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Everything posted by Hotbeans

  1. I'm making an assumption that the techniques in question are useful on ice/steeps? That'd explain why I'm having difficulty with those..
  2. :lol: that about sum's it up, doesn't it? lmfao..
  3. D-sub, man, that's a great looking board! Stance is pretty much centered with this board?
  4. :lol:. Let me know what polish you use. As my hairline recedes, I'm thinking a good base prep wax, then (depending on outside temp, of course.) a good hot wax should do it..
  5. Thanks for weighing in Klj.. Funny, I was thinking of sharpening up my angles (currently 48/50). I currently find that I'm using the "gunfighter" stance--eg: shoulders squared to front of board, low, forearms parallel to snow, out in front. With the low angles I'm currently running, your supposition about heel lifting seems logical. The 'oscillation' seems to only happen at greatest force, apex of carve..especially when I'm trying to "lay it out".
  6. Ok, I've got my white card for holiday valley.. I've been there 3x so far and it's been pretty damn good.. Anyone?
  7. How about holiday valley wed pm? thursday day (holimont even!), friday? I'll be at the peak 23rd/24th.
  8. Adam, thanks for the note on this. Let me ask you this: Could I rule out a flaw in my technique/stance if I had access to a stiffer board and it didn't do this? Hopefully I'll have a virus 170 wcr at my door next week and word is that it's a stiff one...
  9. Wrong? You look like you're having a blast.
  10. I'm getting a lot of trenches that look like wavy lines. The guy in the attached vid is experiencing the same thing. It's noticable in the video at the end slow frame series, and throughout. http://www.pureboarding.com/fileadmin/user_upload/publisher/videos/carveitup/carveitup_dsl.wmv I'm thinking this is due to a board that is torsionally flexing, however I've somebody (forget who) told me this is because my stance is too wide. I believe the board I'm riding has great qualities and is a 7.2/10 stiffness, so I'm caught between what I've concluded logically and what I've heard. Opinions on this?
  11. Great video! Could you guys comment on a couple of my observations on what I see Jasey doing that seems to conflict with some of the advice here on bol.. --keeping shoulders parallel to slope: I took a straight edge to his shoulders and noticed that he's diving towards the edge that he wants to hook up, leading with the hand. So, coming across the fall line, he'd actually be dropping uphill shoulder until he's ready for another transition. ? --"pinching" at the waist: If I take a straight edge to his medial line, he centers his body over the board. Matter of fact, I don't even see much hip/torso angulation at all... only fore/aft to get low or to neutral position. Again, I'm sure I'm overanalyzing, but that's how I learn.
  12. What do the guru's think about increasing rear heel lift and/ or locking the boot down further? In simple terms, wouldn't this increase the pressure on the rear heelside edge when the ankles are flexed? The cant increase might shift weight forward, so a binding adjustment towards the rear might be required to balance it all out. ?
  13. Sorry guys for the late reply. I had a chance to spend two days up at Holiday valley and took full advantage of it. If you have pics, I'd mull 'em over. rmoyersatzoominternetdotnet
  14. I'd like a coyote fur topsheet with a real tail pinned on the back... Maybe two fangs dropped off the tip.
  15. Hell no, brotha'! Your's was simply inspiration for a smoke, a beer and trying out my pirated copy of adobe!
  16. John: I'm running pretty much the exact setup as you mention. I do like the stiffness of both the bindings and the boots. This year I believe I'll use the grey tongues (stiffer) with the boots. I used them last year in spring conditions just due to the fact that the heavier snow had a tendency to buckle my boots when driving hard. I'm sure my tastes will evolve as my skills get better.. At any rate, I'm enjoying the ride..
  17. ....please refer to thread entitled "Deuce Dual Edge Snowboard"...
  18. Clearly, that's just funny! ("Take it eaaasyy.." jack black, Nacho Libre')
  19. Wow, Phil. That looks pretty much like what's being discussed..
  20. I agree! Shawndoggy's been standing tall on this all the way, so no worries on this side. I heard back from skimd about the board. Mike says he feels this is a 'factory born' problem with the protons and is confident he can whip it into shape. I know that I'm somewhat obsessive about mechanical/structural soundness and that buying a $100 board significantly increases the potential of cosmetic/base issues. However, this base issue wasn't noticed by the seller and I would have moved on looking for another relatively cheap gs board that some fun could be had with. As skimd thinks he can fix it, I'll send it off and have a $250 board with no worries. I also think there's some merit to spending a little $ fixing up an old board, if not just to give it some fresh legs/little bit of lovin', then to keep it out of the pile or possibly pass it on to a greenhorn. (Incidently, my only other board IS a coiler, so the flatness on my first board would naturally be my point of reference. )
  21. +1 on this comment. Mine cost $200, but without them I'd be hatin' the boots.. Huge diff. with them.
  22. Sent an email to Skimd for opin. Suspect the board could be headed back to 'dog..but I want to do what I can to get it flat within reasonable $ and keep it a done deal.
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