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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Jack M

    first ITpro

    that "user" must be an ancestor of my dad. :rolleyes:
  2. Canon SD700IS. Just get it. You can thank me later.
  3. Jack M


    hard to say. Could be the latter, as he has 100% positive feedback out of 56 transactions. However it is a little fishy. The base picture he posted is of a 2005 board, which would have a blue topsheet and green sidewalls. The f1-f3 designations weren't around then. He probably lifted the base pic too. Probably doesn't even snowboard, listing the length in inches. Who knows where he got the board.
  4. Jack M


    The board in the picture that is. He lifted the image off the Madd website. I Photoshopped off the board's name and the inserts.
  5. no, coworker sent them. not sure where he got them.
  6. They should re-name it Buttermilquetoast
  7. Bob, I think perhaps you're being a little sensitive here....? I thought it was a joke, a jab. This is the OT forum after all, which has very few rules and isn't really moderated much at all. And Pilgrim's manifesto is provocative if not inflammatory. It surely invites commentary.
  8. Seafood. "hey, you scratched my anchor!!"
  9. Overall on a scale of thumbs-up or thumbs-down, I give you a thumbs-up. However on closer inspection it sounds to me that you are demanding a change in the very nature of men. If so, that's naive. Now that IS naive. Bad people exist, hence the very reason for your walk. I'm sure your walk is supporting this delusion - you have made yourself a lightning-rod for charity and good will. You're practically a self-anointed nun, and who messes with nuns? Anyway, I hope your walk is successful. Good luck.
  10. no pictures have been deleted in this thread.
  11. No kidding, after I discovered what $17-20k can buy you if you just look a few years back, I became very excited about my next car purchase. have you tried www.autotrader.com?
  12. By labelling me as a Rush listener, which I'm not even. I tried him out for a bit and then got bored. Yeah, I said feminazi, because that's how she rubs me. I take it this offended you. I just think it's funny that she gets to stereotype men (and women), and she gets a pass. I quoted him to make *a* point, probably not the one you think. It was bait, and I believe you took it. That was not directed at you specifically, but yeah I believe it is. go right ahead.
  13. Tonja, hope you didn't think I was trying to trivialize the larger message about rape here. Of course, it is a serious problem, and I really appreciate your first-hand input here. Thanks for posting. I just don't appreciate the "pilgrim"'s approach, which I think is misguided and ill-informed, and the implications in her message.
  14. So do you, apparently. You and I probably listen to Rush about the same amount, which in my case is rarely (most of the time he's on I'm too busy contributing to society). Don't you especially hate it when he talks about the environment? Or anything else he knows -zero- about? I do. I quoted him for your benefit. Calling me a Rush listener is another example of when it's fashionable to pidgeon-hole and label people - thanks for playing along. Do not think for a second you've got me pegged because you don't. (psst - I'm not a conservative or even Republican, though the moonbat Democrat party and impotent third parties force me to vote that way.) This girl is not too bright. "The vast majority of the women in this country order their daily lives around a fear of male violence". Umm, where is the footnote? I would have failed the class where I turned in that paper... in high school. The juxtaposition she tries to make between her cause and the Iraq war is weak and irrelevant. Furthermore, marching across the country with a "walking for peace" t-shirt on is not serving her cause (which I actually admire in some ways) - anyone who does not read her website will think she is marching against the war. And many people who do read her website will still think that. All in all, it's a "nice" idea, but incredibly naiive. It seems to me that she basically wants men to stop being men and start being something else. Sh!t I'd love it if women could learn how to operate a toilet seat, but I've come to accept it's just not in their nature.
  15. It's amazing to me how broad sweeping generalizations and condemning stereotyping are A-OK as long as they're either a) propagated by liberals or b) slathered on white men. Hmm, most crime is perpetrated by black men. I think I'll go on a march against them. Any wagers on how far I'll get? (that's extreme sarcasm and satire for the morons in the audience, or those of you in Rio Linda or West Palm Beach.)
  16. There's a chain here in Maine, not sure if it's elsewhere, called Prompto. They are purely a rapid oil-change joint. They don't even have any other service bays with more equipment. I took my previous cars there, and they never accosted me for further service.
  17. this from a guy on my motorcycle email list... Here's another scam at the "Jiffy" Brake places. They advertise lifetime brake pads, but when they wear out, you still have to pay the labor to have them replaced. They say they use long-life pads, but they really use cheap pads that wear out very quickly. My Toyota van got 12,000 miles on their pads. But here's the real scam: When they replace the pads they turn the disks on a lathe, a good practice if the disks are warped, and freshening the surface does help the new pads seat better. BUT, they take off way too much metal so that when it's time to replace the pads the second time, they tell you the disks are too thin and cannot be turned again so you have to have new disks. I asked them how much they wanted: $150 per disk. The Toyota dealer was asking $90 per disk. Normally you take off no more than several thousandths of an inch of metal to freshen the surface, and the disks will last through many lathe cycles. Hmmmmmm So Beware J.O.
  18. commentator: "What's the best thing about racing in MotoGP?" Barry Sheene: "Well it's the crumpet I suppose."
  19. Snopes verified: http://mfile.akamai.com/12924/wmv/vod.ibsys.com/2006/0503/9152183.200k.asx thanks to member Tim Tuthill for the heads up.
  20. I would for the *perfect* opportunity. Unfortunately I've got so much money in my Hawk now, and it's not in any condition to get even half of it back. It went for a lowside last summer and despite my frame-sliders, the subframe is bent a little and the tail cowl is cracked and scratched. Besides, new bike for Daddy is sooooo far down on the budget wish list anyway. At this point, I think the best I could do would be to sell it and get a pre-Terreblecch 900SS. But then there's the emotional attachment. Coming up on 10 years this September. I don't think I can ever sell it.
  21. oh sh!t that is hot.
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