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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Jack M

    Simon Dumont

    more from the skiing is cool again file... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dUqsznQyyz0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> representing Maine no less!
  2. I think it's more than a few. Granted, in the past I would advise to face the nose, but only to get beginner carvers away from facing the toeside edge of the board. A habit left over from my instructing days where I found I had to tell people to exaggerate a movement in order to hit the target. Facing the binding angles is the ultimate goal, IMO. I've recently updated The Norm articles to say this.
  3. I respectfully and completely disagree, "Bomber Style" as far as I know has never advocated tilting the shoulders into the hill, bunny hopping, and forcing the knees together like that. Quite the opposite, actually. Oh hell yes!! :D
  4. I'll say it again - every year on this forum for as long as I can remember, someone says "hey why don't we start a carving magazine?" It never happened. Until now. Congratulations and THANK YOU!! I love the size/format and the quality of the paper and binding. The photos, graphics, and layout are really enjoyable and professional. I think it's perfect to start it as a once-a-year thing. There is enough goodness in here to browse through all season, and then pick up again in the summer. I think if there is a market for it, twice a year would be ideal, but only if the quality can be maintained. I love that it's more like a soft-cover coffee table book than a magazine. I will treasure this issue always. Criticisms: I'd like to see more racing and especially World Cup coverage, and the company profiles are pretty European-centric. North American carvers owe a lot to Coiler, Donek, and Prior, yet they are not included in the company profiles. The only N. American board maker featured has been defunct for several years. GREAT job and THANKS again!
  5. Found this video in the Jasey Jay Snowboards thread. There is so much Extreme Carving video online, but it seems nobody has gone to a similar level of effort to produce much in the way of video of "the other" style of carving - what the EC'ers call Bomber Style. I hope to take on that project someday. Little things like a career and a family keep getting in the way. Although the video is amateur, I think this clip is a good example of race-derived upright upper body technique. No idea who the rider is. Anyone? My hat is off to him. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vqBNjxAWjs8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. Christmas week was an absolute disaster at Sugarloaf. We had just about every weather and surface condition except the good stuff. Warm temps, cold temps, wind hold (a full day), rain, fog, you name it. The silver lining was that there were a few days of sun and no wind, but there was basically no carving to be had. There was no snow on the mountain other than the snowmaking and the remnants of a 7 inch storm from 3 weeks ago. Vacation week crowds meant anything carveable was scraped clean by 9:30am, and then it was sugar-on-concrete. Apparently the upper mountain got 4-5 inches of new snow Sunday night. Woo hoo, we were gone by then. But I am even more blown away by the scene at Squaw Valley these days. Taken today: More here: http://www.squaw.com/snow-report#
  7. The box is so useful. After you pack the skis and boards, you can throw bags in too. It's like having another "way-back". It's also useful for summer trips. Throw the kids' bikes or other toys in the way-back and your luggage in the box.
  8. I will be able to provide exact dimensions and weight on Sunday night, but I would estimate it at 66" x 14" x 5", and 12 pounds. Shipping from 04101.
  9. I can use FedEx, but it will be more than US$400 for the shipping.
  10. Yep. Awesome board, just too close to my 170.
  11. Huh? Those sure look like red Sidewinder bails to me. We're talking about the pic in the OP right?
  12. SOLD Used 2 days. Not raced. A few cosmetic scratches on the topsheet from where my 6 year old daughter slid into me with her skis. :rolleyes: Some minor base scratches and edge detuning from early season pebbles. It's a spectacular board but it's not the turn shape I was looking for. I can tell it's a perfect PSL machine. Bummed it didn't work out. I can have it tuned to return it to like-new condition by Happy Tunes, my favorite and locally renowned by area racers, or I can leave it alone so you can have it done to your liking. It has the factory tune on it now. Not sure what the bevels are. Compare at $1400 new. $995 tuned, $950 as is. Shipping included to the 48 states. This is your chance to ride World Cup tech for under a grand. Can't ship or provide any more pictures until next week.
  13. Ok I'm dumb. What is the joke here? Don't really watch the show.
  14. Would love to see the followup. I'd love it if camera guy said "give him his pass back and I don't show this video to management."
  15. Today was the 1 year anniversary of the chairlift falling off the tower at Sugarloaf, Maine. There is no snow cover on that trail today. Last year there was a decent base and 20" of fresh for the unfortunate to land on. Winter is taking its sweet time getting here. :(
  16. That doesn't seem too wide, I have a 31" inseam and I ride a 20" stance with 3 degree toe/heel lift and outward cant on the back foot. I'd start looking at the boots, per Beckman's recommendation. If you do go for new liners, these are good too: http://www.bomberonline.com/store/accessories/hpd_liner.cfm I like the 131 or 141.
  17. McManis is the best value on the shelf. Under $10, better than many $25 bottles. When I want to splurge it's Ridge, Lytton Springs.
  18. I respectfully disagree with Rabanser's advice, I believe it promotes bending over at the waist and reaching down for the snow.
  19. Of course the MTB'er is going to win with 100 yards of flat ground at the end where the SB'er practically stops. Also that SB'er seriously needs to work on his tuck!
  20. Yeah Sigi. Level head and shoulders and hands, hips and knees down and in. Another example of the cure for The Toeside Problem. Photo by Oliver Kraus. More here: http://fis.smugmug.com/Sports/Carezza-WC
  21. Jack M

    The code

    That was basically my point. Of course everyone has the responsibility to avoid an accident if possible. But you can't just merge onto a trail or start downhill willy nilly without yielding to traffic above. You do not have the right-of-way in those cases.
  22. Jack M

    The code

    I've never heard or read that they were in any particular order of importance. Cool, so I can hit that air onto lower Sluice from lower Gondi with impunity, is what you're saying?
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