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Everything posted by keltacer

  1. keltacer


    Brad, please report on conditions tomorrow. Debating whether or not to do a trip there this weekend. Temps are supposed to be near 70 for the weekend.
  2. Camelback is closed from Monday to Thursday, open Friday to Sunday. What a bummer. I'm scared to see what the mountain looks like by this weekend.
  3. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/9763920?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ED135A" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> My Bulldog just sleeps.
  4. Theres a review of the board in this thread: http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?36347-PSA-Kessler-the-ride-655-shipped I got one through that deal but haven't really ridden it. The one time I brought the board out, conditions were horrible and the mountain was jam packed. Did one or two runs and left. I may sell it, PM me if your interested in it.
  5. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Q5OZCWaJBdc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> This is really cool. This R/C plane has a camera in the cockpit that transmits a live feed to the "pilot" on the ground. Plus it features Kenny Loggins.
  6. That's if there's any snow left. Mid 60's today in NYC.
  7. Work owes me a day off so I'll most likely be there in the AM on Friday.
  8. Got mine last week but I'm scared to take it out. The hills by me are deteriorating quickly. The last thing I want to do is tear the board up first time out, its way to pretty.
  9. Any updates in the conditions at MC? May be in the area for work tues and wondering if it'd be worth it to pack a board.
  10. Weekdays are hard for me unless I play hooky from work, which is difficult because something always seems to come up when I'm planning to be "sick." Wish I lived closer to camelback, I'm about 1.5 hours away and my work is in the opposite direction (Brooklyn). I did manage to get there on the monday after the superbowl and had a blast. I had to hide from the Giants fans at work .
  11. Made the mistake of going today for night ski (value pass). Conditions were more than I can handle in hardboots. Also made the mistake of not bringing a softboot board. Only did a few runs and left.
  12. Anybody been to camelback within the last week that can comment on the coverage? The recent rain and warm weather has me worried as I know it's taken a toll on MC. I don't have a rock board to sacrifice.
  13. I've got a proton 172 GS, not sure of the year but its the same topsheet as the one pictured below. Good condition, base looks good, some lift line rash and topsheet is scuffed from bindings. PM me if interested and I can email you photos. $125 plus shipping. If you're in Mass I can potentially drop it off at some point. Mass is home for me.
  14. Meeting a BOL member who told me my board setup was jacked up. Changes were noticed right away. Thanks Atom Ant!
  15. Another great free app for gps enabled smartphones is "alpine replay." Tracks all kinds of great stats and compares your stats to other users on the mountain and overall for all users.
  16. Spitting at someone on a mountain is no different from spitting at someone on the street, it's still an assault. I would make sure it's treated accordingly. But gromb is right. Most of the time they turn into big pussies when confronted.
  17. I would've made it my mission for the day to get them kicked off the mountain. I can't stand that BS.
  18. On Monday the snow cover was fine. I stayed mostly on the left side of the mountain which was freshly groomed at noon. There were a bunch of small rocks thou mixed into the snow.
  19. Good idea. I had problems with heel lift in my track 700's and went to super thick socks. Solved the problem with heel lift but now my toes are squished which drives me nuts. Gonna give this a shot.
  20. Cool. I'm going try either catek os2's or snopros mounted on burton elevator plates. Wonder when they'll ship the boards, getting antsy.
  21. It hasn't been bad at all. There was one day about 2 weeks ago where I went and the entire mountain was just a sheet of solid ice. Luckily, I have the value pass there and just did a few runs and went home. The weekends there have been super crowded during the day but starts to thin out around 4-5 ish. I was there last saturday and it was just way to crowded for me to ride comfortably so I threw the plate bindings on a 158 arbor coda. Had a ton of fun with this set up on a super crowded mountain.
  22. I shot an email to Kessler to ask their opinion on the board being ridden in hard boots and plate bindings. They forwarded the email to Bola at allboardsports and this is the response I got: "To answer your question, you can ride the board with hard boots but the plate binding needs to be non-compliant. What type of binders do you ride?" What is meant by non-compliant plate bindings?
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