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Everything posted by slopestar

  1. Cabela catalogue on line. wet/winter goretex $159. Even comes in Tea Party Camo:biggthumpNOBAMA!
  2. Dude, Baker is flat. I spent 6 years year round at Crystal. Since you and I were both there, Add a Base to summit Gondola/6 man high speed/ etc...etc... 4 new lifts in 6 years chief! In the 6 winters I spent there. I never got every run and I had several 50,000+ vertical days there...
  3. That's great news George! Ya, Glendora is a bit out of the way but I did just buy my pass so I will be going quite a bit. Bought a Burton 165 fusion/BX board. I figure I can ride softies or my Freecarve boots and race plates will go well with it too. Decided the pass was more cost effective than buying new boots and a bigger alpine deck. I look forward to your first day back on the Hill!
  4. But how far from Crystal Are you!
  5. Playback on both xp and windows 7 is like it takes .25 seconds for the entire loop or circle
  6. Hard to tell...not sure if the link is good or not???
  7. Thats lame. No suffering is good. I want to see the "dedication deck":o
  8. Check out Cabellas catalogue. Many years ago I scored on some sick bibs designed for hunters in extreme conditions. all the same materials as North Face and Marmot but at half the price. not saying they have anything now bit just a thought...?
  9. I go to lost and found to find my "other" glove. Pick a good one/preferably black. Each time I go, I look for the opposite hand. pretty soon i have several good right and left hands. Dip them just past the wrist and into the cuff in tool handle/rubberized coating adn BAM! several matching pairs of gloves for the cost of one $ 35.00 gallon of black tool coating. Just sayin...They last forever and who cares if the cuffs don't quite match The are tucked under my jacket cuff anyway...
  10. Most ride at Summit. Chair 6 to be specific. Big Bear is a bit of a trek. On weekends with any new snow can be a nightmare getting there or getting home. If you are stuck riding weekends like I am, The drive to Mt High is much easier. East resort at Mt. High is best for carving as West is full of skidder/gapers. At $299 for a pass for Mt High, it is a bargain. HB or Costa Mesa I would recommend. Mission Viejo leaves you a slave to the toll road or having to drive surface streets to get to the freeways for several miles. Besides CM and HB are "by da beach, Boi!" Look forward to hooking up and linking some turns.
  11. Best laugh all summer! Definitely needs to snow somewhere in the U.S. VERY VERY SOON!
  12. BB. thanks. Thought this one would fall on deaf ears...or keys in this instance. Ya, freecarves... I ride a custom 62 with flows and love riding switch but I am a speed and carve junkie. I just never committed the time to plates. I have a 162 ultra prime and the freecarves although fit well, just don't have the support I need. No dough for boots...but an in-between deck for $100.00 would do nicely. I will probably ride it with softies at first but I imagine it will be my go to alpine/plate board in no time. Can't wait to get it. Just sold my Megaflex(fingers crossed)boots from the dark ages. Great boots just not for me. I bought the freecarves for the UP but they were too soft and the MGX sole although worked great on my PJ and ALPS but was too wide for my angles on the UP. Thanks for the response. I figured Shredd Gruumers honey/oxcess would be the attention whore...:o
  13. Does it come in men's? Just kidding..That is a work of art! Enjoy it! :lol:
  14. So How goes the healing process??? You getting better or what? I need carpool friends to Mountain High. Besides, it would be nice to hear you are back at it!
  15. I know where several are!!! "barn find" found in demo rental fleet last weekend! PM me!
  16. So I found a Burton Fusion 2001/165 in great shape the other day buried amongst the rental/demo boards at a very large shop. I can get it out the door for $100.00. Base and edges (EDG sidewalls) are mint with normal wear on the deck. Just wanted to know if anyone has tried/likes/dislikes. I want an in-betweener'/ soft boot & alpine deck. I can't afford a custom deck or anything new for that matter, soooooo? I have read up on previous posts about the Fusion already. Btw, they had several factory primes with the same dust collection. Most were on the small side...171 or less.
  17. I do agree with the pull/g force you get from that. Not over exagggerating but pulling up and out and diving back into the next toe-side. I definitely utilize the arms when initiating in bumps
  18. Um ya? :boxing_sm:barf::( Bring your boards and your arms...lets ride! Put up or shut up...
  19. So true. The exaggerated freestyle skidder that twists left to go right and vice versa. The endless never-carve! i like to keep the upper body and arms relaxed and at my sides but i hate the instinct to reach for the snow especially on toeside carves or when really pushing it...This year while working on technique as well as not reaching for the snow might be fun?...I have been lloking for a gateway board... I found the cheap alternative to a new custom deck or new boots. A 165 burton fusion "barn find" only ridden a couple times in the demo/rental rafters of a very well known shop. Now if I can get it for a song and a dance. Any opinions? I have dabbled in carving boards for 20 years/always one in the quiver but never dedicated to it. Currently quiver is a 162 ultra prime /burton race/freecarves and megaflex( both boots are sad for true alpine riding) And a custom 62/with flows. I figure this could be the go-between ride that will keep me going in the hardboot direction...
  20. Merecedes e class 4matic :1luvu:wagon 99-03.
  21. these are not my boots but the same make/model
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