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Everything posted by KingCrimson

  1. When they snap or delaminate so badly you can't repair them. Every board serves a purpose until they get unsafe to ride. I have a board that has like a tenth inch of camber that is a million times more lively than a board with a half inch. The amount of camber is arbitrary. The only thing that your camber measurements tell me is that one board has been used more than another (assuming they are close in serial number and otherwise the exact same)
  2. Twisty nose in that last shot!
  3. Boards twist anyway, regardless of your stance.
  4. Flexing boots into position is the result of bad stance. I ride Dalbello Voodoo ski boots that are stiffer than those brown kryptons and have no problems "flexing" into position, since I never do that. At this point I don't do "freecarving" much at all. It's all fast race carves and gate training. They are fold proof boots and you can totally pressure the snot out of boards. They are extremely unforgiving but I got used to that after a day. If I try, I can flex the boots to the same extent as I can my ankle, so I'm not losing any range of motion. You have major stance problems to sort out.
  5. Badass! It's cool that you pulled that turn off so early (or late?) in the the run
  6. After ditching my Zip ties and going to real buckles, I have no idea why I put up with the zip ties. They ice up and lock you in your boots, they pop open in chatter (which is super dangerous IMO) and would make way more sense if they worked like softboot binding ratchets.
  7. Are you guys measuring to your centermarks on your boots? Gilmour bias makes your stance shorter, I've seen some locals with like half an inch of it.
  8. Anybody want to ride? I'm not sure which we will do. Conditions should range from good to very good to downright terrible.
  9. You know you want to. $25 lift ticket, $25 entry fee, free breakfast (or lunch) tons of swag, cool giveaways and some super rad medals.
  10. It was pretty dumb that 90% of the people who made it across the line did so on their asses.
  11. Take note of the smiley
  12. It's a CVT..Continuously Variable Transmission. Nothing wrong with a spritely 5000 RPM on the freeway... ;) KC's solution: Drive it in the "manual" mode. :D
  13. What are your inseam and canting/lift/angles?
  14. +1.. If you've been on hero cord and had boot out that slows you down without affecting your edge hold, you've felt how Magnetraction feels all the time.
  15. I think the entire Alpine section of the USASA manual should answer all of your questions. http://usasa.org/images/stories/rulebook/2011rulebook.pdf
  16. Well, I'm not sure I should reveal the SYTT for fear of being murdered by the SSoSYTT. But it's something to do with soft-tailed Coilers. ;)
  17. That's actually how I got mine off.. My TD2s stuck to the protective tape on a Coiler.. All I did was click in and do some carpet carving and it tore right out.
  18. Having helped with USASA setup, individual is a billion times easier. It's only one course to set, slip, and break down. I think PGS is quite a bit more fun, but it sounds like you're running it with a young group of kids. The potential for injury and the distractions presented in Parallel racing may not be worth the excitement when you just want them to get through a course with a decent line.
  19. (This post reserved for another "Greenback plate" joke) HCW3- Just ride the board. There's nothing sadder than buying something to use and letting it sit. Honestly, I don't think it matters what you weigh at this point, it sounds like you've never ridden plates. Ride it until you find that it's too turny or it won't hold an edge well enough, and buy something else. It might be only a couple of days before you get sorted enough to reach that point. Then turn it over to someone else who will love it. Or if it breaks, you have a cool story and hopefully no injuries.
  20. Are you sure you're not just exploiting the SYTT? I rode a SYTT Coiler and I didn't like it at all. It was really forklifty-feeling. My Tomahawk has the proportionally stiffest tail of all my boards. Except for almost killing me on the third turn I did on it, I found everything to be great about that board. It definitely boots you in the hind quarter at the end of every turn, and if you push it back on the ground it's extremely fast. On hard snow it becomes a hoverboard. But tailriding it has the same effect Bob described. Or worse, since it's considerably snappier than a newschool race board, it will just dart out and leave you on your ass.
  21. That's a new Tomahawk? That's the first I've seen of current production since I've been riding plates.
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