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Everything posted by Emdee406

  1. Great riding as usual, I thought I was odd favoring Slalom boards, just blamed it on my love of skateboard slalom. Here in Park City, when it's busy they are the logical choice. In fact I have an old school board on the way that should be super fun...in a scary way, Aggression Stealth SL. I can't wait, my Hot Blast 160SL is already jealous! Martin
  2. Hi Pat, Did we meet at Park City, might have been when I ran the Nastar Training?
  3. I have dug deep and found one of these and need at least one more two-piece cant for this to work. has anyone got some that they no longer need? Thanks Martin ps. Any colour will do...
  4. Sounds very cool, I wish us "hearing" folk had our act together as much as you guys...makes you realize who is better at overcoming differences... Good Luck to ALL of you. Ride hard, stay safe, have fun! MD
  5. Great post Rob! I agree wholeheartedly with your comments and would add the following: I try to get (soft-boot) riders to be as balanced as possible, just imagine an old-fashioned weighing scale that is really sensitive and perfectly balanced. If you put a feather on one side the scale will shift, this is the same principle I apply to riding. The more centered and balanced you are, the less you need to do to initiate a turn, as a tiny movement will "unbalance" your scale and start your turn with very little effort. It becomes an effortless way of riding, something I am quite keen on as I spend 130+ days on snow per season. This is further facilitated by my riding duck, its much easier to balance. Stand on a Yew-do and see which stance is more balanced? For me, current soft-boot stance /riding, is summed up by one word... "Balance". Now I'm off up the mountain to try my Kessler for the first time, angles 57, 53 or thereabouts :) Martin Drayton ps. Rob, say Hi for me to the guys from BASI and Matt Phillips and Kyle Kosthoris with the Kiwi contingent!
  6. Good Luck Jeff, keep the Japanese guy in your sights, you're the Corsair, he's the Zero! (sorry I'm a plane freak!) Have fun, Utah is proud of you! Martin
  7. Yes...and I have neither the time nor the inclination (no pun intended) to explain why...
  8. NCDSA & Slalomskateboarder - for my 30+ yr concrete addiction. Goneboarding.co.uk - Brit snowboard site. Lots of Voice Over websites for my 'other' job. And here occasionally...
  9. Angles... 21 front, -9 rear. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=30709
  10. Well, I work hard for my money and if I want to treat myself to a piece of Alpine history that evokes memories for me... But thanks for your concern.
  11. I leave on the 28th though for Usasa races @Wolf Mt.
  12. David, if you'd like some local company/knowledge for a few runs@ PC, let me know and I'll grab the Kessler and try to slip away from teaching!
  13. Does anyone know the stats of this old warrior? Sidecut and max stance width particularly? I'm thinking of becoming an owner...
  14. I would love to get some info too Don, if I can! Very excited, I am actually teaching my first Alpine lesson of the season next week (800hrs of soft boot lessons last season!), lets change the world, one carve at a time! Thanks
  15. Hey Dazz, I loved my PJ6... I would love an old school asymmetric, just imagine one of those with a NS twist...Mmmmmm! I still haven't forgiven you for grabbing the little PJ5 before the Aviemore race! Take care!
  16. Looking to retire my old, but pristine, Hot Blast 160 for something newer that doesn't require the thighs of an Austrian World Cup rider! Just a poor Instructor saving hard... Kessler, SG and F2 (with vario camber), peak my interest most, but open to suggestions. I plan to race a little USASA on it. Thanks!
  17. I will be there making turns, but sadly they will be in softs while teaching! I'll keep an eye out for you though...
  18. Looking forward to meeting up with some of you guys at Wolf and riding with you at PC Will! I got my new Ibex toe clip to replace the broken Burton one, clipped in at the top of Crescent (Park City) for the inaugural run on my Kessler/ Head Stratos combo, been waiting since May... and the bloody rear toe clip shattered when I went to close it. I had to download :-( A brand new Ibex is on the way to replace my ancient Race Plates, so soon I will get to ride a 'New School' race board! Third time lucky... @Utahcarver- It will be cool to ride with you 'off-concrete'! MD
  19. All good recommendations, I would suggest a rental car if you can and visit them all. I am based at Park City and the groomers are possibly the best carving terrain in Utah (we have micro breweries AND a whisky distillery!), contact hardbooter.com if you want riding buddies or more local advice. Come ride Utah! Martin
  20. The guy who wrote it is coming out in Feb, I will quiz him before then if I can.
  21. Hey Phil, what do you think of the Head boots? Just got some plus a 171 Kessler, but haven't tried them as it won't stop bloody snowing in Utah, 5ft in the last 3 days! Martin
  22. A friend of mine wrote an iPhone App a few years ago and not being an iPhone owner, I took no notice :o. Now I have one, I checked it out....AMAZING! I attached a screenshot from an intermediate lesson I taught (the av. speed is low because of stopping to teach/coach!) http://www.corecoders.com/CoreCoders/skitracks.html Its called "SKI TRACKS" and using the GPS in the phone it: -Tells you your max speed -Gives you your average speed -overlays your route on Google Earth -Take photos which incorporate into your map -Run-by-run breakdown -Vertical feet skied/ridden and as they say, much, much more! And crazy value at 99 cents!!! Give it a shot and if you like it (or not), review it on iTunes for him. Happy riding!
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