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Everything posted by KingCrimson

  1. Okay, I know there's no carving involved, but that Tomahawk is too much fun. Check out the tail in the third frame. Video credits: Gcarve
  2. hahaha the editing was awesome! Thanks gcarve!
  3. See my disclaimer I edited in after you quoted me.. hahaha I assume the drive through portal with energy levels that are (claimed to be) safe for humans is meant to speed the whole border crossing process. Is it safe to microwave yourself? I thought there was some less lethal technology that used microwaves and hurt like hell. I didn't look at the Z Scan site today, I'm saving that for the 6 hours I have to kill tomorrow at school. BUT..just briefly scanning that site (no pun intended) I gathered that the microwave technology is meant to detect anomalies in a body of consistent density. A car is full of random density changes. It would be funny to stuff your door panels full of hot pockets though.. EDIT: I spoke too soon..They have a microwave body scanner on the site that can apparently "be calibrated to higher standards so that anomalous head sweats and fevers could be detected, flagging an individual for closer scrutiny."
  4. In the 63 page document linked on CNET, (as far as I saw) none of these scanners are currently slated to be on our northern border. The "estimated locations" indicate that there will be two in CA, two in AZ, two in NM, and and nine in TX. Maybe they are looking at densities and not the image..With the car moving and the top down image, it's basically a three dimensional scan..Rutheford Backscatter Spectometry will tell you the density of something if you know the thickness of whatever you're shooting the alpha particles through..I dont' know if that's true when you're shooting them through the mishmash of materials in a car- I don't know how that works if they are going through a steel door and through explosives and back out a steel door again...I failed my second semester of AP Chem Edit and disclaimer: I most likely am talking completely out of my ass. I bombed the nuclear chemistry section on my final too. Literally the only thing I am certain of is that backscatter spectometry will tell you the density of something if you know the thickness..I do not know how applicable that is.
  5. I don't know how good the new Silber is, but I hated the old one. The new one has a new school shape and everything, but either way I would spend like $20 more and get a Donek made to your weight and riding style.
  6. Those FT Tom Wallisch boots are about the same stiffness as the orange FT boots with a lot less weight. I can see their purpose
  7. Did you do any post processing at all? I'm amazed the auto WB worked so well in those conditions. The small amount of snow that isn't reflecting pink is really, really white.
  8. Those scanners don't scan the full length of the vehicle at once, so someone has to be behind the wheel. It's like driving through a waterfall vs. sitting parked in an automatic car wash.
  9. Not that I can tell.. the depth i could care less about, but its like they ran a zamboni all over.
  10. Are laughable. It's the worst I've seen it. You're all a bunch of lucky bastards riding summit
  11. You'll have to do a metal computer review. how damp is the macbook? Does the nose fold kn soft conditions? Does the tail snap you into the turn or does it just flex and give you forklift steering?
  12. Your email is disabled. any chance you'll be posting the video off your gopro?
  13. I have boards I've ridden for 2+ seasons with damage way worse than that on noses and tails. I've also seen tons of Kesslers and SGs with noses beat to hell from horse gates and stubbies that don't let go. There's very little stress on the nose, I wouldn't worry about it delaminating more than it has. If it was my board I'd find sticker to slap on top of it....alternatively, if it's a mostly virgin board or you want to play it safe, you could throw dollar store epoxy on it and color it over with a sharpie after you've sanded it flat. If nothing else, it's worth trying to get the epoxy you already bought colder than -10 just in the name of science.
  14. Thanks Steve! I enjoyed watching you throw 360's onto steeps, it's definitely had an influence on my riding.
  15. This one is from The Wall at Snow Summit..filming by slopestar
  16. I always die a little inside when I have to see my heelsides completely outdone on a Burton custom :(
  17. My assumption is the liner is getting pulled out of the shell part way when you remove your foot, and when you put the boot back on, you push the inside of the liner down, but the friction of the liner against the shell is making it bunch up like that. I would be more mindful of pulling the shell open all the way and making sure the liner isn't pulling out with your foot.
  18. Fortunately, I'm just now legal for rich ski town cougars. Can I get a hell yeah?
  19. I can help you with edges. Sending boards away to get ground is the best bet..but honestly boards get so beat up down here I'd have a hard time justifying a grind unless a board was excessively base or edge high.
  20. I've never used 3D focus, but it makes sense that it could be tricked by thrown snow. I love polycarboate Nikons though. My N80 with a plastic fantastic 28-80 weighs next to nothing and is perfect for how I use it. And being that it's a film body, I can find a replacement on craigslist for <$75 should I smash it
  21. Beyond shooting surfers and skaters, I do a lot of photography from a moving skateboard on the boardwalk in Pacific Beach (tons of crazy portrait opportunities) and for all those I end up shooting on auto or at least shutter priority with a fast shutter speed and the C focus mode where it constantly tracks when the shutter is halfway down. My body is like 10 years old and that function wasn't very refined but it works well enough at short focal lengths. I don't think anyone should ever feel diminished shooting on auto though, especially for sports. I'd probably still play with cameras even if they didn't take pictures..
  22. Mike, SLRs are great. There's a finite number of snowboards you can reasonably own..but there's ALWAYS a lens that you need for some reason.
  23. Rocks dont mess with me anymore. They see all my coreshots and know im not afraid to hit em. Just gotta beat em at their own game. i love launching a race board into bumps though.
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