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Everything posted by slopestar

  1. This all depends on the resolution capable by the tv. VGA will do it but you need the edid "12th" pin on a 15 pin vga cable. Other wise HDMI but I would verify the tv's native resolution. This is why Mac guys do not use tv's for computer animation. They use Monitors designed for displaying the highest of resolutions that most consumer grade tv's cannot handle very well.
  2. Agreed. Lets just look forward to carving circles around the skidders. Besides, some of the die-hard/race influenced carvers here will consider the additional traffic as more gates to go around! I am am just looking forward to arcing a few out!
  3. slopestar


    Still in the house, still on the couch, there for my kids. I am going through so many changes. My kids recognize it and really like their new dad. He is I really nice guy that will do anything for his kids. We spent the weekend together and had a great time without the wife. Thursday will be our ten year anniversary. I have already written a letter to her and plan to give it to here with a rose and a photo we took just prior to our wedding that I have carried in my wallet since that day. Not sure if I should include the ring she gave me or to hold on to it for the platinum exchange rate...I still love her but it is about me and the kids. If she wants in on the new guy I am becoming then that would be great. If not, I will be a 41 year old nice guy that recently got onto great shape, with two beautiful kids that come first and in his spare time, loves to arc turns. Thanks again for the kind words and support. Every bit helps. Oh god please let it get cold! Need to get the aggression out! Skating just doesn't do it for me...
  4. slopestar


    Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement and advice. All welcomed. I am in Mammoth and finally picked up my old school Burton fusion 165, It is a bright star in a very dark night. I feel better about myself and hope that she will attend counseling with me. Things are amicable and only time will tell. Thanks again. I will keep you posted. Let the snow fly please! I need to lay a few turns out...
  5. slopestar


    So where are things now? my wife, 2 weeks shy of our 10 year and with a 3 year old boy and 7 year old girl, told me she wants a divorce. She loves me but is not in love...I have been a jerk but she is unwilling to give it a chance. She does want me in the house (sleeping on the couch) for the kids sake... Financial issues pending...then divorce once finances are in order.. It's my fault but man...All the sit ups and push ups along with a major attitude change have left her even colder than when we were "in love" Life sux... The kids really like their new (attitude) Dad and that is everything!
  6. The boot/liner sizing is very important to me as I will need new or new used boots very soon. Mondo point sizing is down right confusing and no one ever references their US shoe size. Yet, there are always sizing questions and people left unsure...I have read and sized and tried several boots but still cant get it right.
  7. I am lean on gear but heavy on enthusiasm. Lets do this for sure!
  8. VERY COOL! I looked all over their trail map at June and could not find Gunsmoke. I must be blind. :(
  9. So is this at Mammoth or June? and where the heck is "gunsmoke?":smashfrea
  10. I use 9 year old flow Domain boots. Still have the sperm logo on the sole of the boots. I have shoe gooed the base back on twice and the inside is all packed out. Too broke to buy anything else. They work fine. Just lay it over and hope she sticks!
  11. I ll take my coffee black (coffee can exhaust) JK nice ride!
  12. SWEEET! <div><embed src="http://www.onetruemedia.com/share_view_player?p=a250a3b034d24bb3f048ca" quality="high" scale="noscale" width="408" height="382" wmode="transparent" name="FLVPlayer" salign="LT" flashvars="&p=a250a3b034d24bb3f048ca&skin_id=701&host=http://www.onetruemedia.com" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed><div style="margin:0px;font:12px/13px verdana,arial,sans-serif;line-height:20px;padding-bottom:15px;width:408px;text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.onetruemedia.com/landing?&utm_source=emplay&utm_medium=txt0" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;">Make photo slide shows at <span style="text-decoration:underline;">www.OneTrueMedia.com</span></a></div></div>
  13. Totally get it. Thanks. I will post when found, additional video in the "videos" area. Need to have some early 90's video tape converted to digital media. Thanks for not bus-chucking me!;)
  14. still waiting. You guys must have watched but no comments? I know , I know...it's softboot footage but I claimed,you said put up and now I need to know if I had better shut up.
  15. Buell/oldvolvosrule. Video posted. Comments?
  16. Sorry that I missed that. Perhaps this year I can make it and some vendors can send some gear! I have been offered many many times to try this or that from others here locally and that has been great but I have not really hooked up with anyone other than Arclite/carving chef/george s/king crimson/Zeatre? Luca? and his wife. All great people for sure. I suppose when I have more days this winter on the Bx deck instead of the ultra prime that I have used a day here or there for the last 10 years, I will have a better grasp of things. Baby steps for a softboot carver I guess?
  17. http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=a250a3b034d24bb3f048ca&skin_id=701# This is all I have online that I could find on short notice. Pow day from 05' on a really flat run. <embed src="http://www.onetruemedia.com/share_view_player?p=a250a3b034d24bb3f048ca" quality="high" scale="noscale" wmode="transparent" name="FLVPlayer" salign="LT" flashvars="&p=a250a3b034d24bb3f048ca&skin_id=701&host=http://www.onetruemedia.com" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" width="408" height="382"> Photo and video editing at www.OneTrueMedia.com
  18. The new/old Burton Fusion 165 Bx deck will be here in a few days. freecarve boots on raceplates( total cost=$250 over 11 years ) That is s the kind of money and technology I am on. The sad thing is, on softies I could definitely out carve the Japanese Kagyaking boys...Where are the demos??????????? please take note of the caption at the bottom...But I can ride...
  19. Not a bad idea. I have enough unfinished projects and no need to start another. Would be nice to see some of the demo and used gear not all being sent to or snatched up by the same guys...
  20. I will list reasons why here in Southern California, I will probably never own or get to try one. 1. I am broke and can barely afford a season pass at the local "skatepark" 2. The local resorts are "skateparks" 3. SNES? Oh ya, only locals show up and no vendors = no demos! 4. Did I mention all my gear and I mean all my gear is at least 5 years old. a. Most of it is over 10. 5. Did I mention I am broke?
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