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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=p90x As for types of calories, etc, I don't know anything about this stuff, but I do know that it seems to be quite often that if I'm hungry and eat an apple, 5 minutes later I'm hungrier than I was originally!
  2. Totally. It's like Hoegaarden light. And not too light either. You have to do the swirl though, otherwise all bets are off. Have you tried it?
  3. The first law of Thermodynamics is a heartless thing. Calories in = Calories burned + Calories stored. I must confess Bud Light Golden Wheat is delicious.
  4. Donek Incline, Prior ATV. Or a BX board like Oxess, Kessler, SG...
  5. "Among the many other questions raised by the nebulous concept of ‘greed' is why it is a term applied almost exclusively to those who want to earn more money or keep what they have already earned – never to those wanting to take other people's money in taxes or to those wishing to live on the largess dispensed from such taxation." — Thomas Sowell Many forms of greed are good. http://www.skurfer.com/politics/#greed
  6. Nice. We need a proto out east in December for testing, not February. :p I agree, Madd 158 in anything approaching soft snow is pointless. I mean, unless you like doing 700 turns in one run. Really only shines when it's very firm or ice.
  7. Totally. In 1998, snowboarding was still very very young in the eyes of the general public. It was still considered an "extreme" and "rebel" sport on the fringe, populated mostly by punks and crazies, as far as the Today Show audience knew. So the idea of a marijuana scandal in snowboarding's Olympic debut made for a perfect freakshow, and the media eagerly lapped it up.
  8. I say it's not relevant because nobody should have ever known about it at all, in the first place. It should be as if it never happened, because it was discovered in an invalid and unfair way. But of course mob mentality wouldn't allow that. Any opportunity to tear down a celebrity is fair game in our culture. The IOC tested him either on a complete whim, or because they wanted to go lynch a snowboarder. In either case it was unwarranted, and not requested by FIS, and it should never have been an issue. It was no less than unreasonable search and seizure. The evidence found should not be admissible in the court of public opinion.
  9. AR. We have been over this with several others, we are very good at having this argument. There is nothing elitist about saying hardboots are superior for carving. It is a matter of fact. Like saying a Ferrari is a better sports car than a WRX. It just is. Let it be. Save us all the time, we have been down this road many times and it ends at the same place. So either agree to disagree and drop it, agree, or move along. Thanks.
  10. meh. not really up to Onion humor standards, imo.
  11. Holy crap, where was that video shot? Jealous!
  12. Sunday will be a crap shoot for sure. Friday and Saturday's cold temps could actually produce either epic carving, or sugar-on-concrete if they till it deep. Chub/Stub/SL is a good call. My wife was in Kingfield today, and it was 55. http://www.weather.com/weather/weekend/USME0203 anyone want to try a Kessler 185?? ;)
  13. All notables to us, but the public wouldn't have a clue. Except for maybe Damien Sanders, but he wasn't an alpine snowboarder. Will Garrow could work, as the description could say "the alpine snowboarder in the Warren Miller movies". I would like to add Peter Bauer and Jean Nerva to that list. They were the first to really glamorize alpine. Anyone who had seen a Burton catalog older than 1995 might remember them.
  14. Was the dissected board an original??
  15. If you can afford it, go for it. Metal boards are easier to ride, and easier to get better on. If the money isn't a major concern, there would be no point in handicapping yourself with a used old-tech board. My general philosophy about toys is, if you know you're going to upgrade to the toy you really want later, money spent on a compromise now is money and time wasted.
  16. no worries at all man! you make valid points. and thanks again to kjl for feedback and helping me get it wikified way back then.
  17. Yes. It's pointless because 1, it did not enhance his performance; 2, I'm 99% sure Marijuana isn't or wasn't an IOC banned substance, so it should never have been an issue in the first place, and 3, his result was ultimately upheld and his medal returned. It's completely irrelevant to his accomplishment and to the wiki entry. It would be relevant on the Ross Rebagliati wiki page. Actually you could say it makes his win even more of an accomplishment because if anything, he was handicapped by it. I watched with horror as the whole thing unfolded on TV in 1998. It absolutely reeked of a plot to make all snowboarders look bad in our Olympic debut by some bigot skiers who were grumpy that it finally made it into "their" Olympics.
  18. Dibs on the metal + carbon "twin turbo" proto!! :D
  19. I wrote the original entry, then it got wikified and somewhat neutered. Obviously some softbooters have taken some swipes at it. I did write the part about alpine disappearing from stores and so on, which is true and I did mean it as a positive thing, but I see your point. That part could be made more positive. I'll see about that later today, or have at it yourself. I'm also going to remove the pointless smear on Ross Rebagliati. Talk about the allegation trumping the verdict.
  20. Awesome. At last. Is there metal in there??
  21. No, I'm not saying "high risk", I'm saying people who live gratuitously self-destructive lifestyles - smokers, heavy drinkers, addictive drug users, obese, etc. That has nothing to do with race.
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