ring, a diamond necklace and they stole a box off my dresser that had nothing in it but some letters that she wrote to me about 10 years ago. They also stole my bowling shoes and my new candlepin balls that I got from my wife for christmas. Now all my pictures are gone. My music is gone. All my stuff is gone. It will be covered under insurance but some things can't be replaced. The good news is that no carving related equipment was stolen. All the Coilers, MADDs and TD2s are all still safely in their racks. But they did take a pair of my Burton gloves and another pair of winter gloves. The other good news is that they didn't hurt my dog. So I still have the most important things to me. My wife and my dog. I'm just so mad. I wish that a. I had caught them and b. that I had a .50 caliber hand cannon so that I could have waxed their sorry asses. Acutally, maybe a .22 would have been better since I could have tortured them. Has this happened to anyone else on the list? If so did your anger subside after a while? Thanks, ->Ben
  7. Pedros Syn Grease or other comparable product on the ramps and pins will help slow the wear. Also, getting out of the bindings is a two step process. 1. Pressure down on the heel of the foot you are trying to remove. 2. Then with the heel pressing down, pull up on the cable and then and only then pull the boot out of the binding. If you are just pulling up on the boot at the same time as you are pulling on the cable you are putting undo stress on the receiver heel. (I want to thank Bob Jenney for the above tip.) ->Ben
  8. Nope, none at all. I've used both types, so get either one. ->Ben
  9. I haven't had any failures on mine but I don't have that many days on a set yet. I always carry at least another set of cables with me to the mountain but more often then not I have another set of heels with me in case something breaks. The only thing that I have heard breaking is the cables. If the cable breaks you can't get out of the board unless you take your foot out of the boot and then you have a big ol' wet sock. I would also suggest that you keep the pins and the cable lubricated with a synthetic grease. I prefer Pedros Syn Grease for all my binding bolts/Intec ramps and pins. One modification that I can highly recommend is to replace the phillips head screws that hold the heels on with an M5 x 20mm stainless hex cap screw. Much eaiser to torq properly and you won't strip the head with the hex wrench. You can get them on mcmaster.com. It's part number 91292A128. I know that Jasey Jay races on the Intec heels so I would think that they are at least somewhat durable. Just make sure that the bolts are tight before you go out everyday. ->Ben
  10. They are all the same. They are manufactured by F2 and resold by Bomber and Catek. They are a little different from year to year but mostly the same. At least they are the same material from year to year. ->Ben
  11. Get a Mac or use FreeBSD. I use a PC with Windows all day at work and I have had windows PCs for years at home. I usually use FreeBSD for everything else at work and it's the best server out there and it's also free. But windows sucks and all these little things that you need to download to protect yourself seems very self serving. I think MS creates spyware as I also feel that Symantec creates viruses so you need their apps. Maybe we should spend less time in the seedy part of town. That said the best Unix out there is Mac OS X. Stability like you wouldn't believe and all the apps that you need too. Word, Photoshop = yup. You want cc, gcc, or any of the GNU tools? Got those too. Samba lets you play in the windows filesharing world. What more could you want? Plus they have hands down the best GUI running on top of the Unix kernel. I know it's a bit more money then a PC but viruses, spyware and all the other lovely "features" that you get with windows are a thing of the past. But these are all just my opinions. ->Ben
  12. The bindings have been sold. Thanks, ->Ben
  13. Fin, sorry for your losss. In my short life I have never been without at least one dog and I know how attached you become to them. This is my current big baby, Bogey.
  14. bschurman

    Need FP 135

    See <a href = "http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3522"> here </a>
  15. If someone wants your MADD they are gonna get it. If you have a lock on your board it's going to prevent it from being taken by some casual theif. Not too many people carry a 5mm hex key on the mountain other then carvers and if someone stole your MADD that carves, I think it would be a damn shame. I use a simple retractable Dakine lock through the bindings to prevent someone from "walking away" with the board. Other then that I just hope that someone doesn't really want my boards. I can also put the lock in my pocket when I am on the hill or lock another board to the rack so I can have a couple avaliable for quick use. ->Ben
  16. If you would like, you can buy the short plates from the Catek site and try them and see if you like them and then sell the long plates here or on the Catek Forum. You could also try the long plates and see if you like them before you buy the short plates. ->Ben
  17. The differences between the long and short from the Catek web site. <b>Short | Long Plates</b> The Short Plate is ideal for smaller boot sizes (<10US) and lighter (<180lbs) riders. The 3/8" thickness provides a more forgiving ride than the long plate. The Long Plate accepts all boot sizes, and its 1/2" thickness provides the most powerful ride on the market. Riders weighing more than 180lbs or with a boot size greater than 10US must use the long plate.
  18. I have a pair of Olympic Step-Ins for sale. They have been used for literally 10 runs. Not my cup of tea. So how about $220 + shipping? email me at ben -at- bogeydog.net if you are interested.
  19. I would stay away from Mt Sutton. It's a great mountain but not for carving. Unless things have changed in the 15 years since I have been there, the glades are great and most runs have moguls on them. I don't remember a ton of blue cruisers up there but then I was on skis at the time and wasn't looking for that. ->Ben
  20. That's strange. To the best of my knowledge there is no helmet law in New Hampshire. I see motorcyclists go from the border of Mass to NH and take their helmets off all the time. But I don't ride a motorcycle so I don't really know. If I ran the world, nothing would be illegal as long as it harmed no one but yourself. This is included your children. You harm them and you face the consequences. However, that said I would also have very harsh and enforced laws! I think we already have enough laws. But if they were only enforced. But then most call me crazy! ->Ben
  21. Sorry about that it's the big one. Size 28 and larger.
  22. Boot bag is sold. Race kit still avaliable. Lowering price on race tongues to $50 w/shipping. ->Ben
  23. Thanks for the pointers. I finally found them on McMasterCarr. They are under tee nuts and not t-nuts which throws off the search engine over there. Anyway, they don't have stainless in metric so I am going with the zinc plated ones and I'll hope there isn't too much corrosion. Thanks, ->Ben
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