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Everything posted by D.T.

  1. D.T.

    Wide Foot

    Agreed. Head is my choice for my wide feet. A talented boot fitter will be able to stretch the Raichle's though.
  2. AMAZING!!! Hard to believe he went from a freeskiing competition in March '06 with both legs functional, to his first day back on skis with an above the knee prosthesis in December '07. It looks like he will be tearing up the mountain again once he is dialed in.
  3. As stated above, a little heat is your friend. Heat the stomp pad with a hairdryer enough to soften the glue, then peel off with your fingers. Base cleaner or goo gone will remove any remaining adhesive from the topsheet.
  4. no offense to anyone is intended [rant on] people get over your f#$king selves!! This thread reads like a bunch of bickering old ladies! You know the saying, opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one and everyone thinks everyone else’s stinks. Next thing you know, everybody’s going to grab their rulers and brag about how long their “member” is. Isn’t the point to get out and ride?!? Ride what ever it is that you want to ride, whether it’s you 1990 Burton or your brand new metal Coiler that just showed up yesterday. Guess what? I ride a board that is different than yours. I ride with my bindings at different settings than you do. I wear different boots than you do. Guess that means that I can't ride as good as you, right? Who gives a rat’s ass?!? Do what works for you! Each and every one of us are different, we demand different characteristics from our gear. Ride what you like, regardless of what it is!!!! Try other equipment when you have a chance, that way you know if you are still happy with what you currently ride. Go to SES, ECES, OES. Ride with people other than your normal group of friends. Are the new boards different? Yes. Are new boards better than old boards? Get on one, answer the questions for yourself! Experience life and riding to its fullest!! Less bitching, more riding! [/rant off] thank you and have a nice day :D
  5. talking to yourself again pc??? :D
  6. Can't help you there, I went Thermoflex.
  7. I have seen lots of questions from riders new to hard boots, wondering if they should come or if they will fit in. EVERYONE, REGARDLESS OF ABILITY, IS WELCOME TO COME!! PLEASE JOIN US!
  8. With a BTS kit, you can tune the boot flex. I carve and ride bumps in my Heads. If it is really gnarly, I switch to my Tanker and softies.
  9. I'm 210lbs and use the Heads retrofitted with a BTS kit. I have been using the Heads for 4 or 5 seasons. I like them better than the Raichle 325's I had previously. I will buy Heads again when it is time to replace my current pair.
  10. ding ding ding ding dingAs usual, Bordy has the correct answer. The Spearhead is a nice replica of the Dupraz.
  11. Done, then to be followed by a couple pints
  12. sticker on the tail of the board says "Pure Race;" thus, it appears to be a Coiler that has been defaced with a Burton sticker
  13. e-mail sentalso descriptions: big mario - big guy, red helmet, brown jacket, black pants pc - opposite of mario, brown helmet with yellow realistic looking flames, green pants, jacket depends inkaholic - black everything me - yellow and white flamed helmet w/ visor, black pants and jacket if snow is soft, ink and i might be carving in softies
  14. I'll be there both days; sorry, can't help with the carpool though. Saturday will be a BIG, fun group: big mario, inkaholic, pc denver, tony, tinkerbell, brandon, me, winter park crew?!?, justK?!?... Should be a fun day, lots of ability levels. As pc denver put in the other post, watch the weather and bring the right board for the conditions.
  15. No. Lack of proper preload is the number one root cause of fastener failure. Translation - if the heel moves, that means the bolts are not tight; hence, you are more likely to experience bolt failure. Bolt failure = bad
  16. He did it for us last year also. Bola is da man!
  17. it's not my faults that TVR is a freaking twinkee, not that there's anything wrong with that! The forecast does not say much about new snow. Frankly, I don't want any. The HOT wants to make its debut before the Donek arrives.
  18. you might consider switching you cants and running the 3 deg. in the front (with toe lift, not heel) and the 0 deg on the back. It should help your weight be more balanced between legs.
  19. There will be at least four of us. We will be in the lodge, upstairs by the bar, if you so up early. Otherwise chairs 1, top of 2 or 6.Don't be shy! Newbies are always welcome.
  20. Come on now!!! It's half as stiff as those FP's that snowman rides. Man up!!:D Since he doesn't turn, flex does not matter. :D He rode it. It think he was busy admiring his reflection the whole way down the mountain. Conditions were so-so and I don't think he had enough time to get dialed in on it. I am guessing it will be at Lovey on the 19th.
  21. Your input would be appreciated here I don't see your girlfriend in that pic? Don't tell me I spent all that time stroking her for nothing?!?
  22. Good topic tex! This is a thread that us Clydesdales should update/keep alive. Considering metal boards are "relatively" new, there might not be much data available about the longevity of metal boards for heavier riders. Thor should be able to provide some data as well. Here is my info: - 210lbs in my birthday suit - Riding an SG 178 Race T. This is a production board, not specifically made for my weight. - Ride "race style" = aggressive [read: I have no problem decambering a board (pic1 and pic2 )] - Only have ~7 days on it so far, so I do not know about the longevity - Board is snappy and will pop me airborne if I stay on the tail transitioning out of a turn. - No issues to date
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