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Everything posted by keltacer

  1. Ha! I'm keeping my fingers crossed but with my luck itll be doubtful.
  2. Had my first post op check up yesterday. Everything looks good and is still aligned properly. Staples came out and they put me is a removable walking boot, thank god. Swelling is starting to come down quite a bit so the pain is much more manageable now. The orthopedic surgeon I met with yesterday believes ill make a full recovery. Hope he's right. I start PT this Friday.
  3. Heres a sideshot from before the surgery. heres a shot from during surgery of the striker rod system going in. At least it's got a bad ass name. I should have a better pic after my first check up in about a week.
  4. Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. The pain hasn't been terrible, just a few times where we couldn't get on top of the pain. The nausea created by all the chemicals they've pumped in to me has been worse. Anyways, I had surgery the same day of the accident and have some new hardware in my leg. I haven't see the X-rays yet it ill post it when I have a chance. Basically, it was my warm up run and first time ever to hunter mountain. I was transitioning to a toe side turn by the left side of a trail (belt parkway) when I hit a bump that I didn't see at all. It sent me little airborne but out of stupidity, I target fixated on the fencing on the left of the trail. Went straight into the pickett fencing and I think the board got caught up as I kept going. I knew instantly that it was broken.
  5. This happened yesterday, my last day of the season. Now I'm part of the tib fib club.
  6. I let it go cause the kid was no older than 10. A year older and it would have been certain death. It was kind of funny cause a lot of people heard and saw it happen. As I was getting on the chair I heard a couple of snowboarders at the front of the line comment to each other "that kid asked what kind of board that was and stabbed the tail of it, not cool."
  7. keltacer

    Cord Porn

    Taken and edited with my iPhone. Been using it as a wallpaper all season.
  8. Teach, sorry to hear that and I'm glad you're okay. Something similar happened to me early in the season which shook me up pretty good. A skier hit me from behind when I went down on ice. He took the brunt of the impact and had to be carted off with a knee injury. This Saturday may very well be my last day of the season. I'm out of town for 3 weeks beginning Sunday for work. I may do either Blue or Hunter mountain, not entirely sure yet.
  9. Teach, did you ride Camelback this past weekend? How was it?
  10. Contact this video director for a custom jacket
  11. Agreed. Can't remember where I heard this quote in regards to traffic laws but it totally applies: "If you insist on the right of way, soon enough you'll be dead right."
  12. This one really pissed me off. At Stratton today, i hear from behind me in the lift line a kid on skis say to his dad "Hey day, what kind of board is that?" while he stabs the back of my board with his ski pole. Really? Good thing I was in a good mood cause I was in VT. Needless to say, I didn't take the time to explain what kind of board it was. On a positive note, my brother dropped his helmet cam at the end of our day. We spent over an hour searching for it and finally gave up. We thought for sure it was gone. Took a shot in the dark and went to the lost and found and someone actually turned it in! + 1 for humanity. What a great way to end the day.
  13. Sorry I missed everyone today but Saturday was a blast. Great meeting everyone. Mark put on a mini steeps clinic which helped a ton today at Stratton. Thanks for putting it together!
  14. ktv, i think i heard you come in im upstairs in the miller room. my brother and a friend of his should be arriving soon. got here around 5:30 and did some night riding, the snow felt great. im used to everything icing over when the sun goes down where im from. towards the end of the night i broke a heel bail on my td3's which is a total bummer. im praying my bro brought his extra set of td2's.
  15. I have an extra set of snopros ill throw in the car; however, I'll only be there for saturday.
  16. jp1, hopefully I can catch you guys at Blue before the end of the season. Weekdays are hard to come by for me.
  17. Great riding with you guys. Jesse and Joe were killing it on Sunday.
  18. Came across this randomly today. Fitting!!!
  19. Anybody getting in on Friday? I'm traveling up from central NJ and will probably be in the area mid afternoon/early evening on Friday.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong but with the center disk at 90 degrees, doesn't that give you lift and inward cant?
  21. +1 for zombies. Great artwork!
  22. Rode Blue for the first time today with JohnnyLo, cafercr35 and Jessie (didnt catch bomber name). I thought the mountain was fantastic, wide trails with very good grooming. Got a little icy in spots later on in the day as all the fresh blown stuff was either blown off by wind or scraped off by skidders, but all in all I thought conditions and coverage were way better than camelback. The place got really busy after lunch, but I attribute that to the holiday weekend. Youre right about camelback, it's been a disappointment as of late as far as grooming and snow blowing is concerned. Lower cleopatra was ungroomed for two weekends in a row, what gives? Blue is the same distance from my house as camelback, so I think ill be hitting Blue up a lot more in the future. [h=1][/h]
  23. Need something like this to complete it.
  24. Ha! Looks like a weekend day at a PA/NJ hill. I call em zombie hordes.
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