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Everything posted by barryj

  1. OK...somebody give me a linky to the motherland of BTS springy thingy knowledge!
  2. Well, thanks for the encouragement......er, I think? I been at this long enough to have learned two things: 1 - My head is attracted to hard objects. 2 - I bounce really well. So I should be fine.......
  3. OK 'm gonna try "Loose" mode on my boots with the knob turned to the left....
  4. Hey Oldsnow, Ha, thanks for the visual...... Well until I broke down and bought a new setup last year my gear was over a decade old and the forward lean had stoped working so many moons ago on my old Raichle 234? boots that I hadn't even thought about it's function.
  5. Ha! So that's what that knob is for on the Forward Lean! Powder Mode! I swear I learn something new every time I get on this site! Thanks Sno Surfer!
  6. I have never liked/felt comfortable with the locked/rigid feeling when I try to ride with the forward lean clicked/locked in on any of my hard boots. I've got Suzukas now and have tried the differant locked positions and even just the rear........yes edge to edge is quicker in any locked position, but I feel I got no recovery buffer...when things go bad I can't flex/absorb/dissipate the train wreck that's about to happen. If I'm not locked I can bounce/flex my way through most diggers or wana be jib rats. What am I missing?
  7. Well here's my adjustment - the first photo is the front and the second is the back. I'm offset about a 1/4 of an inch. The third is my board and shows my angles. Websight, I'm running steep angles on a wide, 26cm board, so I don't fit the norm I guess.
  8. So I adjusted my front boot 1/4 inch to the rear and the back boot 1/4 inch forward of center. All I can say is: WOW! What a difference in ride...the toe holds much better and the rear rails like on a laser.....but I must of went to far on the heel side (Front Foot, correct?) adjustment because I couldn't transitation/release the heel side.....it put me to far over and all I could do is ride it out and bleed off speed and pray I don't take out a family of skittels! So I adjusted the front foot back in about half of where I started and I had more heel side control/transition but toe side lost a little - it's just amazing the difference. So I assume I should pull the front foot back towards neutral - right? Or am I missing something?
  9. So Website - the way I read this is to move your front boot out of the neutral position, so that the center mark on the boot is behind and back towards the heel 1/4-1/2 inch behind center and move the rear boot towards the toe the same increment so it is forward of the center mark. I'm running a Virus Avy AFT ALP which is about 23 wide and my angles are about 65 front/60 rear on old Oxygen 01 bindings - The maximum boot bias I can get with these bindings is about 1/4 of an inch.
  10. Hey Sinecure, Thanks for the info. I'm at Alpine Sat/Sun Just let me know when your up. I could use some pointers. barryj01@msn.com
  11. One New Virus deserves another! Virus Avalanche AFT ALP 160 Ladia I'm running it at Alpine Meadows if your up this way would love to get so pointers
  12. I'm using old Oxygen 01 plate bindings with the doughnut ring with (little) built in cant/lift. I'm thinking I'll double up the cant/lift disk on the rear foot to push more more forward and maybe get a little inward cant going also. The board railed the toe side when I was centered (20+) but I had no control on the heelside. I'm much more comfortable at my 18- but the board isn't as snappy/responsive.
  13. Thanks guys......I turned my bindings up to 65/60 and that really helped...stil not there but much closer. Plates are an interesting idea I hadn't thought of.
  14. Took out the new Virus Avy AFT ALP - All I can say is Wow! Kills everything...groomers, ice, pow........... I tried you guys suggestion of a wider stance...started at 20.5 -just didn't feel right....after numerous adjustments I'm now back down to 18- Toe side still rails but my heel side is washing out. On the front foot I'm all the way back on the last set of mounting holes and on the rear foot I'm all the way forward on the first set of holes! I feel centered - I think I should move both feet up to load the nose to counter the heel side wash out but I got nowhere to go on the rear binding except backwards! I got lift but no cant on 60/55 My rear foot feels under powered/laging behind my body on the heelside - will try turning up the angles to 65/60 I'm use to a tight stance so I'm thinking of having another set of inserts/mounting holes added to the front and back foot down at the local ski race shop - anybody else tried this?? <!-- / message --> <!-- controls -->
  15. Took out the new Virus Avy AFT ALP - All I can say is Wow! Kills everything...groomers, ice, pow........... I tried you guys suggestion of a wider stance...started at 20.5 -just didn't feel right....after numerous adjustments I'm now back down to 18+/- Toe side still rails but my heel side is washing out. On the front foot I'm all the way back on the last set of mounting holes and on the rear foot I'm all the way forward on the first set of holes! I feel centered - I think I should move both feet up to load the nose to counter the heel side wash out but I got nowhere to go on the rear binding except backwards! I got lift but no cant on 60/55 My rear foot feels under powered/laging behind my body on the heelside - was thinking of turning up the angles to 65/60 Any ideas??
  16. Thanks for the info guys I'll try wider -and Zolton I didn't mean to jack your thread. ....but where do you measure the stance width from??
  17. Where are you guys measuring the stance width on your board? From the center of one binding to the center of the other? If that's the case I'm 18.5 apart! Yikes! I'm 6'2" 200lbs with a 34 inseam. Conventional wisdom and math says I should around 20 inches?? I got F toe and R heel lift, but marginal from old Oxygen/fritchi 01 bindings with built in non adjustable lift. I'm using the supplied cant doughnuts to max inward (still marginal) cant on both bindings. Running 60/55 angles on a board that's 10 inches wide.
  18. Original owner and still cranking and carving on an 01 Sims Descender 159 and just retired a 01 Sims Daytona 163
  19. Mitch, Got the AFT board....OMG it's tha Bomb! Thanks, BJ
  20. What year are these from? Photos please: barryj01@msn.com
  21. Hey BloodyT, Isn't a steeper angle in the back unusal....not the norm??
  22. Ok.....wondering what the concensus is these days for setting up plate angles......I've been at 55/55 forever on old Oxygen 01's BJ
  23. Jack, Great post! ....and I'm old enough that I also owned that Chris Karol video!, it was the first eye opener to the mechanics of carving technique. ....and the second had to be this photo of Mark Fawcett from Alpine, 2001: I still have that mag and it's folded to that page and still pumps me with motivation each season and I refer back to it continually....so it was equally satisfying to see somebody else also saw something special in it and had keep it all these years and used it as a reference........ great technique and style stand the test of time!
  24. Hry Jaco...Thanks! What's Mastic?
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