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Everything posted by khoward

  1. Joined Jolson and family for a few runs this morning. The groom actually was good, but there was some of the densest fog I've ever encountered at the top, and then it got worse and progressed down the hill. Couldn't see more than 20 feet around the upper chalet. Sunday looks like a stellar day.
  2. Correct about the computer however, the flux capacitor is connected to his phone and I've got his #
  3. Back to the Future...Caught up with Gary and his Asym Kemper board and 80's snowsuit for a few runs after work tonight. Invited him for first chair tomorrow, but he's definitely not a morning person. He is interested in picking up some more modern equipment such as a Donek Metal AX.
  4. Could be done with current technology with iPhone FaceTime and sufficient WiFi bandwidth. The report actually was while taking a break in the new chalet. Tomorrow evening looks promising for a session after work.
  5. Riding the Lime Green Prior 4WD through about 8" fresh powder. Light is very flat and there's a strong wind up the hill, but no crowds :)
  6. Excellent weekend overall if we disregard the injuries. Thanks to Dave for bringing the GoPro and good to have Jolson riding again after his mishap yesterday. Fun to meet up with Steve from Buck. Dave seemed okay after his crash with the GoPro on Juggler Joe today, and Jane's shoulder injury on USASA Slopestyle is probably a muscle strain. I rode today with the full 'Invulnerability Suit' - POC Spine VPD Tee and Hip VPD Shorts, and it didn't interfere with riding technique. I left around 12:30 after three pointless runs through heavy traffic. Monday night doesn't appear promising with 30+ MPH East winds blowing up the hill, but should be out Tuesday afternoon regardless of conditions.
  7. That's really too bad...There really needs to be some serious red tape between Double Jaw and Four-Pipe like there is between Scissor Bill and Four-Pipe. Even if it can't prevent cross-run traffic, they'll have to slow down a lot. Hope to have you back tomorrow.
  8. Jane and I are planning an evening session tonight after work, then I'm planning on 1st chair Saturday and Sunday.
  9. Excellent fast groom and pleasant temps this evening. Worked on some steeper terrain tonight on the Gandy side.I'm going to try out some POC upper body and hip armor since getting slammed in January.
  10. I've recently made the transition from being a beginner to an intermediate level carver (no longer an embarrasment to our posse), and I've watched the video about three times. For myself, the format is good with explanation followed by riding. I was out yesterday and tried the downweighting and J-turns and may try the sidewall pressure tonight. Good instructional video. We could use more like this. Thanks for doing this.
  11. Wouldn't tolerate that at Spirit. You should send that to the executive director at Buck.
  12. Back in town and heading out for an afternoon session :)
  13. Cool video...doing family things for a few days.
  14. Looking forward to seeing the new shiny rides. Out for three hours of refreshing chair rides and wind-scoured groom this afternoon, but no crowds.Unfortunately, will be otherwise occupied with family obligations till next tuesday, but will be at the grand opening of the new chalet tomorrow evening with Jane.
  15. Great day for Spirit Mountain and winter sports. Rode perfect groom this morning with Jim and laid down the first track on the upper part of Double Jaw. Jane shot some more iPhone video of my technique, and I'll be giving it the critical look. By 2PM, Spirit was busier than I've seen it for several seasons. Called it a day after needing to side slip through congestion on Juggler Joe and Bindle Stiff and 10 minute lift lines. Planning an afternoon/evening session for Tuesday.
  16. Busy day on the mountain with lots of paper tickets and people learning to love winter. Good firm groom from first chair till about 2:00PM. The new chalet needs about 5x more ski/board racks,and the concessions were doing great. Looking for first chair again tomorrow.
  17. Jane and I put in a refreshing evening session tonight. Rather firm, cold and fast, but still able to hold an edge. I'm planning first chair tomorrow, but suspect this will require warm-ups in the new chalet. Enjoy da UP.
  18. Quick recovery...Agree with BobD
  19. Enjoy Big Sky...Wish we could get away and join you. Weather looks great for tomorrow, and I'm planning an epic session for all afternoon and to be joined later by Jane.
  20. Jane and I put in an evening session. Several inches of powder, but but heavy freezing fog and drizzle. We had to scrape ice off our googles a couple of times on each run. Most everyone with a season pass showed up tonight.
  21. Did get out from 12:30 till 5 yesterday. 4Pipe and Juggler Joe were good and not much traffic, but most of the other runs were a bit choppy. It was rather slow earlier, but speeded up as temps cooled. We're planning an evening session tonight after work, but I'll be otherwise working all weekend Thursday through Sunday.
  22. Put on my hardboots and board today, and it felt good, but found my rear foot toe bale and set screw were loose. After getting slammed on Tuesday, I had noticed my rear foot was out of the binding. I suspect that it had released prior to catching my rear edge. Moral of story....check your hardware. The antidote for Kryptonite Perhaps this won't seem so amusing after the pain medications wear off... Anyways, looking forward to riding tomorrow around noon when temps get above zero.
  23. Foiled again...Lex Luther! The World (or at least Spirit Mountain) is safe for Freedom, Democracy, the American Way and Carving! (not necessarily in that order). Thanks, Ken. Hopefully will be out this weekend.
  24. Hit a patch of Kryptonite left of the top tower of the Spirit Express lift yesterday on my second run. Technique and focus were there, but the light was flat and it felt like the board hit a gash. Slammed my front hip and shoulder, but didn't break anything. Did come away with dandy hematomas above the trochanter and lateral gluteal areas. The shoulder muscles are probably just bruised. It was too painful to safely ride down to Grand Ave so Jane graciously drove me from the chalet. Hopefully willl be back for Saturday. :)
  25. Rode to about 3 PM, best snow conditions this year, but light got flat. Couple of other folks from Wayzeta on alpine were there, Bernie was introducing his wife to carving, and she was getting the hang of it. Otherwise, a great weekend. Possible evening session Monday...
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