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Everything posted by D.T.

  1. Well... as the infamous bpc has said: Loveland, it may be cold, but at least it's windy.
  2. IMO, it's all about having the right tool for the job at hand. I typically swap boards during the day as conditions change. I like large radius turns, I like small radius turns (but I do not like green eggs and ham, sorry). My quiver has been really dynamic as I have focused in on the characteristics I like, want, and require. SCR's for my current alpine boards are: 9.7m, 11.5m, 14m, 16m, 19m.
  3. I'll call you tomorrow - carpool?
  4. just don't cross my tracks buddy! :D welcome back
  5. I'll be there both days. Shelly will be joining me on Sunday. hopefully not in the same manner that you did two weeks ago!?! :D
  6. Yeah, it's just great. Wandering around this foundry is uhhh... exciting. Haven't seen much daylight. Saturday cannot get here soon enough!
  7. Shelly said she saw someone with a red jacket, black pants and a black Donek yesterday. I figured it was you. I was too busy hopping a plane to Alabama to get on the mountain. :( Give the Lovey crew a heads up next time you plan to go up. Dustin
  8. Several:1) Tanker 2) Tanker 3) Tanker and oh yea, Tanker
  9. 160cm Hot Blast 24.7/19.4/24.5 9.7m SCR You've seen it. Its the yellow and red one from Bola's. It's still in plastic. He brought it back from France a while ago.
  10. Thanks to everyone for the offers, but I have purchased a slalom board.
  11. I made the "not-recommended" modification to my non-Deluxe boots in about 15 minutes. See Mike T's response. With a punch and hammer, you can have the pins removed and the BTS kits off both boots in about 30 seconds.
  12. D.T.


    DB - Nice response to Steve, especially since it is in reference to his wife. WTF??? sadly, he has not figured that one out yet He has made about the same number of friends on MTBR. sounds cool!
  13. x2I love my TD2's, but the BTS kit is the best Bomber product I own!
  14. Dat means yo big ole head woodn't fit tween dem trees! now back to your regularly scheduled program...
  15. What model? Was it just the length that made it difficult to ride in the tight trees? Would a softer board have made it easier? Seems a little short for good flotation. IIRC, you are a member of the "Clydesdale" weight classification (not a slam, so am I). I have found that I would rather error on the side of too long than too short.Just remember, going from a 182cm (Prior @ Mammoth) to a 175cm board, you are talking about a difference 7cm (2.76 inches). IMO, I do not think that that small amount of length would have made any difference for you on that Prior. There has been only one time that I found my 192 Tanker too long for tight trees. Then again, I had less then 6 inches total clearance between my shoulders and the trees.
  16. I had a 180cm Donek Tucker (freeride). Specs: 24.1cm waist, 12.3m SCR, 3mm taper... Great board! I was riding it with SnoPro's and Garmont Ski/Mountaineering boots. I bought it to use as my back country board, but I just don't spend enough days hiking. My preference would be to do something a little stiffer. Probably like 182cm Nyberg AX. I think it would be a sweet ride! Maybe keep the nose width, decrease the tail width, resulting in an increased SCR with some setback. I am also intrigued by the Dupraz D1++. Maybe after I kill my current Tanker.
  17. PaulK - thanks for the response. Guess I should mention that I am looking at a slalom deck, the 6.0 (160 cm)
  18. Anyone have any experience with this board? I found a few older posts (2004, 2005 time frame) but no real reviews. TIA
  19. I'm not a Burton fan, but the specs are intriguing. What year? edit - Oh yea, is this the stiff or soft version? (I presume stiff based on your size) Define stiff - what boards are you comparing it to? Have you ridden an RT163? If so, how would you compare? I weigh ~210lbs but like a board I can drive hard and get some feedback/response.
  20. I want to add a slalom board to the quiver. Something in the low to mid 160's. Prefer to avoid capped construction. Must be suitable for a heavier rider. Willing to pay a reasonable price. Let me know whatcha got!
  21. which is likely the only reason that you did not get too f%&ked up ;)
  22. Only minor damage on the outside of the shell - a couple of minor scuffs, a roughed up goggle buckle, and a damaged goggle strap. I did not remove the liner on the inside to check the foam for crush damage. funny coincidence that The Clash is one of his favorite bands, probably second to Social D. big mario won’t be able to tell you (he cannot remember much from yesterday late morning/early afternoon) and no one else saw it.Here is what I can tell you: Mario cruised the catwalk around from the top of Lift #1 to Mambo. I dropped down through the steeps and bumps to the top of Mambo and sat down. Mario came by, railed a big toeside and buried the nose of the board in the soft stuff. He sat there for a minute with a big a$$ed grin, shaking the snow from his goggles and helmet, as we have seen many times before. He popped up and started down Mambo again. At that point, he was masked by trees and a roller. I sat there for a minute longer, waiting on ink’ and John. They didn’t show so I popped up and started down after big mario. A few turns down I buried the nose and went down in the middle of the run. Ink’ and John went by at that point. Ink’, John and I met-up where the trail forks towards Homerun and the base. I looked around for Mario, surprised that we was not there waiting for us. After 80+ days riding with Mario, we would always say something or make a gesture as we passed the other signaling that we were going ride all the way to the bottom. We rode down to the base. Mario was nowhere to be found. We could see his car, he was not there; he was nowhere. At that point I knew he was in the trees and expected the worst. My mind kept racing, thinking about Ink’s run-in with some trees several years ago where he wound up in the hospital for 12 weeks, then there was Tilledog’s incident with the trees a couple years ago. Ink’, John, Jeff and Shelly made a lap looking for him; I waited at the bottom. They returned, no one saw him. Ink’, John, Jeff and I made a second lap, looking for tracks headed into the trees, while Shelly waited at the bottom. No sign of Mario. Shelly tried calling Mario for the third time. At that point I decided it was time to walk over and ask Ski Patrol for help. Before I got away, Mario answered his phone, he was out of it. Patrol had found him and brought him down the hill on a snowmobile. Patrol was giving him the once over. He was sore and very disoriented, but able to communicate where he was. I would guess that the total time from when I saw him on the hill last to us walking into the Patrol building was 20 minutes. Mario’s bp and pulse were fluctuating so Patrol decided to send him down the mountain in an ambulance. He called he when they were a couple of blocks from the hospital. It was obvious that he was himself again. My guess is that Mario got locked-in on an edge, don;t know which, and launched into the trees. Based on the timing, I think that while I was picking myself up after burying the nose, he was probably directly behind me, 20 feet away, in the trees. To this point I am still sick to my stomach knowing that he was in the f%&ing trees and I/we could not find him. :(
  23. So does All Boards Sports (Bola)
  24. Maybe there is a trick to making a Titanal slalom board, but Kessler and Nidecker both make them. Call Chris and ask him.
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