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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Jamie


    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=21250&item=7128838097&rd=1 There's usually at least one in that guy's store.
  2. I got one this summer and I thought it was pretty fun. I had a few problems though: -After a few times riding it the bearings on both wheels were making really annoying ticking noises when pressured. I don't know how or why they would take damage so easily though. -I was tightening the big screw on the bottom and it just split in half. I called and they were good about it, but I got pinned with a $30 shipping charge on the 6 inch x 3 inch box that they sent me the new one in The thing that bugged me the most was that it was charged to our credit card (which they had on file) without telling me, and I assumed the part would be replaced free of charge due to the problem being in the crappy screw. -I find the wheels wear down really quickly, especially considering how much I paid for them. The board seems to be really stable at any speed though, and it only takes one or two times on it to get the hang of it. Only buy one if you have consistent hills around with no traffic (or ride late at night). Also, having a rubber wheel on the back and a urethane on the front seems to be the perfect balance between speed and traction (I have never tried with 2 rubber though). Good luck
  3. http://www.reliableracing.com/wintersportscatalog/detail.cfm?edp=10828747&category=3140
  4. This is mine; it's not very efficient if you have more then a couple boards though..
  5. Jamie

    TD 1's

    Where in NS do you usually ride? edit: Just out of curiosity..
  6. I would just like to say that nothing is cooler in my book then the kids who buy expensive brand name backpacks, fill them with clothes (as they have nothing important to carry) and slide down the 600 foot slope trying to like hardcore/pro. I'm truly envious :rolleyes:
  7. Is the hardware intact? What color bumpers? These are compatible with Burton boards... right? What are they worth to you? $40 shipped? $50?
  8. Looking for a second board kit, new or used. Preferably the 0* or 3* cant disks. Send info and pictures to jamiegilhen@gmail.com. Thanks
  9. Hah, I did that once (had only used ebay once before that and thought to myself "Damn, he must be cheating!") but I eventually figured out how to use it and paid up. Honest mistake for a first-timer.
  10. Jamie

    WTB: balance board

  11. If Steve was setting a slalom course chances are I wasn't there :p Thanks for the input guys, I guess I'll save the elevators for my soft boots.
  12. I bought my Suzuka's there too a few weeks ago and everything went great. Great price as well.
  13. My Proton broke last year, but I still don't know if it happened on the plane or from a fall. It didn't happen from my actual riding though.
  14. I just got a set of Burton Elevators on Ebay and I’m wondering if I can mount my TD1’s over them to decrease my angles a bit? (I take an 11 or 12 US) The Elevators seem a bit flimsy, so I’m afraid that they might snap pretty easily because they’re made for a freestyle set up I think. Anyone have any experience with this?
  15. I sent a board from Nova Scotia to Boston last year and there were no extra fees. The Fedex person told me that the recipient would have to pay $25 for border crossing or some crap but that never happened. Don't know how it is the other way around though.
  16. Zing! What are the Oxygen APX and KR? I haven't heard of them before
  17. Ridden for about 30-40 hours, very good shape other then a few scuffs. $120 Canadian + shipping Pictures available.
  18. I hate how that guy puts a Bush rant and plugs his stupid website on all of his auctions, that would be reason enough for me not to buy from him. Fair price though..
  19. The week I was there it snowed about 25-35cm and as far as I could tell they didn't groom at all. There were lots of bumps so it was tough to carve on. Variety is alright, they only really have 1 old lady trail :p , the rest were blue to double diamond. Damn right, then I could go:D
  20. I went there last March and it was a great hill. The problem is that the hill closes around 5pm along with the lodge and there is absolutely nothing to do in Cornerbrook. EDIT: I didn't once have to wait to get on a lift though, and you have the whole hill pretty much to yourself.
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