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Everything posted by Mr.E

  1. I agree with OS in concept, but have to be leery. Most "pros" aren't. If you are mechanically inclined, have a modestly steady hand, and are willing to do some homework, I suggest learning enough to work on your own kit. There are a few folks in the country i'll hand gear over to, but generally have seen enough horror shows that I'm skeptical of "shop tunes". Maybe just the cynic in me, but squirting glue is something I'd rather do myself. Edit: I'm no master shop hand either, but I know what t expect from my work, and know when to stop if I'm getting in over my head, which hasn't happened yet.
  2. Awesome! Come on down with your camera and you can spend the day fillming me before flying across the country hitting all the rest of the carvers I would love some video of me riding, I think that would help loads! I'd down with counters, but the titles could be done away with. Not that I base my opinions of someones comments on the number of "bump" threads they post. I'll agree with others comments though, compared to many a message board, bomber is generally polite and helpful. I'm a sarcastic SOB in real life, and I don't mind the terse posts. I've only been offended by one email from one poster in my whole time here, and he's generally referred to as a stand up guy, so I let it slide. Rather then change anything, lets keep doing what we already, generally, are doing well.
  3. It is now :( Like I said, sucks. Good luck tracking it down.
  4. Are you saying that after noticing it outside, you then waited 15 minutes while doing something else? I in no way think that means you "deserve to have it stolen, but I can't think you would be surprised by it? I teach all my kids that snowboarding is about being self sufficient, meaning carrying their own tools, knowing when to go in for water, and what to do with their boards... Still, I feel for you man. I've had stuff stolen off my deck when I lived in a apartment, but had to take my share of the responsibility there.
  5. Great post Bryan! I used to post regularly on the old forum with ORCarve. I've always been on the financial fringe of supporting the sport, but worked my butt off trying to promote it in a grass roots style. I have huge respect for what Fin has going on here, along with Jeff, Dave, Billy and Adam with their sites . I got turned off to the forum when there was more discussion about personality then riding (right around the time Curt, Eric et all took off). After a couple of seasons of mostly lurking I'm making an effort to come back into the discussion. We're adults (mostly), and I think we can both act like it and choose to brush off what we don't respond well to . After about 10 years on an alpine board I'm no expert, but I'm happy to help folks who can use it, and know enough to shut my yap and listen when someone with better insight decides to speak up.
  6. Way to cheer a guy up :D I'm 26, modestly fit, and my injury was no where near as bad as your friends (sounds like a PL tear, way more scary then what I did). I'm glad she's climbing! Oh, and as long as the pain is less the next time (of which there is a 10-40% chance of now), I think I'll be ok
  7. I dig that these guys from 94? are riding upturned tail boards with 23cm waists. Whats old is new, eh? No wonder they can't turn, their knees are together :rolleyes:
  8. Don't quote me but... I'm pretty sure they are Intec compatable. The heel at least follows the same pattern, though you may need to drill your own cable hole. also think these are a 3 position foward lean. Its been a bit since I've seen Blax boots, so I'm i wrong, oops
  9. Hey guys- popped out my patella laterally about 22 days ago. At least I can claim workers comp Anyway, I'm out of the rigid posterior splint and into a soft J brace that pulls the whole mess inward, but lets me walk (sort of). I'm fairly sure I ripped my MPFL, but its glued back on enough to get out of the rigid. Anyway, my PT starts in a week, and I'm jonesing for some info on what PT means for this injury, and what heel time and back to the board time might be. Has anyone done similar? Any thoughts? Hoping to get back in time to hit the WTC for a day, but, we'll see
  10. No affiliation, but these folks have just what you are looking for: http://hardbooter.com/shop/index.php?prodid=59
  11. Its not a big hill, but its groomed well, is fairly fast, and you generally have the hill to yourself. I had a Monday only season pass there last season, and was kicking myself for not buying one this year until I blew my knee. I'm not sure it would be the only mountain I'd buy a pass for, but with the ability to purchase single days and add to them, I think its a great option if you live in the valley. Great BC access as well.
  12. Mr.E

    Alp 163 Freecarve

    SOLD pending payment. Thanks John ;)
  13. I can totally relate to that. I just choose to retire while I'm younger and work when I'm older. My plan certainly has its drawbacks, but it has its advantages, too. No, I mean it, thanks to all the folks willing to work in corporate hell. Even hippies like me can't deny living the good life, in part, because I have the option on hoping a plane half way round the world for a fairly reasonable rate (somethig i couldn't do if everyone was on the hill).
  14. Errr.....http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=13041
  15. hahahahahaha- you guys have jobs that suck. I get to play with kids all day, on the snow, and get paid for it. Now, when I say "paid" it's probably just enough to get some of you thinking about waking up in the morning, but my mortgage is getting whittled down. All I have to say is THANK YOU to all of you guys willing to put up with sh!t I never would so that I can enjoy a fairly care free life OUTSIDE of an office and not stuck in a cubicle. You guys rock
  16. Why burn any snowboard when you can just jig saw the crap out of it and turn it into a $100 longboard? Thats what I did with my asym "park" board...
  17. Mr.E

    Alp 163 Freecarve

    Pic! OBO means you can let me know what its worth to you
  18. What do you consider "powder"? For cascade cement in small amounts (up to 4"), I stick with a general carving stick. For wet or dry powder up to about 6-8" I'm on my Incline or 200 AM if the trails I'm on allow it. For anything over 8" I see no reason to ride anything other then my 185 undertaker. All depth numbers o out the window if I'm skinning BC on my Voile Mtn. Gun 171 splitter. If I could afford a 195 split swallow I'd have one.
  19. Current alpine boards: 141 Mistral Pace, 155 Prior WCR, 164 Hot Shine, 164 Burton FP, 185 Coiler PR and a 200 Coiler AM. I choose based on the snow contiotions, what type of riding I think I'll be doing, what hill I'm headed to and what folks I'll be riding with. I default to the Shine to teach on, the 155 to ride with my wife, and the 185 if I'm out on my own. Everything else gets hit mood dependent.
  20. Thanks guys- After reading the Dirt Rider reviews, I ended up going for the Web afterall. If it turns out to be to long for my boots to fit, I'll likely return it and exchange for a Cell. My main concern with the cell was all the extra lacing and chaffing. I'll let you know how it goes when my knee is game. Yesterday my thigh was as big around as my wifes waist, and my knee was the size of my other thigh. Today everything is down a few inches, a trend I hope will continue.
  21. Just dislocated my knee today on the hill. Along with hoping the nausea from the meds passes, I'm looking for hinged knee braces with some knee padding. i think i may be able to get work to kick in some for it (as it happened on the job), but am looking for something reasonably affordable, that doesn't run so low it screws the fit of my Raichles. The EVS Web looks sweet, but is out of my price range. Any options or opinions?
  22. Cool beans- I'll take a set of the alum 3 hole. If you have the 4 holes, let me know. Also, let me know about bails, clips and blocks. Shoot me an email and we can work out the details.
  23. Looking to pick up a set of BTS units. I'm about 170, and generally ride with open adjusters or the back boot in powder mode. I'm thinking Blue, but is that going to be a big stiffness difference from powder? Dbating going with yellow, but I have no idea what Bomber considers "light" vs. "medium" weight for a rider. I guess I could call them :D
  24. Am i the only one who doesn't mind the zip ties? They never slip, I can micro adjust without actually undoing the buckle, and I haven't yet broken anything. I never much cared for the metal buckles on my Reactors. My Crispi "real buckles" are ok, but I don't feel any diffrent with them then I do with what I have. That said, the new ones look rad.
  25. Length is by no means the deciding factor (alone). The longest boards I have ridden are a 200 Tanker, 200 Coiler AM, 195 Coiler SuperG, 190 Rossi WCR, and my daily driver (when there are less rocks) 186 Coiler Pure Race. Oddly enough, I jumped from 164 to 186 without ever owning something in the middle (at the time), and took the 195 and tanker for a spin a few weeks later. The 190 I had for sometime when my quiver has about 4-6 boards from 182-190 (sold most of em off for an engagement ring, totally worth it). The tanker is easy to flip around. It is wide, fairly flexy, and reasonably damp. I think the old one had like an 11m sidecut? It did take some time to set up in turns as its fairly wide. My big 200 Coiler is stiffer, narrower, and has a 13m sidecut. Way less forgiving with a smaller sweet spot. Fun on the right day, but not a daily no brainer like the Tanker. The longer front end takes more oomph to bring around, and all that real estate in the back can get caught up on moguls, bumps, etc. 195 Coiler was damp as hell, had a 17m sidecut, and loved to lay it over. It also liked to lay it over with a much more down hill perspective, and had loads of taper to help deal with the back end and the high turn radius. 190 Rossi rode like a 180, damp and soft. It took almost no effort to ride the thing well. Odd exception to the longer takes more work theory. 186 Coiler is similar, but more lively (despite being very, very quiet). I can crank this thing around reasonably easily, but it still has a trail narrowness limit (for comfort). Sure, I can deal with cat tracks, but for really narrow trails I want to carve across, its not necessarily ideal. I'd say take a realistic look at where you ride and the conditions. Is it hero cord with wide trails? Ride anything you like. If you ride narrower trails that get choppy, then boards over 185 start to get noticeable quickly, generally based on a combo of lenght, sidecut, stiffness and dampness. It seems silly for a daily ride to go that big without real reasons and comparison. I don't think your size has a ton of influence here considering you can have any size flex made to match. For comparison, my quiver goes down to 141cm. If you are in a position to own multiple boards, go for a huge beast, they are a fricken blast, and given my druthers, I wouldn't ride anything else. Thats said, conditions crap out, powder happens, crowds happen, I get tired, and I ride trails that contain narrow patches, trees, moguls, etc. I think a solid freecarve in the 168-180 range with a decent flex and a modest (9-13m) sidecut makes way more sense if you only have one board. I can say with some confidence that every one here that owns a 200 also has shorter rides.
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