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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. I don't believe that for a nanosecond. Can you say, broad-sweeping generalization? And to second what Skategoat said, back when I was instructing there, Sugarloaf used to have a week where they took Canadian money at face value. Let's just say.... it didn't support your claim. And yeah, try to call any of them on it and they'd "french up" (pretend not to speak english).
  2. http://www.outdoornewswire.com/v/current/htdocs/etc/sa.php/63617465676f72794e616d653d4f6c796d70696320536e6f77626f617264696e672663617465676f72794c6162656c3d4f6c796d706963536e6f77626f617264696e67266c6f636174696f6e3d323030362f30322f313133393432343133312672737349643d32383134
  3. It's because for carvers, every day with good corduroy is like a powder day.
  4. Yes. Taking my children skiing is "acceptible risk" in my book. I'm all for designated slow trails, "family" trails, and all that happy horsepoop, but to insinuate that the resort <i>can</i> or even <i>should</i> guarantee your safety all over the mountain is insane. That takes the responsibility off the individual and places it on the resort, which simply cannot be responsible for everyone.
  5. The ECES raffle is not to be missed! Sponsors are letting us know what they will be kicking in for prizes: Donek - Full custom snowboard, or choose a board from their existing templates and get Olympic construction. Coiler - Choose a board from Bruce's many existing templates, standard construction. Bomber - 2 pairs of TD2 bindings, 1 pair of Deeluxe LeMans boots Catek - 2 pairs of OS2 bindings Summit Ski & Snowboard Shop - 1 Boeri racing helmet with jaw, a bunch of swag like hoodies, tees, beer coozies, WaxWhizards, hats, etc. Precision Tuning Center (PTC) - Olympic-grade snowboard tune-up ($100 value) YYZ Canuck - 3 F2 insulated boot bags Evil Sports - hoodies and beanies Madd - Everybody gets a T-shirt! David Winters, Woodworker - a "carving" board More to come!!!! There is still time to get in on the action, but it is running out!! For instructions on how to book your trip to the ECES, go here: www.eces.us/info.htm
  6. Skiing and Snowboarding are inherently dangerous. I go to the mountain to escape the nanny-state we live in the rest of the time.
  7. It's "audiophile" music. Like Steely Dan. It's what you put on when you want to evaluate your system. You get a glass of whatever, maybe grab your sound meter and check the levels, turn the lights down, sit in just the right spot, close your eyes, and listen for all the subtleties your investment lets you hear.
  8. http://www.bomberonline.com//articles/cross_over.cfm Your COG will be higher off the ground during cross-over turns than cross under or cross through. I'm of the opinion that on ice and/or steeps, the best way to maintain balance is to use the method that results in the least displacement/upsetting of your COG. Which is cross-through.
  9. I assume everyone in here knows about this, right? Click the link below for more info...
  10. Some people have signed up since I posted this thread. Don't forget to peep the instructions for securing discounted accomodations and lift tickets here: http://www.eces.us/info.htm The discount is only available through February 19th! Thanks!
  11. LOL - that's Brian Adams. And here I thought you were a fellow child of the 80s! Bryan Ferry is Roxy Music. His album Avalon is superb for gettin' busy with your lady-friend on a bear skin rug in front of a crackling fire, next to a bottle of Courvoisier. Yeah, that turn towards the end could have been carnage, but instead Geoff pulled a nice concentric carve inside mine. Neil - thanks! I was feeling alright for day 2 of my season. :rolleyes:
  12. Less than a month to go now! If you are planning to join us for any part of the ECES at Sugarloaf from March 6-12, please let us know you are coming here: www.eces.us/signup.html ...especially if you are coming to the Thursday night banquet/raffle. Note, you do not have to pay the banquet fee when you sign that page, but you will not be considered registered for the banquet until you pay. Thanks! And don't forget to check our forum for roomies and carpooling if you need them or have space.
  13. http://www.alpinecarving.com/wtc06/3009.jpg is that an illusion???
  14. Bob, Any negative comments I might make are probably attributable to your condition. So, mad props otherwise. I will say this though. You give up on heelside a few times and skid out or 180. I can't tell if this is something in your way, or just fear. That is precisely the time to let go of your fear, pour your faith into your board, snap it into the next turn, power the nose and trust thyself, my friend. Hope to see this at the ECES.
  15. Thought y'all would like to see some footage we shot this past Thursday. http://media.putfile.com/Sunapee-2-2-06 It was Bob's 1st day out with the new helmet cam, so there area few small bugs, but the vid is still cool. Who's who: Light Jacket - GeoffV Red Jacket with white stripes - Jack Michaud Black jacket with red boots - TrailerTrash Air time courtesy of EZE. Camera guy - Bob Jenney http://media.putfile.com/Sunapee_2-2-06 Lower res version
  16. Looks like I had bogus info last week. Seth is on Letterman TONIGHT!
  17. <a href="http://www.sportlegs.com" target="top"><img src="http://www.sportlegs.com/images/lgProd/bottle.jpg"></a> take it from this desk jockey - it works!!
  18. Oh yeah..... sorry about the "love tap" Bob. Now we're even! :D
  19. Rode my new WCR-Metal 177 yesterday at Mt. Sunapee. So far, I can tell you this is a great board! There weren't any available steeps for more rigorous testing, but I thoroughly enjoyed my new ride all over the mountain. One of the remarkable things about this board is how light it is. We had about a dozen carvers there yesterday and anyone who picked up the board was amazed by the lack of weight. There is no fiberglass in the construction - the board is made from two layers of titanium/aluminum alloy, unidirectional carbon fiber, and a wood core. The result is a thinner, lighter board that delivers on performance but with the added benefit of lightweight flickability. The board seems to disappear under your feet and gives a feeling of nimbleness that inspires you to be more "playful" while carving and not carving. Combine the light weight with the extra maneuverability provided by the round tail, and you've got a 177 that feels like a 170. The 11.9m radius felt "just right" for a wide range of carve sizes. I could tighten it up on narrow trails, and let it run bigger when it was time to go wider and faster. The alloy seemed to be doing its job when letting the board run, keeping things quiet and the edge in the snow where other boards of this size/radius might begin to oscillate. That's not to say the board doesn't have a speed limit - it does, but I it was higher than I expected. Wish I could sample the 183 and 187. Chris Prior told me he feels like the board becomes an extension of his body. Now I see what he meant, and I agree. I don't think I've ever ridden a carving board that was simultaneously this light and this stable - I felt a new sense of "freedom" I haven't before. The board is confidence inspiring and feels like it is hardwired to your synapses. I just can't wait to get it home to Sugarloaf where I can test it on the uber-steeps of Sluice headwall, Gondi-line and the others. I anticipate greatness.
  20. That was a real treat, thanks to all who showed up! Kathy, shoot me an email. jackm at maine.rr.com
  21. I dunno, looks like you're almost there in your avatar. All you'd have to do is put your arm on the other side of your leg. But yeah, grabbing the front boot works just as well.
  22. I don't know if there is a one-word term, but I call that "edge angle". Edge angle = inclination when angulation = 0
  23. Yup. If it weren't for the garage, I wouldn't have sold the other board!
  24. Nope, you've got it backwards. These are PSIA terms. Actually, Inclination is your cog's relationship to the snow. Angulation is creating angles in the body to alter your edge angle with respect to your inclination. No angulation means you are just leaning over, with your cog perpendicular to the board.
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