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Everything posted by CarvingScooby

  1. Agree, with Steph:biggthump....or take her back to the "easiest run" or Bunny Hill where she started to learn and let her be the expert on that slope before move to next level, so her brain can concentrate/focus on how to.. and her confidence raised at the same time. Short run mean less tired and relax longer on the chair (chair slooooowww:freak3: to us but not for the beginner) and most of the time they have quiet wide slope too... Hey, I always going back to Bunny Hill specially @ nite where almost no one on that run to practice...:rolleyes: ITS VERY GOOD IDEA -> Even ask her to get double "Butt Pad"=> a soft layer as 1st layer and Hard foam (Croc skin) as a 2nd layer, these pads will help a lot to practice lot longer. When your butt is soar to the bone from hitting the ice so often your brain can't concentrate and will tell you to give up sooner. Wrist pad with a "slash guard" will help alot/prevent Hand twist up injury. Get from the Hockey Gear/Roller blade, away cheaper then special made for snowboard/ski. My 2 cents (my own experience) Good luck bud... Cheers Roy
  2. Last Tuesday Feb 24'09 went to Hospital. X ray shows all stick back together (move a bit "1mm") got another 3 weeks but can start put some weight on it. :D Been w/o boots and do the xcercise the next day since... Try to use the Canadian strange weather change to my advantage...http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/090301/national/wea_spring_outlook See ya soon... Roy:lurk:
  3. How can I miss this... Do you have more info/web link about this beast...:rolleyes:, thx Cheers Roy
  4. If fall trhu ...email: carvingchanel at yahoo dot ca Cheers Roy
  5. Hi, remember me? Only alpine at Whistler? http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=24406 You will see ur13 (Jim) From Left: BlueB (Boris), mr_roboteye (Dave R), Dave* (Dave S), tenorman (Doug)
  6. Check/send email to Tenorman, Dave*, BlueB & mr_Roboteye they were planning for Whistler this Friday... I guess you have to take a day off. Check Cypress Diaries: http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23110 Cheers Roy
  7. Email : carvingchanel at yahoo dot ca for pix. Where are you located? Cheers Roy
  8. Awesome vid & nice turn Where was vid was shot? Clear shot too, which cam u use? Cheers Roy
  9. For pixs - Email : carvingchanel at yahoo dot ca Cheers Roy
  10. Still kind of "embarrassing" :freak3:have to cancell the event for what ever the reason but SAFETY first and make sure no :nono:more EXCUSES for 2010!! Cheers Roy Cypress still the BEST slopes for local...
  11. Nice shots, wish the toe side was taken from different angle. I hope Rod made more pixs. Who else was on the slope that day? Man o man, got to fix me ankle sooner:o. PS: Sud compare with the WCR T 177.;) Cheers Roy
  12. Pixs please for both race plates Email : carvingchanel at yahoo dot ca Where are you located? Thx Roy
  13. You guys might have to drag him out of his office chair Cheers Roy:lurk:
  14. Milk, milk, milk:biggthump... (How did it happend:confused:) Cheers Roy
  15. What's the specs? Cheers Roy
  16. His motor bike gloves last at least 3 seasons (if not more)and still.... Rip old base snowboard, cut to required size & p-tex. I heard the tuff liner spray doesn't stay on his pants... Me too "NO" Cheers Roy
  17. Wow! Only BlueB goin tonite? Anyone else...? Bro, xpecting full report;)...from tonite rite... Cheers Roy
  18. Anyone else? No...? Must be darn good unit:rolleyes:!! Cheers Roy
  19. Gecko, any cons you can share on your D70? 100% agree! Thanks Roy
  20. AM OR RACE:rolleyes:? cHEERS rOY
  21. I'll keep in mind, thx But if slide on toe side what do I do? I can bend backward but tht mean exposing both of my knee:confused: Doug, been on the slope yet? Don't keep yr NEW Silberpfeil too long in the basement!;) 2nd Opinion: Basically same conclusion but give a better boots from "Aircast", not cheap but hold ankle way firmer("Too bad Cousin of Beagle" boots is smaller). Was asked to be back in 6 weeks but made booking in 4 weeks:rolleyes:. Can't let u guys have fun w/o me too long:nono: Ruwi, we will be back on the slope before season ends or Whistler! Good luck bud! Hey what about full report on the NEW Silberpfeil? Email sent. Cheers Roy
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