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Everything posted by RDY_2_Carve

  1. Thanks for the replies all. I guess my main concern was having such a stiff boot/binding/board setup doing those bigger jumps. The landings can get pretty hard if you come up short and miss the downslope... I assumed it would be ok to do it in plates but I was thinking perhaps I should use a softer binding. I'd rather use my TD1's anyhow so I'm glad to hear I should be good to go. Hopefully I'll get some video within the next couple of weeks. Probablly won't be anything great to the vets but I'm pretty darn stoked about doing something new and exciting. Makes me wish I would of tried it two seasons ago when I started snowboarding! :)
  2. Perhaps the liners have packed out finally?
  3. I will be at Monarch Mountain (south of Leadville) this Saturday if anybody is interested in meeting up. Looks like it's going to be a powder day so I'll probablly be in my soft setup. Email me if your interested and we can exchange numbers and such. It just snowed in Albuquerque. I believe this front is moving N N/E so more snow is heading your way!
  4. Hiya folks! I did jumps for the first time in my softboots this past weekend. It was in the terrain park at Angel Fire and they have four big jumps in a row. You get about 4-5 feet of air and fly about 10-15 feet or so (I'm guessing) and that's without actually springing off the jumps (just using the speed of the downslope). That's if you hit it with enough speed to fly past the flat top part and hit the downslope... I was pretty pround of myself as I did 20+ jumps and didn't wipe out at all. Started hitting the downslope almost every time towards the end of the day as my confidence was going up so I was hitting them with more speed. Anyways I was thinking hard about hitting these on plates but was wondering if it would tear up my equipment or not? I'd either hit them on a Axis with TD1 Intecs or I could use my Burton Speed with Burton Race plates. Your thoughts? P.S. I'm only doing straight airs-no rotation or anything. I might start throwing a grab in there but probablly not until I'm a little more experienced.
  5. Car and Driver had an article on the Exige a couple months back. Might be on their website. I might be able to dig it up and scan it if you are interested...
  6. Forgot to mention my boot and binding models: For Burtons I use older race plates and I also use TD1 Intecs For 4-Holes all I have is my TD1 intecs (I have two sets of 0 and 3 deg discs) Boots I used last season are SB224's with stock liners (27.0's, too big-three+ fingers on shell test). This season I started with some 26.5 Burton Ice's which worked pretty good with the stock liners but hurt my feet more than the SB224's. Shell size was two finger fit on these. Width is my main problem and that damn boney part on the outside edge of my foot below my pinky toe. FYI that part hurts me even in my soft boots... Just bought some SB325 26.0's from Bryan and molded the liners. Shell size is perfect-two finger fit-three ain't happening. I lasted 1/2 a day on these from pain of pressure on the width of my foot towards my toes in both feet. The boney part did not hurt as bad but that pain might have been overshadowed by the width pressure pain... Ok that's enough information for you to chew on for now :p
  7. Ok here's comes my bio and carving life history :p 5'6" 165lbs with 26.0-27.0 foot size 2nd season hardbooter, 3rd season on snow I'd like to think I'm an Intermidiate snowboarder. I ride pretty hard in softies. On plates I'm maybe Intermidiate but technique wise I'm definately a begginer as I've taught myself on my own (with the help of BOL articles of course) w/o much feedback at all. Board history: Last season (again it was my first on plates) I rode a Burton Speed 158 Wide model fairly well throughout the season. I still have this board and rip it pretty well, but I always feel like it makes too tight of turns for my riding style. Early in the same season I bought a Burton FP173 180s and it totally kicked my a$$ and I sold it to another BOL'er and it's up in Big Sky right now as far as I know. Bought an RT173GS late the same season and I ripped on it and loved everything about it. Keep in mind I bought/sold the FP173 early in my first season on plates and then I bought the RT late in the same season and my skills had improved drastically over that time-Specifically my ability to handle steeper binding angles. Sold (regretfully) the RT earlier this season to fund an Axis 167 which I ride decently but am still getting used to. I had visions of quiver killer for the Axis and it just hasn't developed yet. I can ride the board fine but I can't rail it like I want to or like I railed on the RT. Perhaps I'm asking too much of the board or perhaps I'm just not advanced enough for it? Hard to tell...I've been having boot fitting problems which has limited my time on my alpine boards this season so I'm going back to last seasons boots which are too big BUT they don't kill my wide feet like the 26.0's do. I plan on getting the 26.0's fitted properly in the near future so I can finally get into the right size shell. Main problem is lack of good bootfitters here in NM that are willing to work on Hard Snowboard boot shells. Most of the shops I've been too are completely clueless and are not willing to help. I've only ridden with one other hardbooter since I started so it's hard to critique myself. The guy is a BOL'er and is a Level 2 Instructor and he didn't seem to think anything was out of the ordinary as far as my learning progression and riding level. Actually if anything he thought I was progressing faster than most normal people with my experience. I was able to follow his trenches and keep up with him if that means anything-he's been boarding 18 years to my 2 (at that point last season). Haven't had the chance to ride with him more this season (yet) but every time I do my technique improves drastically... Anyways-If your still reading this at this point I hope you enjoyed my life story! :) Hope this info helps
  8. Folks I'm looking for a 13-15 SCR board. Longest SCR I've ridden is a RT173GS and I'm dying to try something with a little longer SCR. I don't plan on buying anything until after SES unless it's one of those unpassable deals. If your coming to SES and can bring that spare board you want to get rid of that would be perfect for me so I can check it out in person and I'd save on shipping (and possibly get a test ride if your nice). :) Outside of the SES option you can email me via the email function here or reply to this thread. Ideally I'd like to get a Proton GS 164-172ish preferrably with the newer model graphics (like the one shown here) , but I'm easy. Let me know what you have, and thanks!
  9. Quick question: Last time I molded mine in a gas oven (burners were on the bottom with metal covering them) and I decided to leave the oven on. I used a thermometer that hangs from one of the oven racks. I stabilized the temp around 255 deg F before I even started; checked it often for spikes/drops. Again I never turned the oven off. I didn't have any problems at all and they molded fine but I was wondering if it's ok to leave the oven on if it is not electric and the heat doesn't somehow hit the liner directly...
  10. Yep. Exactly like the one I alread have. Consider at least one of them sold.
  11. If these are what I think they are I'll take one. Email sent.
  12. Um you didn't mount them but they look hot on your board. So did you mount them or not? :P
  13. This forum has a feedback system as well. Also they have an auction system here too.
  14. Dano, I'm interested in this board if you want to email me (via BOL) we can work something out...thanks! John
  15. 25-27.5 is the tongue size i believe. The shell size is lower on the inside of the boot-should be 26-26.5 Should explain why they don't fit...
  16. Ditto on what was said above. I had all intentions on ordering mine this week after I was told they were shipping this week. When I inquired about them last week they were not sold out yet so I didn't think it was a big deal to wait until they were actually avaliable to order. *SIGH* So if there is any way to get another batch I'd love to buy 1-2 kits. And then there's the big question: Did you save any for demoing at SES?
  17. Also don't be so quick to judge your success until you've hit the slopes. Everything changes on the slopes...
  18. It hasn't yet so I'm not too worried. Also I molded them with them directly in the liners w/o a problem so I stand corrected.
  19. I wouldn't be caught dead without my neck gaitor here in NM or in CO for that matter. The winds are just too much. Guess I'm just a Sean White wanna-be :rolleyes:
  20. Tim I may take you up on that offer. I made some out of an old towel and just layered it. I'm sure it ended up being about 3-5mm in thickness which is about what I was looking for. I'll email you when I decide to mold again. Molded my liners Sat night and rode yesterday and my toe box was fine and I could wiggle my toes. Still having problems with the width of my foot. Guess I need to look into finding a ski boot fitter that can punch out my shells? After about 6 runs my feet were yelling for the softboots due to pressure on the width of my foot. SIGH Shell tests in Burton and Raichle shells say 26.0 is the way to go. Raichle 27.0's fail with 3+ fingers in them. But my feet are just too damn wide! I'm not giving up yet my hardboot fit issues are starting to get depressing! :(
  21. Tim, Did you devour all the snow clouds? I was suppost to wake up to a winter wonderland over here! Temps are perfect but I'm still waiting for downfall... At least we have the low pressure pushing systems down to us. Let's hope it lasts for a while! P.S. Are you boarding in Flagstaff? If so how are the conditions over there? John
  22. A six pack goes a long way when it comes to favors. Amazing how spending 5-8 bucks on a six pack replaces a charge of $40 in a ski shop for example. A local guy taught me how to wax/tune my board for a six pack of Sam Adams. Awesome! It really depends on the shop/person though as I'm sure you can run into some that will be against it. Shred-don't be intimidated about molding your liners. It's really not that hard to do and the only thing that can really go wrong is overcooking them (which is hard to do-especially if you turn off your oven). Outside of that you just have to be careful not to tear them when inserting them into the shells but a good duct tape job should take all of the worries out of that. Steve-the six pack woulda came in handy for the trip back to the ski shop to get them to fix those boots correctly for you... Serious-here's my footbed. That plastic piece is pretty pointy and sharp so inside the sock it went (just to be sure). Wish me luck I'm about to mold some as we speak!
  23. Couldn't find it...care to share a link?
  24. I got one suggestion from Mike T in the classifieds. Was curious what you guys have used or think would be good for home-brewed toe caps? I've contemplated tearing up my nice scuba booties a couple of times for the neoprene. I've looked around town at various sporting goods stores and nobody seems to have neoprene paddling socks or booties. Any suggestions on dense material I could use to make some GOOD toe caps? Besides neoprene? Thanks! :)
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