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big mario

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Everything posted by big mario

  1. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Yea, I got a little sassy there for a bit, then I hit that grooming ridge, at speed, at the apex of a toeside, with that fully loaded tail... I was not expecting to be launched like I was towards the woods at 30+mph, luckily I got the board down and into the snow before mass carnage, and chunka chunked to a stop. Gave me a whole new level of respect for that board. looking forward to that 8... Checking my shorts when I got home revealed that i had not sharted, thankfully
  2. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    8RW heading this way in a bit
  3. That was awesome, watched it on the big screen. It hit on lots of the reasons I mainly ride at Loveland and have had a pass there for close to 20 seasons now, I think it's still family owned, and has the "little area that could" vibe to it. I am always amused the nfl chooses to do promotions featuring parker the snow dog and our lil' podunk resort (compared to the monsters further west) on Broncos game day
  4. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    We have 2 more visitors for sunday, FNJ Guy Kneel will be up with his son in tow, looks like we could have a good sized crew, we'll have to get a few people to do buddy passes. Things should be riding nice by sunday, maybe a bit on the soft side mario
  5. The riders there have more soul and style and are not driven by image, marketing and advertising hype but that’s just my cynical, jaded opinion mario
  6. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    10x10 Another Wicked Pissa day at the Love today. The grooming crew did an outstanding job of beating the limited natural and manmade snow into submission, It was firm, grippy, and phucking fast. Crowds were really lite, and no ski team stragglers. The Geofle and the Andrewganger were out, but we were 180 degrees out of synch with them, thankfully. When 007 said she was heading over to the newly opened 6, SVR was game, but Ice and I were skeptical. Turned out we were about to hit midseason, and not first day open groom. No manmade bomb proof boilerplate mixed in with marbles, babyheads, and deathcookies. Predictably, we made a mess of things in 3 runs, and had to retreat back to 1. Spillway Roulette, and Mambo were sublime, the lower parts of lower Richards could use a refresh, unless you want to convert your edges to magnetraction Lite crew today Hil, Ice, Sandy and myself. Rumour has it that our favourite western slope Kook will be joining us next week Mario
  7. Lovey just opened roulette and 6 for the season, and three will open tomorrow, that should put the state up to at least 9 runs... I have to say, the groomers at the love have been doing an exceptional job at pounding the limited natural and manmade snow into submission, everything has been riding really well lately, though the lower off camber double fall line part of lower richards has had a few sharks pop up lately. Forecast for the coming week is looking good for some replenishment in the near future Mario
  8. good work on applying what you have been given, with those flapping wings, it sounds like you are off to a flying start (yuk yuk!). Time to add one more thing, on your toesides, start adding in "six checks" every 4 turns or so, more if you feel the need. I'm always amazed at how quickly a straitliner can close on me when Im carving. Glancing uphill every now and again can help you keep an eye on the wannabe olympic downhillers coming at you at mach schnell,and help mitigate your chances of a catastrophic collision. Heal up, and keep us informed on your journey mario
  9. If you're looking for pow, yes, if you just want to make some groomer turns, it's a little lacking in variety, but doable. I think I have 7 days in at this point, I already lost count even though I still have 10 toes yet to use... It's kind of a typical early season, and I haven't needed a rock board
  10. lots of really good info here, try not to let it blow the top of your head off. I will add 2 things, and keep it simple: Soft legs, keep your knees slightly bent to act as shock absorbers, and get your center of gravity closer to the edge of the board, rely on your musculature for support and not your skeleton Exaggerate your movements, there has been many a time where I am thinking i am moving up and down like a piston in a stroker, only to see myself on video and i am barely bending my knees
  11. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    let me know if you need a place to crash
  12. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Wicked Pissa! Black friday Thanks to MR. JOHN DEERE! for joining me on Friday. Despite having to wait for the princess during his need to get dressed in the lodge, juice box, pee and makeup adjusting breaks, we still managed to get a good solid day in before the kookfest ramped up and self-preservation kicked in and we pulled the pin at about 11. We got strafed by Andrew and Devil Mike a few times, as well an Andrewganger . As if the Geoffleganger wasn't enough... A few straggler ski teams made an appearance, but nothing like last Sunday Spillway had a narrow groom on it, with some severious bumps on either side, and there was lots of dirt was showing at the bottom of Richards on riders right. we be needin' some replenishment Sunday Joined again today by MR. JD, and his Sweetie, Alex. It was a full on eastcoast reunion day, with expats Ice, Hil, and myself out desecrating the hill as well. Grooming was sublime, Spillway was wall to wall, no marbles, though they could spend a little bit of time eliminating some of the undulationage. The thin spots on Richards were addressed as well, reopening the fun, steep, off camber goodness under the lift line. Ice, It was awesome to see you ripping it up on my old monster, almost made me want to buy it back. JD, awesome watching you ride as always, I could pick out Coach Inky's influence on you as you came down the hill. Hil, good solid , ballsy riding by you, I had to work pretty hard at times to stay out in front of you. Tank, nice solid riding, I really enjoyed meeting you, and your sense of humor is awesome! Rode three of my sticks in the last few days, The skinny monster, the JJA, and the thirst. Impressions, in order: Plush, calm and stable. Nervous. Violent. All different, and all fun in their own way Mario
  13. put your wax in some hot water for a few minutes to soften it up, then crayon it on. Iron it in and brush. no waste, and no scraping. Thats how Kevin, Derek, Dustin and I have been able to make our hot rod race wax last so long mario
  14. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    The only one of my kind today. Snow was pretty awesome on Mambo and homerun today, a touch on the firm side on Richards, not quite ready for that yet. I managed to get 5 nice clean runs in before a case of lowgrade randamonium broke out, and gaps became a little less frequent, and shorter in duration. I quit after 7, I didn't feel the need to push it since im back up tomorrow, and again on Sunday. A short, sweet one, now to help with the final preparations for Turkey Day Happy Thanksgiving, I hope to make some turns with some of you tomorrow. Mario
  15. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    It may snow, so don’t forget your boot wax…
  16. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Highs on Thursday in the low teens and windy. Not puff weather, but close
  17. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Hey JD, Dont forget to pack your fur lined rhinestone studded gayda and mitts, its gunna be a little chilly during your visit GFY Guy, Mario
  18. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Yeah, I'm on the fence about that, the cahr Bahr beer selection was definitely more betterer, but the warmth, wind protection, lack of people and the Telluride Ski in Ski Out Stout is working for me at the moment. loose that, and add more people, and I'm good with staying outside. Another fun one today with a good, solid sized crew. Only one more week of ski teams,. It hasn't been as bad as in the past, but it certainly is nice to be down to the normal amount of obliviets, and not have to deal with a bunch of entitled ones. Snow was pretty awesome today, close to mid winter on catwalk, mambo and home run, no one has hit spillway yet, and reports from the just open lower Richards are of lumpy groom and severiously firm underneath. Joining in the Festivities today were the usual suspects, 007, Ice, Coach Ink and Mr. E(for day one)Svr and myself, with irregulars(for this season anyway) Slopestar and Katie stopping in for some early season turns. I retired the traffic cone look for this season, and have opted for some winter weight, heavy duty water repellent insulated Carhart bibs that remind me of my spyder coaches bibs that I had a few seasons ago. Paired with my new glowing bright red jacket, I look a little like a patroller. If it keeps me safe and warm, and not looking like a traffic flagger/cone, I'm a happy camper see you next sunday, mario
  19. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    Day 2 another good , albeit short one today. Snow quality was much better as was viz. Made a few good turns before it got busy and torn up. I know it was a good one because I occasionally found myself drifting into my quiet, introspective state while sharing tales of awesomeness and beers post ride in the Rat Joining the festivities today where Dennis, Ice, 007, SVR and myself. A good day was had by all, as we continue to build our fitness and hone our skills for the rest of the season, and look forward to more snow and terrain opening up mario
  20. Odd Job and I both ride at high altitude, with occasional crazy winds. My typical layering starts with a light base layer, more often than not wool, but both capaline and silk work as well. From there I may add a light loose fitting fleece layer, or slightlly heavier depending on the temp. I have a light thin north face puff, and finally my outer layer, which has been a tightly woven(see Duluth trading Co's Alaska Hard gear) soft shell. Recycled soda bottles have proven to be fairly water repellent ( as well as abrasion resistant) without the excessive cost of goretex. I keep my down isolated from water by the other wicking layers underneath, and the weather protected layer on top. Invest in a light and mid weight balaclava,with good coverage for your neck, it will provide a quick and easy way to modulate your body temp without having to change your layering. Remember to keep your layers loose to allow for air to get trapped, too tight will have the opposite effect, and you will freeze you ass off
  21. It’s a crap shoot. perfect example, years ago I was putting together window bucks in the foothills at 9000’ in the middle of winter on a south facing deck in a tee shirt and jeans. My compatriots on the north side of the house framing where in full coveralls huddling around a fire barrel shivering their collective asses off. That said, you can’t go wrong with multiple weight base layers, a good shell, and a down puffa. At Lovey, your vehicle is within a 10 minute walk, even if it’s in the far reaches of the lots. Get a locker, watch the weather forecast and have fun mario
  22. big mario

    Yo Lci!!

    No masks outside. 2 min lift lines so far. Yes and yes. No need for a cahr bahr, The Rat is open. Food service is a $hit$how See you in a few weeks guy, GFY
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