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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. aisling, i second Steve Dold's rec- try different activities. And yes, it does seem like everyone is doing match or some similar service. Randy, re: being a "pickup artist," forget bars. Try the supermarket- I met one girlfriend there. I always see hotties in the stores. Focus on the produce section and let the innuendo flow hahaha. Barry
  2. "all they do is reduce the quality of the media you are seeing by using lossy compression" yes and no. i have seen much of the confidential paperwork on one of these applications (I'm involved in supporting it), some facets are much more complex then what you said in your above statement, yet your statement does (or may) comprise a part of the application. end users are able to control some settings too.
  3. yo Randy "yo", i rigged up a helmet headphone system, not a cam. are there helmet cams that work with video capable digital cameras? if so, i'm interested. Louis Vitton, not my style, lol. i went on shopping spree @ walmart yesterday, clothes included. I think i'll just stick with the lights, whcih actually do also serve a purpose. what will they think of next? === Barry
  4. i see some posts were about current movies and i'm not about to read the whole thing, but Batman Begins is awesome! see it. the batmobile is AWESOME. all the actors are cast really well and the pace is good. === Barry
  5. randy, that is insane! do those spin by themselves too! that's wiild. i'm gonna have way too much fun "wit dis." Barry
  6. forget "pimp my ride"- gonna get this. what ya'll think? http://www.loadedboards.com/cgi-bin/store/agora.cgi?cart_id=5353096.16944*-z1gc6&product=ACCESSORIES friend has the lights- he put it on the back truck so under the board is light up- looks awesome, comparable to guys putting neon lights under their cars chassis (but obviously much cooler, lol). anyone else done this or know of any other fun little similar gadgets to trick the board. other friend has the "devil's slide" for making sparks, but can't do that with my board plus i think it's a bit cheesy. Barry ps my friends do ride at night through minimally lit neighboorhoods (as have I), so the light actually does serve us a purpose too (namely, identifying us to drivers so we don't get run over, or at least not at full speed.) plus it will help me pick up those 19 year olds jk =) JK!
  7. AAA (or 3A)- Aspen Alpine Assault or, borrowing from Jack: NAAAA (or N4A)- North Atlantic Aspen Alpine Assault i'll try to think of something funnier, that's all i have for now
  8. yeah, i guess now i'm a hypocrite lol. well, i didn't intentionally go so fast and didn't know i would be going so fast. good to hear Holly is doing well. hopefully we'll see each other soon, love to try the DS. === Barry
  9. hey Guys, So I've ridden my first longboard (Bozi Mad Bomber) about 3 times now since I've had it, the last time being in the 6 story Reston Town Center Parking Garages (I live right behind RTC) and I was starting to feel confident (carving it and foot braking). Oh how I had no idea at the time that I still could barely ride the thing. I met up with some of the guys from the local skate shop for a night session through some Ashburn neighboorhoods (even though all the houses pretty much had lights, it was still very dark) We skated in front of a pickup truck, which made sure no cars ran us over and lighted the way somewhat. Then we all hopped in the bed of the truck for the ride up. This was the "crusing" hill for them, but felt like a downhill hill for me. So I am SOOOOOO glad I had protection on. First, I was going WAY faster than I was comfortable with (a few times), so I got low and then I started getting crazy speed wobbles even while crouched low. I thought for sure I was going to be "ejected" off the board and would have awful road rash all over my face. Somehow, I managed to stabilize myself before I hit the curb and rode it out. I tightened the trucks after that run, though. Then, on another run, I was hand braking / sliding for probably 10 seconds straight (I had wrist guards meant for inline skating, not skating) on, and the things were burning hot, I thought they had melted. Nevertheless, I firmly believe those truly saved me tonight. I ripped right through my jeans at the kneecap, thankfully I had kneepads on. I was totally freaking out going straight downhill though- too scared to try anything but stay on the board, lol. Toward the end, I was getting the powerslide though. A number of times I ran off the board at quite fast speeds, which can't be good for your knees and isn't what I want to be doing. So then the guys I was with went to a much steeper hill and were carving then powersliding some more carving, powerslide. It was a very cool hill, supposedly the highest point in Loudoun county, we could see the lights from Reston (or perhaps Tysons Corner). Anyway, I got some video of these guys doing the 2nd hill. One of the guys had blue lights under his board, which was cool looking and had made it easier to film him. So I got way more than I bargained for tonight. I'll be out there again though- with some real sliding gloves. --- Barry ps I'll try to post the video somewhere or email it to someone who can post (depending on how much I can compress it)
  10. hey Scott, i emailed and left a voicemail for you...I assume you got the message, maybe not though?? was curious when a good time to visit was..still going to have a party for her? === Barry
  11. just got back from carving camp / vacation, quite exhausted. i will be in touch soon, Scott. sounds like the 2 of you are stayin' tough. Barry
  12. hey ya'll, i just got back from the rest of my vacation, red eye from san fran. quite tired now but just wanted to also give big thx to Sean, Gavin, Mark, Mike, and all the other fun and talented riders. Was a blast to meet and ride with you all. Def. glad I made the trip and I got some pics that I'll be sendin out hopefully in a week or two. Barry ps Dave, East Coast!
  13. Hey Scott, Stay strong. Definitely let me know if she's being transferred to Bethesda, that's about 1/2 hour from me and I'd like to see her when ready and we can hang out around the area if you just need something to take your mind off of everything (which helped me when my mother passed a few months back) I'll be back from Mammoth Carve vacation on Tuesday morning. === Barry
  14. the encouraging news. stay strong you two! === Barry
  15. Scott, Like Chunae, I was shocked to read Holly was involved in such an accident. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Although I only met Holly once briefly, I know she's a very tough girl- and I'm sure she will get through this. My thoughts are with you both during this trying time. === Barry
  16. star wars kid is funny, Canadien, has suffered a lot emotionally I guess. The "Numa Numa" kid is also hilarious, lip syncing some Romanaian rap song with funny facial expressions. anyway, I'm going to a special pre- viewing of SW tomorrow- one of our vendors rented out the theater and hooked us up with tix- I guess this opens to the public Friday? I'm not into the whole star wars scene, but this is def. a movie to see in theaters. yoda rules. === Barry
  17. FTA2R


    hi Nekdut, yes, I'm flying in to Reno. Thx for the offer, I'm actually headed for a day (and night) of ATV'ing at Sand Mountain, Nevada after teh camp, then we're headed to Reno. Right now I'm prolly not terribly interested in the possibility of losing more money while at carving camp, lol, but I'll certainly keep it open, play it by ear. B/w the long flights, ATVs, carving, and gambling (i'm no high roller though) in addition to already slightly sore ankles from bad technique kicking, I'm trying not to totally sacrifice my body and/or bank account - not all in the same vacation anyway =). Look fwd to meeting/ hanging with you all though === Barry
  18. FTA2R


    seriously.... anyway, i dont' own mtn bike and am not a "fishing" type of guy. at least gambling / vegas is close by if massive melt occurs. we'll have to find something to do during the afternoons / evenings maybe if i roll sevens i can recoop the cost of teh camp... --- Barry ps I'm joking, i'm sure conditions will be fine and I'm psyched =)
  19. that is, as my brother says, totally "ri DONK u lous" lol lol. tell me you set that up just for photo purposes? what else do you have there? let me guess...a $2000 GPS / navigational system, portable weather center (barometer, thermometer, wind speed gauge, etc), week's supply of various bicycle wheels, and parachute just in case you decide to go B.A.S.E. jumping? you're a trip, Scott. I really wanna stop by your place this summer, I imagine it will look like a sporting goods store with all your toys. :) ps is "ridonkulous" a New England term- that's what I heard. --- Barry
  20. from a co worker who's going to surfing camp. far as I know though, she's not into board sports, just FYI, so probably didn't have the balance most of us have already. so would I be OK on a pro? I don't care about letting other people play with it, I want what i'll get the most out of. === Barry
  21. FTA2R


    damn, this isn't what i want to hear, I'm coming across the country to go to this camp. The early morning conditions are OK? === Barry
  22. going. flying to reno. I think nekdut is also going. === Barry
  23. Scott, looks very cool and very fast. To my untrained eye, looks much faster than a skateboard and prolly more stable. At least the guys in the video seemed to be flying. Looks like they did a big promo right in your backyard @ Snowshoe mtn. Let me know when you buy one! Barry
  24. Hi, A few people have asked me for this info. I don't know this person and I don't really wanna post his info on the web, just out of courtesy. If you want the info, I'll be happy to give it to your over email. You can email from BOL. Barry
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