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Everything posted by CarvingScooby

  1. Dave*, thanks for the warning... Bro, thx for nice cake I'd better slow down with all the sweets:1luvu: otherwise "I'll be really too short for my weight":eplus2: Result today: Went to a closer to home hospital. Eventhough broken all the way in 2 places but all are still in the same place. No surgery need to be done not even a cast just the boots but will get second opinion tomorrow at the hospital I was taken in first time since already made the appoinment. IT'S SNOWING....!!!!:o Cheers Roy
  2. Man o man U miss that butter cheese this morning on PGS. Other run was not as good (info BlueB). My self never had this experience in my 2 other seasons... Cheers Roy
  3. Will do. I hope muscle still in shape when cast comes off. Cheers Roy
  4. Will do? Did u go this morn? I left the scene around 930 ish Cheers Roy
  5. Saturday took rest from the slope... Sunday Start early 8AM landed in main parking lot. Decided took Kessler 162. Met Dave* and Cousin of Beagle. BlueB on the way to join. Decide to take Eagle chair. Have to wait for 15 min before patrol go head. Clear blue sky temp around 5C. What cud be better knowing can carve on nice day and the pro's around BlueB & Dave* Nice smooth sugar silky groomed corduroy on Fork & PGS, first run seems slicing the philladelphia cheese with hot knife, and able to lay low on both heel & toe. Saw the result with Dave* from the chair and decided to make smaller radius. 2nd run board able to hold on tighter turn and maintain same velocity, 1- 2 times tail loose and keep close to ground on each turn. Suggestion from BlueB after seeing several times on this baby Kessler to stop searching and stick to this KST - no argue on that:ices_ange!! 3 run Take upper fork and connect to Lower PGS, saw these two "softboot" instructor sitting in the middle of lower PGS run and decide taking from their left, made big wide toe turn lay low, contour change a bit steep, board still hold edge but half way turn bord start jibbers and lost grip, slide down & try to recover while slide down, suddenly nose got the grip and wants to finish the turn going up but tail don't get the grip and went down instead paralel with slope. Rear leg streched to max down nose up push front knee all the way up to chest and decided to pull rear leg to get the grip and that POP :eek:sound came from rear leg and the rest was history. Still manage walk to parking lot, I guess boots:biggthump hold everything firm inside and made it to hospital. Xray & CT Scan reveal Tibia on Medial Malleolus (inner right ankle) broke in 2 places (3 parts). I guess the twist & pressure when try to recover & pull the leg up snap this section... Need to consult to surgeon on Wed if surgery needed. Well @ least six week need to recover and bla3x so might be my 08/09 season ends here:freak3:. But will see... Have fun guys and enjoy the snow for me... Cheers Roy:lurk:
  6. Bro, awesome work! Next in line ...me:p do I have to use magic carpet:D?? Then the wifes:rolleyes:.? Cheers Roy
  7. Hey Fleaman, Need advice outside your repair expertise. How you can post so many pixs in one post and how you add those comments in between pixs? Thanks in advance Roy
  8. Another carving day. Oxygen Proton 172 still rock! Plan to switch early but stay with this sticks for 2 days instead. Nite ride start on Elan Ballistic 162. Front Angle change a view times and sticks to 65/55. Even with my 200 lbs this board stiff plank board bends easier but with hard turn (still with skids) all runs my legs will give up too soon. The KST 162 is way easier to handle and ride. Bro, nice detail write up on Kessler. I think I'll start search for a 170ish "Hammer Head" but not more then 175. Plan to let it go the Metal WCR 177.:o Dave* good to hear you back...c ya this weekend ?? Need horse vitamin Tenorman welcome back, will see you this weekend too? New Silberpfeil?;) speedtrials , xy9ine nice riding with you guys hope u guys can make it this weekend. Others? Paging: Mr.Tele-bum Cheers Roy
  9. Carving day. Sat stay for 6 hrs, Sun 5 hrs Decided play Oxygen Proton 172, stand change shorter to 18 3/4", Front 62.5 Rear 56.5. This board stiff and fun!!:D Hold on steep slope:biggthump View of Downtown from Panorama next to Raven chair. Next Tuesday nite. Cheers Roy
  10. Who's RIDIN? Me only... I'll be around 5PM on main parking lot. Weekend ridin is not enough:eplus2:,come on people move your muscle!!! Jan 12, 2009 Visual (Softbtr) today's report : Ice slush 8PM report : -2C. Visual: Low - No Snow Prediction Jan 13'09: Hard pack slush:biggthump Cheers Roy
  11. 8 AM reach main parking lot, decide take Prior Metal 177 and found out base plate not install yet:angryfire Took another 10 min to swap. Meet Rod "the softbooter" on the first run took the rainbow. Big mistake taking steep slope w/o warming up lap...skidd/scrape nice hard pack instead carving. Leg still use to Saturday's POW. 2nd run join in BlueB - 4807.178:confused: & Pierre - Swoard.165 and heading Collins the green & was a good decission.. Corduroy & free from "meat gate" . Awesome turn Pierre - Sword does and tell ya BlueB doin "C" turn w/ 4807:eek: don't know where he's got the leg to carve that way for that long. Moved to Rainbow after annoying:barf: speed control, another nice groomed spot, BlueB regroup to teach - moved to Eagle join in Tony/Cousin of Beagle with his "Brand" new set up AM Prior & UPZ. The Swoard make better & better turn. My set up was offset to far on tail cuzing jibs on nose and "Good bye" arm still sway too often. Stay in this side till 1PM till leg got vegie. Today will be perfect if the visibility was good. On the last run met Sabrina;) from Europe in HB, will see her again next Sunday. Paging: Mr. Dave*, Mr. Tele-bum :rolleyes: Cheers Roy
  12. Had Prior AM as my savior, kind of:ices_ange Float on higher speed and nose shape kinda safe for awhile :o but short turn sunk, to much on nose sub! Gosh, I wish had Tanker/Swallowtail, what was I thinking :smashfreaLast for 90 min, soaked!!! Gosh, wish I don't have to pay the bill:rolleyes: See ya on the slope. Cheers Roy
  13. Welcome on board! Are u on the slope this Sat & Sun? ... cheers Roy
  14. On Benny's (Blue) Run over see English Bay. Stop to adjust front binding. Sweetboard - Speed & Carve . Not enough Fresh POW that day, made alot crossing between run for deep pow island. Cheers Roy
  15. Saturday : Dave*, Roy/CarvingScooby, (Boris/BlueB, Pierre?) Sunday : BlueB, Dave*, Roy, (Pierre?) Who else? Crucible, Tenorman, Tele-bum, Ruwi...cOMEON GUYS be productive :smashfreanot so bad start 5AM:eplus2: Cheers Roy
  16. carvingchanel at yahoo dot ca Cheers Roy
  17. If fit MP28 (heel size 309 mm). Bud, sorry to hear about the lay off. Hope next year will change to better. All the best Happy New Year 2009 Roy
  18. Pixs from BlueB "Oldies". Found this too http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17148&highlight=APO . Good luck Roy
  19. Another carving day? Share your expertise...please:o Anyone...join? Don't make the same mistake I made...Lemme know if you need stronger then your ibuprofen... Cheers Roy
  20. Got to try the undertaker-185, my back muscle still not cooperate... Roy
  21. :biggthumphttp://www.cypressmountain.com/index.asp Finally!! Turn to Cypress Gallery, 2008-2009 Image Gallery # 04 http://www.cypressmountain.com/photos.html Cheers Roy
  22. He rode an Ellan Ballistic 63. He post his comment on this board but I cudn't find it. Cheers Roy
  23. And I already have 2 softbooty in my truck (try to brain was them into HB )...anyone else? Bartron, you can let us know your email.. Cheers Roy
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