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Everything posted by grayontray

  1. Hiho, all: I am looking to add another board to my quiver of two. I have a beautiful Arbor woodie that I rode before I tried hardbooting. Will never give it up but rarely ride it. My alpine board is a 157cm Nale (Elan's snowboard) from a long time ago that I love dearly - very nimble. I am looking for recommendations from other women riders. I am 5'4" 130#, kinda old so not a super aggressive rider but.... If anyone has good suggestions on a board and why they like it, I'd greatly appreciate it. Cheers and thanks.
  2. Hey, Troy! Sweet. It IS a joy to watch you ride:D Sorry I missed seeing you at NICE. Cheers from Max
  3. So I was up at Silver Mountain (Idaho) last week. The conversation went: lifty - that's a neat looking board. me - it's an alpine board. lifty - cool! Then some other snow boarders asked (before plugging in their tunes) - is that pretty fun to be on your edge all the time? My answer - OH, yeah! Do you like roller coasters? Cheers all:D
  4. Hiho, Dan: Thanks for writing back.. It would be great to rendezvous next season. Sorry I didn't get you a gin this year! Schweitzer is pretty pricey. Silver might be a consideration, but we'll be in touch. Let's DO this, K? Cheers, Max
  5. Hiho, Bryan- Thanks! How are you doing? Lotsa turns this year? Hope so. Mystery never solved - still pissed (obviously). But still riding and loving it:D Cheers! Max
  6. Hiho, Dan: Great to hear from you and YES TOO long no see!!! Yup, I've missed the last two NICE sessions cuz I've been in Ecuador. Sadly, we always go in Jan. and when NICE got bumped earlier......well, I no can go. It was a great success - 29 cases in 5 days! Lotsa smiles and hard work. Glad to hear your wife is interested in hardbooting. Yes, I'd love to show the little I know. It would be WAY fun to see you again and meet her:D Are you coming over this way anytime soon?
  7. It's been 5 years since an unidentified hardbooter hit me at Bachelor OES. Just want to say that while I recovered from my injuries and I still ride, his actions (#1. I was below him on the hill and #2. He never 'fessed up, just left me) that day were unconscionable. However, HE knows HE did it and lives (somehow) with that daily.
  8. Bryan - What a drag! I do hope you heal fast and some decent site returns to your right eye. It IS amazing what can be done. Give it time and hang in there. Cheers, Max
  9. Yo, Kinpa: Great news ALL around:o) Glad to hear all is well. We can dream of the upcoming season. Sadly, looks like I'll be missing NICE this year:o( Garrett (aka Mr. Sassy aka Buster) is lookin' good on the home page! (He IS pleased). Cheers to all. Happy summer. Max (aka Grayontray)
  10. Hopefully, you won't be "hitting" Hood literally. Do take care and do all the rehab offered. ER docs are good at what they do ie saving lives essentially. The finer points are left to the specialists. Heal fast and well. So sorry it happened.
  11. Hiho, Russ and all NICE organizers (you ARE all nice), Thanks for hashing things out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the earlier dates as I'd be able to come for part of it. (Selfish, I know).
  12. Have fun. Make a turn (or two or three) for me. Cheers.
  13. Looks like I won't be able to make the meeting. Keep us posted on how it goes. Good for you guys. Cheers, Max
  14. Russ, Toying with idea of trying to make the meeting on Sunday. Where/what is PHP pizza? Thanks.
  15. Dan, Some people will just never understand. And that's OK;o) We had buckets of snow too. Should be long season of spring riding. Woot!
  16. Good on ya, Russ! Thanks for the update and glad to hear that life is returning (somewhat) to normal. Glad to hear it's all healing. Good thoughts coming your way:o) Cheers!
  17. Ummm, January doesn't work for me at all. I am in Ecuador on a mission then. Of course, I want to have it both ways - mission AND NICE. My $0.02.
  18. Twenty inches at Silver. A bluebird day in the afternoon. SA-weet!:o
  19. Sorry to hear of various injuries. Happy those of you have healed and are healing. Hang in. None of us have a contract. James Dean said it (and lived it) well: "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." Ride on:o)
  20. Have a bithcin' day, y'all:o)
  21. Glad to hear you're back on the hill, Mark. And, Russ, hang in - this too shall heal. I must say I had a wonderful LONG day at Silver on sunday. Finally could practice all the input I got at NICE. Thanks so much to Kathy, Tae, Dane, Steve and the rest of the gang. I'm really feeling like my riding's gotten way better. Take a run for me this week. I may be headed to Silver tomorrow with a powder crazed Italian skiier. No doubt will dust off my woodie and softies for it:rolleyes: Cheers to all.
  22. I've got to jump in here. The indisputable rule of the downhill person has the right of way holds. It is incumbent on the uphill person to absolutely pay attention to what's going on below her on the hill. AND it's incumbent on the downhill person to be mindful on just who is uphill from them. That being said, accidents DO happen. We ALL need to ride responsibly and take responsibility for our riding. Should something bad happen, it behooves us to step up and do the right thing. Sadly, that isn't always the case.
  23. Rus, I am SOOOO sorry to hear of your injury. Phooey and bummer and ****. Glad they put a rod in it - WAY better than other means of repair. I busted my femur years ago and they DO heal rather nicely. In the meantime I hope you're doing well and remember everyday gets BETTER. Know we're all sending positive thoughts:1luvu: Take care and send up smoke signals if you need anything.
  24. And MORE wonderful photos of Mark, Garret and Neil!
  25. Wonderful photos of Tae, Russ and Dan. Woo hoo! It was a great day. Snowing to beat the band today. N.I.C.E. is SO nice:o)
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