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Everything posted by bumpyride

  1. Is there something about head boots that I don't know. I guess if they were defective from the get go exclude them, but certainly include the others.
  2. Everyone seems to have an opinion on riding Hardboots in the "Walk Mode". Seems that the best way to determine whether or not it's a wise thing to do is take a poll, trying to factor in most of the relevant parameters aside from "I don't think". For this poll we'll declare a "serious injury" as anything more serious than a moderate sprain. Determine whether or not your injury was caused by something other than the mode you ride in. If it was on account of hitting a tree or being hit or just sucking that day, etc. then disqualify that injury whether it's in walk or ride mode and check not injured. Trying to find out percentages of injuries caused by both modes. Prime examples would be: 1. an ankle sprain or break in the walk mode 2. a tib-fib break in the ride mode especially if it occured at the top of your boot. 3, loss of control from being in either mode 4. an upper body injury from falling because of the boot failure in walk mode. 5. an upper body injury from boot failure in the ride mode. 6. an upper body injury from not being able to get out of a turn because not enough movement to recover from being locked in the ride mode. 7. torn knee from either. If you had an experience that you feel would have a serious injury if you were riding in the other mode-so note and check that box. Boot failure does not count as an accident without an injury. This is personal experience only--Anecdotal does not count. If you had a friend of a friend that got hurt do not check injured for either mode. Plenty of room for discussion outside of the poll.
  3. Russ, you know "Old Dog-new tricks". I find that the old dog recognizes the theory of the new trick but old muscle and neuron paths are hard to redirect whereas the new "Puppy" is easily assimilating all, but does not necessarily recognize the basis for the theory. Luckily or unluckily the Puppy doesn't imprint the potential vestiges of the immortality complex of youth so they are at a greater advantage in learning and also getting hurt. Fortunately they are so rubbery unlike us who break much more easily. I started at 45 in soft snow. Hey are we going to do that chute up at Lutsen this year? Having pontificated on that, each child is different. I think exceptional children have a great advantage learning early (around 5) but there is also the child that lacks the coordination to be strapped in and may in fact develop some very hard to break bad habits, or worse learn to hate it. Motivation is probably the best impetuous for a child's learning. I'd vote for skis just to get the legs underneath showing that they can in fact do it, and then when they just can't stand watching Dad do it, let them give it a whirl on the board.
  4. I'll have to go with the best balanced position is the position that you end up in when you run down an icy slope and glide to a stop. Look at your feet and they will naturally end up in the most stable position. That's of course if you can slide down an icy slope without falling-Oh I guess there's no more balanced position than flat on your face or butt. 66/45 for me. This may not be the most conducive position for carving, but it works for bumps. Jon Dahl, I have a bunch of thinner boards you're welcome to try out if we hook up this year. Thanks for the compliment. Makes me feel better after busting a rib last year.
  5. Now I like that. Up until I bought a Prius (2 years ago) I was driving a '91 Volkswagon Vanagon that I bought on the cheap-actually less than the stove or the swallowtail by a longshot.
  6. You're very kind but I'm in my 60th year. I will give you a call, definitely. Let's do the plunge.
  7. Actually the only reason for the stove was the center Wok burner that emits massive amounts of flame to sear the food and that intense crackling sound when it hits a red hot wok. Kind of reminds me of carving of freshly groomed snow that has frozen solid and mimics the sound of "A thousand Cobras Hissing".
  8. I do, but it's going for my Kitchen stove. The one "stupid" purchase for the house.
  9. I'll be in Duluth from Dec 18th to Jan 12th, and we're planning on gettng a season's pass to Lutsen. Didn't pay for the Spirit pass last year. Ended up going to Mont Du Lac for Tele Tuesdays, and schooling the boys on bumps. Would love to hook for for a trip to Lutsen, or maybe Spirit if I can find a pass or two.
  10. Hey Russ is that the Run on the backside of Moose about 1/2 way from the day lodge. Looked at that last year and it was rocky and stumpy to say the least. I would have to say if that's it, it is plenty steep even for out west standards. Wanted to give it a shot, but decided to break ribs elsewhere on the Mt.
  11. Not only were these guys good-more importantly they were fun.
  12. In consideration of what deregulation and sweetheart deals have done to us, I would most welcome a change-one that will not cost my wife and I another $150K or so for more deregulation. I look forward to the upcoming boarding season with all that I need in place. No need to buy anything.
  13. Because stance angles are such a personal thing, the best thing to do is pick a day, bring a good screwdriver and change your angles every other run or so. That way you can feel what's best for your style and body type. Don't forget that every 1/2" or so of your binding spread will alter what happens with the results. Having said all that I ride at 66 front and 45 rear, 17 3/8" center to center, but only because I'm on bumps and off piste all day. I need the 21 degree difference to be able to make quick and radical directional changes. Not the norm for carving.
  14. Outside's new Buyer's Guide has the Northface Ad on pages 6 & 7 has a snowboard with plates on it.
  15. Anyone have any info or experience on this board? Just found this one and it's never been riden.
  16. I find step-ins easier in powder simply because I don't have to hold my breath and you also have the extra space between the receiver and the binding itself. You also have a bit of snow on your heel and still pop in. Another factor is that you can lift the back of your board to provide the pressure to engage and not worry about the back of your board sliding deeper into powder. As far as stiffness goes F2s with the plastic bases are not stiff in any way shape or form. See some of the other replies in this thread.
  17. You really ought to try the plastic F2 intec. Very flexible and forgiving. Mud, if you're up in Duluth at Spirit during the Christmas season, I can hook you up to try a set. Have 3 pair stationed there, and I can bring a pair of spare heels. I wear a 9 to 9 1/2 shoe, and maybe we can talk Russ into it if you have a larger foot, and don't want to go through the hassle of changing heels. Allee is absolutely correct, they're a great AM plate binding.
  18. I've been using step-ins for a about 8 years or so. Burton rat traps kind of sucked, and the Burton Carrier's were not that bad. Then went to F2 Intech comp (blue plastic and a bit flexy). Superb. I've found that not only are they better on and off the lifts, but they can get you out of a whole lot of trouble. Been several times, when I've come to some cliffs that I had to back off of. Never had to bend down to release and step out (I have extenders that come out of the leg zips on my pants). Some of these picadillos would have resulted in having to shift my center of gravity over the fall line on the cliffs to release a standard binding. Also in powder or cascade concrete I can release without sticking my head in the snow or burying myself any deeper. I've also found that when doing a traverse on a steep slope, if I miss the track by a bit, I can release and step up without going over the falls. I had more releases with standards that I have had with the Intecs.
  19. Did they come? Am still in Hawaii, and wanted to make sure they arrived. Let me know. Thanks
  20. Hey Dave, Check arrived today. Boots out tomorrow. Day after I'm in Hawaii for 2 weeks. Good timing. CYA
  21. Just checking to see if we were off or on. I completely forgot about it. Thanks
  22. Good looking family (all 6 of you). Hey is that a shock collar they have on your left arm?
  23. Been riding Burton Ultraprimes in the bumps since the 2nd year they were out. My favorite board. I'm using raichle 123's which give me enough forward flex to take the bump out of bumps, and have a new pair of the boots. Seems as though I collected enough pairs to last past my snowboarding life-span, and I do believe that I'm giving up my Minnesota boarding years. Anyway if any interest drop a line.
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