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Everything posted by SunSurfer

  1. That explanation seems counter-intuitive to me when the result we see in current racing videos is a significant amount of skidding in the turn, which should make the rider slower. I can see the real advantage in this setting of jumping the tail of the board around to the new edge in a way that minimises the friction loss of momentum, then a stiff board will hold a straighter and shorter line to the next gate. When the SCR on FIS GS skis was made longer, the pundits told us that Ligety succeeded because he was able to cleanly carve these skis for more of the course. The overall wisdom in ski racing, as I understand it, is that a carved turn holds speed through the course better than a skidded turn. Whatever the explanation, riders on ALLFLEX are winning races, lots of races. ps noschoolrider: start to worry when your girlfriend wants you in a speedsuit ;-)
  2. Erik, I think alpine snowboarding is waiting its' Ted Ligety, in the sense that the current ALLFLEX plate/board combinations require tail sideslip then carve turns. Until a rider gets to the top who goes faster by cleanly carving a greater proportion of their run, this style, and plate design paradigm, will remain. I am completely baffled by the success of the ALLFLEX, and not having had the chance to ride even one of its' flavours, have no insight into how apparently limiting the flex of the board, while presumably having a significant effect on mid-section torsional resistance might be an ideal compromise for a GS racer. http://i-carve.com/snowboard_plate_systems/allflex_plate_systems hexagonal / longitudinal & diagonal
  3. Those of you on the East Coast able to enjoy the snow, have a blast! For anyone else who wants referenced, and as reliable as it can get, review information on climate change - The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change reports. https://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/publications_and_data_reports.shtml#1
  4. Ace, given that you've got TD3s on it, is it wide enough to run Bomber BBP cant discs underneath? That would give a rider a range of cant & lift options, compared to the straight 90 degrees aligned lift of the Bomber Skwal cant discs the photos show. And just out of interest, what stance distance are you running there?
  5. Guido, the original comment echoed POTUS Trump who has acted to take the USA out of the Paris climate accord of 194 other nations. The overwhelming majority of the nations of the world agree that climate change is a real threat to our shared world. The debate is very much now what to do about it. Bomber members may care to reflect upon Fin Doyle's actions in selling Bomber and moving into building equipment that allows solar panels to track the sun's movement across the sky. Some people have the courage of their convictions.
  6. Nor conflate geological ages with the duration of the Industrial Revolution. Both of us have nailed our colours to the mast. Neither will persuade the other. Stay safe this winter.
  7. Global warming doesn't need inverted commas. Don't conflate weather and climate. If you don't believe that global warming is coming, put your money where your mouth is and invest in coastal property and ski field companies.
  8. That helmet has been retired, after a heavy fall that split the outer plastic shell, head was fine. Now running a full face with a chin camera mount, or a chest mount (MK demo video), or using a mount on top of my hand armour. I see Ryan Knapton is now riding with a helmet in his widely viewed videos. I've not seen a definitive reliable analysis of what was the actual contribution of a helmet mounted camera in the Schumacher tragedy. Slamming his head into a rock under shallow snow at speed, with or without a helmet, would be quite sufficient to cause his catastrophic injury. Loved the original post in this thread. I hope the Mr Roboteye enjoys as many more days carving as he might wish for.
  9. Debates about both ski bindings and non-release bindings advantages and disadvantages on monoski fora and commercial websites. Generally considered overall safer than skiing for knees, especially if a knee strap is used to limit lateral spread of knees in falls. Lots to read out there. Monoskiers are a bunch of lunatic enthusiasts, a community much like alpine snowboarders.:-)
  10. I shot & edited Corey's Steeps, and Intermediate Clinic (feat. Fin Doyle & Steve Recsky) videos and was part of the group learning from them at SES 2013. (RiotSupercarver on YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbFkVPcmsd5oH-Oe0s3LEMw Corey is a very smooth rider, one of the current Moderators here on Bomber, and an all round nice guy. These Clinics took me through to intermediate level riding a couple of years ago.
  11. On the CODA website they have photos of some carving boards that have both mono and snowboard inserts and the mono inserts appear to be centred between the snowboarding inserts. (Although now I look at these higher definition images the spacing of the midline inserts looks very narrow stance, more skwal than snowboard style.) They have a page for designing your own graphics which has downloadable profiles for the various models, with binding images overlaid. The bindings appear to be close to the ball of foot at board narrowest point setting from these files. https://www.codaboards.com/graphics_templates.php Anyone tried the CODA carving boards as monoski and as a board?
  12. The results you describe seem like a logical consequence of moving your front foot toe closer to the edge (tendency to turn towards toe-side while skating), and moving to a stance where you are slightly facing more across the board than along the board (more butt out and front heel pressure to create heelside turns, and less lateral pressure used). That, and that you haven't got used to the new position yet.
  13. Bringing this thread back from the dead. It's summer here, and play in the garage workshop time for me while I wait for winter to come around again. I'd like to try riding a carving monoski. The snowboards I have in mind are a Coiler 177 AM with a 21.5 waist, and a Rad-Air Obsession (Pinkerman Extreme version) 24.5cm waist. To avoid putting any new inserts into the boards the plan is to build a DIY plate to go on top of Bomber Boiler Plate hinge units. Reading around, binding placement seems to be a critical factor in monoski rideability. I'm designing the plate to be able to shift 3cm forward or back from the start position, and planning on using SnowPro Race bail bindings which have 1cm either way position adjustment from the mounting screws, plus the ability to slide heel & toe blocks around a bit as well. Interested in thoughts/experience about binding/boot centre/ball of foot placement relative to the centre of the effective edge, and relative to the snow board binding inserts that the board maker placed. For example, my Coiler AM effective edge centre is approx. 3cm in front of the midway between the snowboard binding insert sets. Everything still in my head and a Powerpoint file at this stage.......
  14. Your question could lead to a long discussion with the differing points of view swaying back and forth. Concentrate on 2 things 1/ learn to carve your board, and to "find your edge" with just bindings. 2/ Read the Plate thread at your leisure. Don't hurry, and think lots. The thread began when isolation plates were relatively new, and the thinking and opinions evolved over time. The different designs do VERY different things. How the plate is set up in relation to bindings and board affects performance and introduces a whole lot more variables and complexity.
  15. More than anything, put a helmet on. Older brains don't tolerate head injuries nearly as well as younger brains. I want to ride as long as I can, so injury prevention/minimisation is my goal. "Ride long and prosper" in 2018 and the future.
  16. Words are funny things. To effectively communicate with them, there has to be some common understanding of what the words "mean". Miscommunication can easily happen when the speaker and listener understand different things for the same word(s). Communication in marriage, in my experience of 36 years of the state, often has a little of that. "Moving through space without anchorage." We feel balanced, solidly attached by gravity to the ground, when we stand on our base of support. To fly on a trampoline, to tumble through space as a gymnast, to unweight and transition from one edge to the other on an alpine snowboard is to move through space without feeling anchored. It is one of the delightful paradoxes of this sport that despite the fact that I am hurtling along at 50km/hr, leaning over at 60 degrees from the vertical, balanced on a strip 160cm long x maybe 2-3cm wide, and turning sharply at the same time, that I feel so wonderfully anchored over my base of support. And then there's that delicious moment of weightlessness in transition, "moving through space without anchorage", before I dive into the next turn. I'm not Erik, but that's the meaning I take from what he's written.
  17. .375 X 25.4mm = 9.5mm approx. Wow! Don't think I could tear that apart like I managed with a TD3.
  18. Not Vist or Allflex. The plate is almost certainly the SG version of the hinge + hinge/slide design isolation (isocline) plate. It has a smallish front overhang. See the SG website for details. There's a massive thread on the forum devoted to the various designs and the performance trade-offs. Some riders love them, others prefer the "feel" of more direct contact with the snow.
  19. Waiting for the follow up report.:-) Do you recognise what was different about the day on the AM? If you do then you have a much better chance of being able to reproduce it.
  20. Dave Brailsford and the marginal gains. A mental edge because of what the athlete believes is still an edge. And the absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence of salbutamol effect. Thanks, and like you I'd love to see competition unaided by drugs at sports highest levels. Modern medicine can be used for good, or bad.
  21. Thanks for the references. I'm an anaesthetist/anesthesiologist with a background in critical care medicine, so I have a professional interest in applied pharmacology and physiology. PubMed is the place health professionals go to search for this kind of stuff. Provided free by the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health. Search PubMed for research on the reproducibility of exercise performance before believing a non-significant trend towards improved performance with a dose of salbutamol 5 times that allowed by WADA. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
  22. 10 years ago if YouTube is to be believed. Now that your anatomy has been zested your codpiece can pad you for the effect of a sudden stop riding your new found toy.
  23. Currently up on the Bomber Store webpage. Open for window shopping only. ________________________________________ * PLEASE NOTE * Bomber is currently going through an ownership change. The Store is open for looking at what is available, however until the ownership change is complete no orders will be accepted or shipped. We are very sorry for this inconvenience and we hope to have this resolved soon. We appreciate you patience.
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