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Everything posted by boarderboy

  1. for US delivery, using an existing PayPal account. I have previously purchased board/boots from BOL'ers Thor VonRippington and "Thump." I will be out of town through the 27th and can finalize arrangement when I return. Second email sent. Many thanks
  2. Re: Who are these Lakers and Celtics? Just wonderin.... I think I understand now. Rugby, minus (some of) the physical contact, and the (pumpkin shaped) ball. That it?
  3. but I'm really eying the Marin MuirWood 29er as a fast, lightweight city commuter and greenway fitness ride. I have no idea how to size it, though (I'm 6'). Its smallest frame begins where most bikes top out... enjoy
  4. they're predicting a regional "cool down" to "normal" in a few days. Showing Asheville in high 70's, low 80's two weeks out. Hope they're right. Enjoy!
  5. ENJOY IT!! A Bermuda High has parked its sorry ass over the Southeast. 99 today and 100+ tomorrow in piedmont NC. Bloody high humidity, too. Dangerous stuff, this. simmer...
  6. "... I've noticed over the past several years that the denim stuff that they make is highly regarded by the elder farmers in my community. Makes me smirk everytime I see a mid sixties/seventies guy wearing jeans or a jacket with Quiksilver's logo..." Our generation came of age with true, targeted marketing. The P.R. wonks flogged us mercilessly with Hang Ten, Jantzen, and a host of other "in" brands. Forgive us our need to remain "current" and relevant...
  7. http://surfermag.com/photos/flash/north-carolina-08/ OB not tourist-filled yet. Hope BV scored some of this...? cheers BB
  8. check out the new mucho-expensive Sigma compact that uses the huge 14MP full RGB chip of their new, super-expensive SLR. Near-SLR versatility, superb image quality, big zoom range, and portability in one easy-to-access package. Yummy! I'm correcting myself here. The Sigma DP1 camera does indeed have the fabulous Foveon image sensor, but it also has a fixed, 28mm equivalent lens. That said, it takes ferociously great pics up through ASA 400 and is no slouch at 800. But at $800 street with a fixed lens, it's a real niche camera.
  9. Not sure how appropriate this board/manufacturer/vendor is, but a certain well-known co-op that was founded in Seattle has a 172cm directional freeride of the noble S-M lineage, by the B maker, at a scrumptious sale price as of today. Wish I had the dinero. At this price they won't last long. cheers BoarderBoy aka AlpRider
  10. Your inflation-adjusted two cents is right on, and most appreciated. My Sector-9 is coming out for the summer, as is my HUGE, antique Payaso SurfSkate. (I'll probably have to carbon-reinforce the latter to handle "old man" bulk). Regardless, it's gonna be fun, healthful, and get me in good shape for an 08/09 winter when I'll hopefully buy a "real" snowboard to augment the "Yugo's" I've driven for 20+ years. I'm sure the new stick will be better in every way, but the days probably won't be any funner, nor the memories any fonder. And if I have to postpone my new toy in favor of the the bigger board my son now needs, the laughs will be no less hearty! Thanks again for your great post!!
  11. Not sure about those steel edges in the brine, and flotation may be suspect, but it is an Asym. Since I'm told it can't possibly perform well in the fluff (my experience notwithstanding), maybe a go in the surf is the answer. I'll let you know and post pics, KC... Willy - I've ridden spongies for many years now. Maybe if I succeed in building a soft version of R Stewart's 13' 9" Dragonboard, I might safely ride in the same break with you..... ?! Mahalo
  12. tpalka - email sent. cheers
  13. my single Hawaiian "surfing" experience during a too-brief Navy stopover. "Bodysurfing" Makapuu - dodging the Paipos, the lava, and the very coarse sand... When we left, had to break the locked rental's window to get to the ignition switch, which held the keys, which...
  14. It was late at night, and the prospect of summer miasma (80 F here today) had me addled. Beautiful though it is, Blacks is definitely an Off Topic or Summer Carving item. Sorry Mahalo!
  15. Try this! http://surfermag.com/photos/flash/blacks-ghighlia/
  16. Anyone know how much this board went for on Ebay today? Thought I was "watching it," but apparently not. Thanks
  17. Unfortunately, my wife sometimes follows up on my BOL wanderings. and she' a stickler for the truth...
  18. I feel... so uninspired.... You make me need, You make me need, You make me need a nat-u-ral snoman! You make me need... Apologies to Aretha and to all who're desperate enough to be reading the Off Topic component of a hardboot snowboarding forum with the approach of the Long Hot Summerrrr..
  19. Took me 12 years, including two out for the Navy. Applied for Social Security and tenure while still an undergrad. Denied on both counts. If I hadn't married, would still be in school... in total denial...
  20. 90% current time spent trying to keep son in Middle School. long-term, hope to get him through high school and into some kind of post-secondary education overseas, if he's so inclined. then I want to re-retire to a cold clime with little traffic, lots of snow, some vertical, at least a few lifts and some decent groom. I then want to board til the end of time or until I die - whichever comes first (unfortunately not original - "cribbed" from Robert August, Endless Summer II) his Valhalla is Costa Rica...
  21. The snow will surely return. Hope Bordy does, too.
  22. Anyone know if the Junior Plate binding takes the standard Burton center discs? Thanks
  23. and the response is instructive. "It certainly does sound like I've stirred the collective pot re: the B word. From glancing at other posts helping rookies gather info on appropriate board sizes, I think I'm starting to piece things together. But feel free to chip in. At 5'8", 160 lbs (muscular!), I'm a fairly agressive rider. The ultraprime I demoed was a 165. Its owner said I was a natural. From my trace and measure job, 26.5 boot (approx. 8.5-9 mens US). I was thinking something in the 160-165 range..? The student budget will certainly govern options. As pretty as the custom fancy-pants options are, I will be looking for a well-loved garage sale beater. Keep the BURTON brainstorm fired!" GO, NADIA!!
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