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big mario

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Everything posted by big mario

  1. for the '79 fcII. I love the 11.2 sidecut, it lets me turn 'em big or small, it doesn't complain too much in crud, and is stable at speed. I don't think you could go wrong with the '79, but I am biased. mario
  2. Tanker oversize 187 for my 5-10 1/4 240lb frame, wide enough for softies, but a hoot with plates. In softer stuff and crud, I don't leave trenches, I make berms. The 9.5m side cut makes for some really fun turns, and you can still open them up. A great all mountain board, I giggle every time I ride it. mario
  3. my calves were screaming/pleading for mercy when i had them in,took them out and life is all sunshine, lollipops, and sh*t mario
  4. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: you a funny guy mario
  5. I've seen him on a construction fence by D.U. in denver for a while now, and I was wondering if that was kenny with the white gotee ?? mario
  6. Would love to, but it's pretty much weekends for me mario
  7. I was the one who put it in the snow bank, it was the end of a somewhat trying day for mike, but it all ended relatively well, albeit a few days later. mario
  8. Bullwings, go to an osteopath and have an mri done immediately, this may be far more than a simple sprain, especially if the inside of your ankle is very tender. I have done this and did not go to a docter and now have very limited movement. P.m skatha about this particular injury, she has had to have surgery on her ankle because of this. Not trying to be alarmist, but do not mess around with this. mario
  9. yea, 42 bucks or so, about 8 bucks off, you might be able to do better at king soopers mario
  10. There may be another mini session in the works in the near future. mario
  11. On a heelside turn, reach in the direction of your turn with your backside hand (left hand for goofy, right for you "normal" people out there). This will square you up and hook you up. mario
  12. 187 wide tanker, 179 freecarveII, 177 woody axxes. mario
  13. 8:30 am lift 1. should be a nice groom with the 9" of new they got yesterday and 2 days of compaction :D mario
  14. playin' hookey tomorrow and heading to lovey if I-70 is open, looks like it's tanker time! :D
  15. turn :rolleyes: Merry Christmas All! mario
  16. this might be comin' your way:looky here
  17. and this is what I woke up to today:
  18. You can have some of ours, just finished shoveling a foot and a half, with another 6-10" on the way overnite. mario
  19. I have a sd 400, It is a pretty rockin' little camera, and it'll shoot suprisingly decent video with sound for as small as it is. mario
  20. I can't recall, but I do my edges right out of the box. I think it might have something to do with my obsessive personality mario
  21. Go axxes, support local builders! I love mine, ten days plus on it. :D
  22. update as promised, rode hard today, not riding on sunday. fun day today,dt and i shot some video on my canon sd 400. I have some learning to do there. mario
  23. Snowboardsfast went to a guy in englewood to get his new boots fit, unfortunately I don't remember his name, Larry has gotten some big time press lately in skier and the rocky. Try pm'ing snowboardsfast, I'm sure he will be much more help than I was. mario
  24. I have a limited classic 160, minor delam by the tail collecting dust in my basement. It's a freeride board, with an emphasis on free. mario
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