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Everything posted by Coloradoking

  1. sorry; i snickered i'd recommend getting a biopsy on that; i've been carving 4-6 days a week for... i can't remember how long, and the worst ive gotten are some sore muscles and joints
  2. its not a problem, please just try and find out what some one is saying before you openly insult them
  3. please dont insult my intelligence; i've been working with boards long enough (i know probably nowhere close to you "gods" of boards) to know that this works; i ride a rayne downhill board and i know that this works. i know its hard to detect sarcasm online; however before you know the ACTUAL intent of someone's statements don't start insulting them.
  4. i give it 2 runs before EPIC FAILURE!!!! by the way; i know you're joking.
  5. im with SSWSC and alot of the riders are liking these; not as a freeride boot, they're strictly for racing applications. still im stuck in the Head Pro stratos; and still loving them
  6. umm please remind me how this turned into a conversation about noboards
  7. im not saying that there is no nose/tail pressure in the turn; im just saying there is a period between turns where there will be no contact on the nose/tail of the board; and there will be a space after that when there is contact but no pressure; i know this is minute, but in a race you dont want to have to compromise anything i dont mean to criticise rockered boards, until i ride one i cant really say anything as a fact; (at least a hardboot setup; i ride a lib tech skate banana in the park) but i feel like there is a lot of room for skepticism with this technology
  8. i mean no sort of disrespect when saying this but: being strictly a racer; and riding strictly race gear; i would have to say that the rocker would get a little unstable when moving into the fall line, in the time where your board is flat and moving into the next turn, you would have no nose/tail pressure on the snow; and should you hit anything interesting (ruts and ice tend to pop up alot ) you'd be a little screwed
  9. it is not required when free riding; but as soon as you start trying to ride that thing through a course you will be rocked in the dome piece ( pretty much) by the fact that you have your weight centered in the board as opposed to distributed throughout the board
  10. once you get a new board, i would recommend getting some sort of plates on there to distribute the force of your bindings, i hate to see someone lose their favorite toy. even home made 1/4" polyethylene plates help to get the force of the bindings distributed. the crack probably didnt come from downward force, but you probably weakened the stringers with contact points, same thing happened to one of my nideckers. good luck getting a new one
  11. its not so much about making a boot softer, if its too soft it starts to get unstable; but if its too stiff it'll make it hard to remain in good control; so just go up with a tool and mess around with it until it gets comfortable the BTS system is nice because its nice and adjustable, but you have to drill if you're using head boots
  12. it might just be me but it looked like you were really just leaning into your turns, you get more stability by initiating your turns with the lower part of your body; might just be me but try it out
  13. im about 180 and im riding the head stratos pros, is that what you're talking about or are you talking about the stratos? either way i made my a bit softer for racing, they come completely locked out (not the best for pretty much anything). to tune them to be softer what you do is open up the angle adjustment/ walk/ride switcher and take a flathead screwdriver and twist the nuts on the spring (both on the outside and inside evenly) until the boots get to the stiffness you want hope this helps!
  14. early edge pressure is my edge holding technique, push the turn hard at the beginning and lighten up as the turn goes on; and as you're switching from toeside to heelside make sure your weight is shifting off of about 30% nose, 70% tail and moving to about 40% nose and 60% tail. don't move forward on the board though. just make sure your weight is moving a little forward and across the board, if you get stuck with your weight in the middle of the board and not on the edge, that's where you get washout.
  15. i was never the one driving; i was a passenger in the cars during each incident
  16. i've actually crashed 2 times; multiple things happened in each one
  17. first statement: the scanning of the turn is not included in the question however; it is an obvious part of the process second statement: that's just the way they taught us in my driver's ed class and in the book we read (prentice hall's "drive right")
  18. here's your answers right or left lane on a highway can both be merging lanes, the right lane is the slow lane and the left lane is the fast lane. if you arrive at the same time as another car; the person on the right of you has right of way the car on the right has the right of way; but you should always allow the other car to go to avoid collisions 3 seconds in urban areas under good weather conditions 4 seconds on the freeway 6 or more in bad weather should someone flash their high beams at you; you should change lanes to the right after making sure you won't cut anyone off or hit them and allow the person behind you to pass keeping your hands in the 9 o' clock and 3 o' clock positions you push up with your right hand and pull down with your left hand; so that you keep your arms out of the way of the airbag should you become involved in a collision parking uphill with a curb; you should turn your wheels to the left parking uphill without a curb; you should turn your wheels to the right whenever you leave the car you should lock it and walk around the front side of the car to avoid being sandwiched between two cars should someone hit the back of your car all that from memory; we dont get out own books; we just read the entire text and take tests throughout the classroom time i don't actually get my permit (which means i have to be with a parent/legal guardian at all times in the car) until i turn 15; statistically 15-15.9 year olds are the best drivers on the road, in terms of collisions; but otherwise the second you turn 16 and get your license and can drive alone i become (statistically) the worst driver on the road until i turn 18 however; i can only have passengers that are direct family members (mother, father, sibilings) in the car with me. that motion passed a few years ago (making the system a progressive license system) has actually improved teen collision rates. included: i don't drink, smoke or do drugs and; never plan to do any of them until they are legal (excluding drugs and smoking). now i've just proven that i know my stuff :D
  19. skatha... if you don't think that a 14 year old is going to pretend he's not having fun you don't understand modern youth. and as for the fact that you dont think i'm serious about driving consider this: i've been in car accidents before where i've had whiplash, tweaked my neck, one car accident i was in i was wearing a cast on my leg; guess what happened: the broken bone re-broke and the fiberglass on the cast lacerated into my knee causng a mangled scar that still crosses my knee as a testiment to the crash. dont you dare imply i don't actually take this seriously.
  20. started drivers ed yesterday; i'd rather be in school............. it's nothing but lectures for 7 hours 4 days in a row...... then i have to log 6 hours with an instructor, 44 other hours with a parent, 10 of which must be nighttime or storm driving. this is going to SUCK! mainly because even though i am a good driver i hate driving... my mom forgot money to pay for gas and i ended up filling up our car once... with my money.... 14 YEAR OLDS DONT PAY FOR GAS!!!!!!!!!!!... long story short i'm going to have to wait a little longer for that new set of slalom wheels (mine are getting pretty coned out; good for steep frickin' courses that no one can make, bad for trying to pump speed from a flat one). BTW (if you're not bola please disregard this statement) we've finalized the decision to get my little brother a long board for his birthday so i'll be into all boards soon to get that. i'll need to leave it in pieces so i can disappoint him when he only sees small presents; then i'll bring out the deck once he figures out that he doesn't have a board .
  21. don't be messing with venom; zach is a good guy; he's doing a good job and is making good stuff, which is starting to get more and more rare as all of the bushing and wheel companies are switching into mass production mode. either way, the stim style bushings are only one of the many kinds he's making. if you have a problem with zach's stuff please don't take potsthots at him on the internet.
  22. oh believe me we've got our fair share of gapers, it's just how you deal with them; i usually sit a little between sections of a run and wait for and opening. works well enough.
  23. my kessler is so damp and can turn so fast going at high speeds i don't really worry about hitting people; i just pick a line and keep my distance
  24. i tend not to notice the hangl on the lift; i dont know why, just never bothers me, even on spring days when my board is packed with wet, heavy snow
  25. but when you get out freeriding with the intention of riding race lines; which i'm kind of brainwashed into considering i've done nothing but race for quite a while now; wherever i take my kessler i'm bound to leave a mark on the mountain. i'm sure if i stepped onto a freeride board i'd feel a pretty major differance but for now; i love charging the Kessler; it's just so stable the only way to tell how fast you're going is by the trees you're passing. the boards love to rip no matter what you're doing and yes there most likely are much better free riding boards but i love my kessler with all of my heart. i've probably taken the kessler up to about 60 as of late; didn't even notice how fast i was going until i passed a guy so quickly; even 20 feet away; he felt a wall of wind hit him.
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