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Everything posted by ar(angel

  1. I'm interested to find out how many people expanded, decreased, or just left their quivers alone this season. I've expanded mine, but for two different reasons. The Tiger I'd always wanted, just the reputation was enough to make me want one, but the Oxygen I bought so I could have a softer flex board in the quiver for those days when I wanted one. What prompted you to buy, sell, or stay the same? Thanks, Paul
  2. Glad to hear you finally got to get your hands on those Tigers. You gotta promise me that if you use the 173 for a pond skim you send me some pictures! Wish we could get together and ride those bad boys right about now...:( I was staring at mine today too, guess that's why I'm hanging around here soaking up as much of the stoke that's left as I can. Hope your summer is a short one ! Thanks again, Paul
  3. Her husband has given me some of his "home brew" several times over the last 2 years, he actually makes "mead". This latest one is called "Oakendrake" and is made with clover honey, malt, yeast, & purified water. Label on the bottle claims 11% alcohol.... haven't tried it yet, but the last ones were pretty good for home brewed stuff. I'll have to sample some and let ya'll know how it tastes. Wish me luck! Paul
  4. Was that the Saturday we missed one another? Getting ready to head down North Saddle it looks like. I'm missing it already too, didn't get to spend near enough time on the mountain this season, you on the other hand are an animal my friend! How many days did you end up with this year anyhow? We've got to get You, Derek, Eric, Randy, Karen, Dan, etc, etc. together next season for our own MSES. Hope you summer goes well, if you get down to Redding, stop and say "hi" Have fun, Paul p.s. "HAPPY B-DAY MELLOW!!!!!" :D
  5. Those high-sides can be a real killer...no pun intended. I've been down three times, the last was the worst. I was out for a Sunday ride when a 1964 Dodge Power wagon came around a blind left hander halfway in my lane. I threw it into the corner as best as I could, but ended up dragging my exhaust on the right which ended up unweighting the rear tire causing me to lose the bike in a slide. I let go right before I hit the truck, luckily I hit right between the drivers door and rear tire well, bounced under the truck and while he was busy running over what was left of by '88 GSXR 750, I slide almost unscathed beneath the undercarriage. He caught me on the left leg just above the knee with his rear tire and spit me down the road like a spinning top. I star fished and eventually stopped, thinking only "god I hope I didn't scratch my helmet" :D Ended up going to the hospital on that one. They put my bike into a garbage can to haul it home...literally. Oh well, sh*t happens right? There are only two kinds of riders anyhow, those who have been down, and those that are going down, Ride safe! Paul
  6. I'll second the Sapporo, had my first one about 15 years ago and was impressed then too. We frequent a nice little Japanese restaurant here in town and I always order one there...When in Rome... Spaten, another good one. Had my first one sitting at a cafe in Mt. Shasta with a big ol' Brat, boy what a meal! No wonder Sgt. Schultz weighed 300lbs...:) "HOGAN!!!" Pyramid and Widmer make a good "Hefie", gotta have a wedge of lemon in it though. I miss Oregon Honey Beer, can't seem to get it around here anymore. Had a good local beer on Maui last year too, but can't remember the name. I'll be going back in June so I'll try to remember it. Great White from Lost Coast brewery is a good one, as is Down Town Brown, it's always a treat when we go to the coast and stop to eat in Eureka where the brew is born. Can't leave out Sierra Nevada, any flavor is good and with the brewery only an hour away, it's an easy favorite. Cheers! Paul
  7. in your new avatar, what kind of skin cream are you using?......:) Paul
  8. I'm more of a croucher too, but I still say you looked damn good. I have surfed and grew up skateboarding off & on until I was 16, so your style is what I originally set out to emulate. How I got to the present style I ride is kind of a mystery to me. I definitely feel different than I look, and in that clip you posted of me I too wasn't exactly at my best (new board, slushy-chopped up conditions) but I'm happy with my progress and hope to continue to develope my skills, not for others to praise me, but to make myself happy with where I'm at with my riding. Have fun, Paul
  9. personal reasons, Thanks, Paul
  10. unless this is the one Bryan sold, Thanks, Paul
  11. Man, that's a bitchin' head band dude, were you guys like gonna head to the mall afterwards? I bet the babes were lining up for you guys. :D Lets see....when that picture was taken my first daughter was just born, I'd just bought my first house 2 years earlier and I was 8 years into my first marriage...wow how time fly's Nice pic Jack, really, Paul
  12. Nice smooth technique, surfy kinda style, we are definitely gonna have to hook up next season and ride together. Tell ya what, I'll come ride one weekend with you at Bach, you come ride one weekend with me at Shasta? Cool? Great video man, Paul
  13. I review my threads every now and then as a form of research so it's always good to get fresh info. I have a friend who's been riding for about 20 years and he still claims to this day that his Rossi 159 is his favorite carving board! Thanks, Paul
  14. Tim, I'd love to trade places with those guys, ski suits and all! :D Paul
  15. That contest (Maverick) is just flat crazy! I was nervous riding 7 footers at Lahaina, can't imagine something like that...... Paul
  16. Sims is now owned by Hasco, but trying to get ahold of someone there to get you in touch with anyone even remotely knowledgable about their alpine line is impossible. I even went so far as to contact a shop in Japan when I was trying to track down a new 167cm Burner. I ended up getting what I wanted, but through a guy in Germany who wouldn't reveal his sources. I know that the Burner model was still being produced as recently as 2002-04, but can't find anybody willing to tell me if or where their "G" stock as Utahcarver put it, may be hiding. You'd think these companies would want to sell their goods instead of destroy them? Go figure, Paul
  17. I'd almost forgotten I had a pair of Krypton's sitting in my closet until I was looking for something a couple of weeks ago and there they were! I've had 'em on ebay, but nobody picked them up. Looking at that picture gives me an idea for next season so maybe it's a good thing they didn't sell. I can still remember the first time I ever saw a "wire". This guy in his mid 50's goes blowin' past me like I'm standing still down the mountain one day and when I finally catch up to him he tells me that this is his "slow" board and he was just out "relaxing" today! Come to find out later he's an Alpine coach up in the Mt. Shasta area Bomber is great though, I gotta agree. Lots of good people here and a hell of alotta fun most of the time. Gonna miss it for the summer........ *sniff, sniff* Have fun, Paul
  18. We had a company here go under a few years back "Yaqui" I believe was how you spelled it. Never could find out what happened to their equipment. I would think that all the tools and machinery involved to make a snowboard would be expensive and you'd want to try to get some kind of return out of them? I've recently been able to pick-up boards from manufacturers or through shops that were several seasons old and sell them through my ebay shop, but haven't had much success contacting companies like Rossi or Sims about buying up their old stock. I can't imagine taking a bandsaw to a perfectly good board It's a crying shame.... Paul
  19. I could see the concern if they were killing a line of alpine boards due to the merger, but hasn't Rossi been out of the alpine scene for awhile now? The Undertaker is the only thing that comes to mind for me unless I'm missing something (and I usually am) Along that line, what does a company do with the equipment they use to manufacture a line like the World Cups, Accelorator, Throttle, etc. when they discontinue the line? Thanks, Paul
  20. and if they need someone out West in the greater Redding/Mt. Shasta area to test one out let me know! That looked like exactly what I need for the summer :) Have fun, Paul
  21. But anything by Hemingway is good. My personal fav is "The Sun also Rises". If your into WW2 history there's a ton of good stuff, "A Bridge to Far" by Cornelius Ryan, "Patton, a study in command" by H. Essame, "Armageddon" by Max Hastings, anything Stephen Ambrose writes, Greek/Roman history "Gates of Fire" by Steven Pressfield is a great story about the battle for Thermopylae (300 Spartans take on 10's of 1000's of Persians) "Alexander of Macedon" by Peter Green (the story of Alexander the Great) Comedy, Dennis Miller "The Rants" the airplane one is the best....."Saturday Night" by Doug Hill and Jeff Weingrad, the unofficial down and dirty story about the behind the scenes goings on's of the early (Chevy Chase, John Belushi, etc.) SNL cast, Jay Mohr's "Gasping for Airtime", didn't realize the guy suffered from panic attacks, interesting read though, Stephen Kings "Dark Tower" series, (he lost me at the Wolves of Calla) "Driving Mr. Albert" by Michael Paterniti, hilarious story about Einsteins brain and a guy who kept pieces of it in a tupperware bowl, "A brief history of time" by Stephen Hawking, the "Einstein" of our generation, uh lets see, that about 2 shelves off the old book case. I could keep going, but I'm sure I've scared enough of you by now, point is reading something is better than reading nothing ....:D Enjoy, Paul
  22. check it out http://www.mammothmountain.com/gallery/image.cfm?id=877
  23. Look at the header above the photo's, it says "Early snowboarding". That does appear to be an Aysm board and ski boots too. Look at how close together his feet are and the angles on his boots! Doing pretty good though for the type of equipment he's riding. Have fun, Paul
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