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Everything posted by trailertrash

  1. Gondi isn't usually ready until later. It doesn't get groomed enough to get firm and flat for a while. @GeoffV is going to pop his Burnt cherry tomorrow morning...
  2. 1" or 10+" in Saco is meaningless. It doesn't get much better than Comp Hill today.
  3. It's strange to see snow predicted with no torrential rain following it.
  4. Today will easily be a top ten conditions day of the season. Tomorrow, will be shit. Saturday even worse.
  5. Well, the new pumphouse is making a noticeable difference. Sluice Headwall is open already. I think that's the earliest I have seen it open in a long time. It was pretty warm today. Hopefully we don't get too much rain tonight.
  6. Groomers are being told opening date is planned for Friday 11/18. Temps look good for snowmaking starting Monday after the rain clears out. New pumphouse by Bullies is going to improve coverage early season. Scrape the storage wax off your topsheets! @pow4ever, @VTHops, @Jack M, @Beckmann AG, @jl1, @skidad62, @powdahbonz, @MR. JOHN DEERE !, @dhamann, you guys ready?
  7. That will be a good garage queen to pick up third hand...
  8. The headwall isn't bad, the chute screws me up every time. I think I did it once this season.
  9. You need to spend a winter here Dave.
  10. Shitty with a chance of crappy. Rain this morning. The daily report actually mentioned snowmaking coming back online soon...
  11. You might get lucky David, today was decent and temps look to stay cold next week.
  12. Tons of water in the snow, the afternoon report says minimal grooming tonight.
  13. @pow4ever, are you coming back? This weather we are having is what usually happens when you come.
  14. Assuming this was mounted to a wall properly for display I don't get how you would see this.
  15. Carving conditions are ideal this week.
  16. The holiday goons are here already. It was way too crowded for a Monday today. Conditions should get better each day though and more snow Wednesday night.
  17. Wait, the GeoffMeister is giving lessons? Did he teach you his patented rear arm flail? It's quite distinctive. He's been perfecting it since the '80's. He will explain the reason he does it but it makes more sense in Austrian. He once used it to break the nose of a fellow well known carver around here... @Shred Gruumer may actually have a picture of that, too. It's a similar vintage to the yellow jacket era (error?). I too was fortunate to ride with better riders early on and even today. Luckily I didn't pick up @GeoffV's flail but he did pass on other tips.
  18. Guy, did you get stuck in the lot again?
  19. I think they are only grooming Tote tonight because it's so warm. Chairs running tomorrow morning is questionable.
  20. When are you coming up? It rained hard yesterday and last night and the wind picked up. Nothing above DRC opened today. It's a bummer too because they were making good progress.
  21. Listen folks, my already discredited points aren't wrong you just aren't open to new ideas.
  22. Brush sticking through on trails already.
  23. You made broad generalizations of a group that can't even defend themselves on this forum for something you yourself are guilty of and you are calling anyone cowardly? Do I have that right? You embarrassed the organizers and everyone else at that event when you tried to show off.
  24. Didn't you cream a kid at an ECES?
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