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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. pretty sure they sell (or used to sell) a bigger bumper. i don't see a 6 degree bumper in any of those pics.
  2. ha, well that's a relief. it looks like it's mounted to a board insert. don't worry about pulling inserts. i never pulled any out of numerous Burtons, a Prior and a Donek with TD1s. the bumpers are supposed to have a little "preload", so it might not seem like the larger ones fit. however they don't work with all stance angles. there should be a couple different mounting positions for the bumpers, try them both.
  3. Man, has it been that long? I remember your avatar. Your boots are probably the right size now. Get some moldable liners and mold them before you go to a boot fitter. How about instead of spending money on a board, you put the fork down, eh?? :p
  4. bumper. you've got the wrong size, and you're mounting them wrong. they mount to the binding, not the board. email bomber for help. you might consider deleting this thread.
  5. It shows him that you posted, but not what you posted. In that format, Bordy vs. Shred would still be a close race!!! You forgot the Irish Car Bombs though??
  6. I don't like this idea... violates the "one grenade" principle.
  7. Those aren't Martinis.
  8. 007 is decidedly NOT gay. I used to think Ketel One was the best mid-grade vodka until I did a back-to-back with Stoli. To my surprise I liked the Stoli better. Give our Maine potato vodka a chance when you feel like trying something different:
  9. Uhh, well then I think people thought it was and voted in the spirit of April Fool's.
  10. It was an April Fool's joke, apparently. I didn't quite get it, but... meh. Don't let it bother you.
  11. ECES is in New England, USA. Specific resort varies.
  12. Yes. They are simply easier to carve and ride well.
  13. ECES - East Coast Expression Session, every other year on the even years in early March. Established 2001.
  14. I've known several people who owned F2 Silberpfeils, and none of them liked it. Get a Coiler, Prior, or Donek. In any case... metal.
  15. I can't believe you still haven't noticed my "response" to that. ;)
  16. I have heard that boot molds cost something stratospheric like $20,000 per shell size. I wouldn't count on anyone tossing out their tooling for this market any time soon. But as long as we're dreaming, I'd want a 0 forward lean option, and a flat sole platform.
  17. It's true. I've also heard at my mountain that people are going to the effort of writing and submitting formal complaints about our ruts. Our days could be numbered.
  18. Jack M


    Based on your weight I would say soft, but if you are very aggressive/expert then maybe medium.
  19. For walking yes. Maybe Flows are better in this regard, but I find strap bindings have to be tightened to the point of crushing the foot in order to perform.
  20. Jack M

    I Love Rum

    I think you mean "neat" if I have my terms right. Neat = open bottle of booze, pour into glass, sip. A.k.a. "straight", but saying "neat" buys you more bar-cred. "Straight up" = shaken with ice and then strained. AFAIK. But yes, neat is the ultimate way to appreciate fine liquor. Apparently you've made the "fine" optional! ;) Seriously, try the good stuff.
  21. I tried duck once and wound up with a stiff neck from how much I had to turn my head! Brought my old soft gear to the free room at the town dump last fall. Schtubby does it all.
  22. Jack M

    I Love Rum

    Captain straight?? I too started with Captain. The next step from there is Cruzan 2 year dark (about the same caramel color as Captain) and then Cruzan Single Barrel. Or just go straight to the SB, you can thank me later. If you like Captain Morgan, you'll love Cruzan Single Barrel. At $25-30 for a fifth it's not cheap by rum standards but it is dirt cheap by tequila standards. Appleton V/X is great too. Pyrat is also excellent but quite different.
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