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Everything posted by inkaholic

  1. Old boards can still ride well as Bordy said. This past weekend I rocked a 163 dualtec Rossi while DT and Big Mario were using their newer stock. I rode as well and had just as much fun as they had. In fact, all of the boards that I currently ride are my old race boards from 4+ years ago with many being way older than than that. Back in the days of racing Bordy and DFJ among others. I don't have the funds to be scoring new decks all the time anymore with house projects and a kid who is learning to ride.
  2. Most of us from Loveland only get to ride on the weekends. There are some others from the metro area who ride on the weekdays. Divebomber often does and probably has the 5 mtn pass. Oldacura may get some weekday riding in also and possibly PCDenver. Your best bet is to post here when you're going and see what happens. Also ride with better riders so that you can improve quickly. The lovey crew is always willing to help out others. Aloha, Ink
  3. We arrive early and park right next to the hill and have great access to BBQ, boards, beer and tools. It is very user friendly for this sort of schenanigans. We will get something worked out. The runs aren't the steepest but the lack of crowds will make the riding aspect of the day worth it.
  4. I like the way he cooks. Mmmmm Mmmmm good!
  5. Keep an eye on the ride board for CO. Big Mario, DT, PC and others along with myself are the local HB crew for Loveland. We usually post on the ride board but even if we don't the schedule goes like this, on hill at 8:30 chair 1. Mainly we ride the weekend due to weekday obligations. Hope to see you out there this season and glad you had a good first day. Ink
  6. BB, Haven't decided which color yet. I have some time to decide so I am not in too much of a hurry. Red would definately be bad a$$ but we will see. Did you get a Lovey 4-pak this season? After the demo day at WP last year we talked about maybe hosting one at Lovey this season. We'll see, but it was fun last year with Big Mario on the grill and lots of boards on the snow. Ink
  7. Well actually only morning but who cares. Big Mario has a couple days under his belt and was riding about the same as 2/3rds of the way through last season. DT was rippin' like his avatar and I was goofing on an old SL board. Much fun was had by all and the weather was beautiful. TVR and Justin, good to see you at All Boards Sports in the afternoon. Can't wait to ride with you guys again. Ink
  8. You two are sick and twisted. My kinda folks. DT - don't forget that I need new heels on my boots, a little too much squishy-squishy to be very safe. Hopefully I can make it to ABS before Saturday. Yeah, I thought that I could ride back then right along with Dave. Right up until I tried being a tree hugger. BTW I just found the X-rays and Cat scans. Cassanovaracing and I still need to go nab that tree.
  9. It looks like the crew is starting to come together again at Loveland. Saturday 03 Nov 07 will have the likes of Big Mario, DT and I carving lines around the masses. Will the new SG show up under DT? Will BM slide the big F2? What sort of vintage crap will I bring to the hill. 8:30 at chair 1 as always if anyone else would like to join in the FUN. Ink
  10. As someone who has probably known Chuck the longest I have to agree with everything that is being said about him. Chuck could brighten up a room full of chemo patients, would help anyone in need at the top of a race course, lend a hand to someone on an mtb trail or road ride. He will be missed by the many people he helped and touched along the good ride he rode. Thanks bro, I will never forget you, Derek Runes
  11. Nope, I don't have any photos of the tanker. It looks just like a big tongue depressor with some "circuit board" style graphics in blue on the tail. The base is flourescent green with a large "192" near the tail on one edge and a couple scratches filled in with black p-tex by the previous owner. I'll see if the previous owner has any photos of it. I hadn't thought about that. Thanks for looking guys.
  12. Hey everyone, Just wanted to get the word out in case my board shows up on E-bay or anyone sees it on hill to let me know here. I had a 97-99ish 192 tanker, wood topsheet with flourescent green base stolen from my house this summer in Evergreen, Colorado. Bindings were Flow FR pro 11 with 06-07 top strap and Palmer pls plates. This board is pretty unique with the wood topsheet. RJ at Exotic Boards wasn't even sure of its date of manufacture. Also taken was a Unity pride wide 160 with old Hooger bindings. If anyone sees or hears anything about these boards please let me know here so that I may try to get them back. Mainly the Tanker. Thanks, Ink
  13. Looks like wifey and I will be out Saturday. Not sure when as lovey is going through slush, freeze cycle, we may show up a bit later. Ink
  14. I can't go during the week, slammed at work but will probably be up both sat and sun. Hope to see you. Ink
  15. Old, Some of my old racers ran this board and were quite happy with them. As for the Cateks, both Big Mario and D.T. have them so you can probably hook up with them for local help. Also Bola at All Board Sports sells them so he can also provide info. Meet us up at Lovey again on a firm day for some carving fun and info. You will pick up a ton riding with us. I hope you had fun in the pow last time out with us. Ink
  16. Saturday at Steamboat the Mtn Dew Vertical Challenge finals are going on. It was a qualify type of thing but the added a "citizens race" for those who didn't qualify. The racing portion is free but you will still need to purchase a ticket. The race is short GS with skier gates. At Loveland we had 14 gates. Ink
  17. Bordy did a review on it. Bola at All board sports sells them and straightlines on them. Both riders had good words to say about Dupraz. Ink
  18. We were treated to 10" new, light wind and partly cloudy. 10 riders having a great day. Thanks Mario and D.T. for the good grinds and refreshments. Ink Mario, the wifey cooked up the vegies last night like you and she was stoked. She says "thanks".
  19. No turns on powder days. Bola Bola is serious about the no turns part, he just straightlines pow as long as nothing is in his way!
  20. Sorry to hear about your injuries bro. In January '98 I got stuck toeside on in a GS course and got a tree. I ended up with a shattered right pelvis that luckily didn't affect the socket, all above it, kidney in 3 pieces, lacerated liver, 2 broken ribs and a broken back. No surgery luckily, doc said "lay there, you will heal". My recommendation is to do everything that your doc, and PT say to do and don't try to make an early comeback. That is just an extended period of recuperation waiting to happen. I was back riding the next season but my mind never came back to attacking a course like I needed to. Heal well and you will ride again. Ink I had a friend who broke his pelvis similar to yours and he is back riding also but he was only 19 when his happened. Keep us informed of your progress.
  21. inkaholic


    I rode the SG 185 last weekend with and without the hangl plate. In the morning it was bulletproof and I was on the hangl equiped board. This was without a doubt the best set up of the morning. D.T. and Big Mario struggled to keep and edge in while I rode unphased by the conditions. D.T. watched the board moving around beneath my boots but none of the chatter was being transfered to my body. All of this was taking place with a set of old TD1's with solid plastic in place of bumpers. I felt more solid in my position than I ever have on those types of conditions. The only problem with the Hangl set up is the weight. Sitting on long lifts took its toll on my leg. I took out the stock SG after things softened up a bit. The ride was still very smooth. I am impressed by the titanal boards that SG is putting out. Now to test some others. Thanks to Bola at All Board Sports for hooking me up with the SG's. Next the Virus. Ink
  22. I will be there. Probably with the wifey and Kung Fu Kai. I think he is wanting to get out and rip it up once or twice more this season. Ink
  23. Where do I start? Thanks Mario for the ride and grub, Thor for thinking of doing it, Bola for holding down the spot and bringing boards and everyone else I met, rode with or talked to. D.T. thanks for the kind words about the morning session and discount coupon. The SG with Hangl plate is and incredible setup. The SG alone is a nice ride too. Thanks! Ink
  24. AAAaaagh! The Shell 2fer1's are blacked out right now for spring break. Are there any other discounts available right now? Mario and I were going to use a shell coupon but I just found out about the black out. Ink
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