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Everything posted by Newmax

  1. - Alpinepunk Afterburner 182 soft: Great allround carving an powderboard! - Virus Goddess: never got pow with it, but when used to the width of it (my usual width is 14cm ) it carves great on the slope! Wanted to try more things, but the first time in Aspen I didn't want to "waste" my time there, changing bindings! :p
  2. I never did that dance!
  3. You had too little alcohol to disinfect... I'm totally fine! :lol:
  4. The yellow colour at the bindings doesn'T fit to the boards design! Ugly...
  5. Yes! It definitely was! Thanks very much to Fin&Michelle&all others! We (I hope I may speak for the others too without getting ) had a great time with you and nice chattings and boarding and... Only you have to learn the "Lasso-dance" to be a bit more firm in it! :lol: Greets Max and hope to see you all next year! PS: "Get well soon" to all injured!
  6. One board for all! So I took my "shorty"! ... and then maybe test some others during the week, maybe some Swallowtail... or a metalversion in thin design.. Ray?
  7. Tell me that You're coming to SES this year! Never read so many theories about Snowboarding, and 'd really like to go out with you guys for a beer! Great!
  8. Ray, unfortunately not. Hes just sending his "slaves" there. We tried hard to convince him...
  9. The only thing you might gain is, that you might have more fun with a metal/more expensive/whatsoever board! Now it depends on how you quantify the fun you have on a slope and how much you would pay for it :D
  10. Ok, I'll ask Ursle to let me try his metal Cyborg at SES to find out if metal is that important, since the "normal" Metals are too wide!
  11. Hmm the times, I've been to Zinal (ECS 1 and 2, the grooming was great as far as I can remember. Steep, yes! Hope there also some steep parts in Aspen Cheers PS: Noone has to "excuse" his carving capabilities, everyone had to learn in the beginning, except maybe pogokoenich! :p
  12. If nothing goes wrong, me and some other guys of the "frozen-crew" will come. Flight should be booked this week, still looking for a nice "budget-lodging", althoug we could skip that and just celebrate all through the night :lol:
  13. Ray you're right: Frozen-Crew!
  14. No, just read the last 3 letters... You know that I lost my Password to my old account "Max" and dont have the Email to that anymore?
  15. Rubberboot would also be really happy if you could join "your friends".
  16. so what about Feb 9th till 16th? We could need one more in our room
  17. You Guys make me wishing even more to make it possible to come to this years SES for some drinking and Carving! I really have to consult my finance minister! .... "MUM!!" :D <- Max, who lost his passwd and the Email of that time back in...
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