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Everything posted by www.oldsnowboards.com

  1. Someone else in West Virginia?? This guy is putting in some serious effort and a Carving Mentor , could certainly be timely. State your mondo point (boot size) lets see if we can't get you on some real alpine gear!! Start with shorter , softer, wider, then move toward longer, stiffer, wider. Just as D-Sub stated. you can have a good starter set pretty cheap. You are in the right place and you certainly have the right attitude and passion. Good on ya. !!! Bryan PS Beware of confusing techniques. Might want to focus on Jack's FAQs for now. Leave the EC for next season :)
  2. Sorry to hear about your computer loss, that hurts. Paypal sent. Another "DONE DEAL" Thanks Ben. Currently have 4 pairs of boots. Going to hang onto the two pair in the photo and sell the other two. Still need some heel kits and power straps.
  3. Hi Ben. If they fit both of these I will take them. Thanks again. Bryan
  4. Thanks Ben, So, they would fit my new Suzukas? Replacing the green ones? Interesting. let me look at my AF700s to see if that will work too. Thanks, Bryan
  5. Are they tan colored like the photo? Do they fit both the AF and Deluxe? How about the older 324? Thanks, Bryan Like these? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7130076371&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT
  6. Hey Mark, sorry to hear you are hurt! You were having such a good season too. Hope you heal quick and are rippin again soon!!
  7. Bill , I am guessing it was a race board in it's day. Probably not stiff by todays standards. It is very unlikely it was "Race Stock" if it is brand new at a store. Flex it and get a feel for it ? If your daughter has small feet the key will be , "Is it narrow enough?" and "Does it have a smallish scr 7-9 meters max??) It is important that she can keep the speed in check and not destroy her confidence. Time and time I see this occur. Lighter gals boards (at least at first) should be short, soft and no wider than thier stance angle / boot size would dictate. There are quite a few fathers/ husbands that have gone through this on BOL. I would expect they will be happy to share what they have learned? Good luck.
  8. Dave , did you step in it again??? :) Do you see a pattern here? Sort of a two stage process: Say something reasonable and friendly followed by something somewhat snide and then wonder why?? Thanks for the offer of a Brew. Take you up on it soon. IF THE FRIGGIN RAIN DOESN'T WASH OUR 25" BASE COMPLETELY AWAY!!! Can't catch a break this year!! FYI Mt HOOD MEADOWS IS CLOSED!!!! www.skihood.com
  9. Jon, if you have all the details . photos etc. and you would like to have them posted on my website. Send the info my way. It might take a while to do the HTML , however I will be happy to host the info. If you can or will create the webpages that will speed things up. Thanks, Bryan of www.oldsnowboards.com
  10. Jason, I am guessing she is also light? Might be able to use some "Jr" bindings? I might have something like that for you? Bryan
  11. Sounds like a Fritchie "Dia Amir" would be ideal. I have a pair on my B/C boards. Not sure if they will adust out (height wise) enough to allow a Raichle to fit? Someone proabably knows this already. They have a sliding AFD that works will with AT boots. That would probably be the safest option. I got out a vintage pair of TD1s (narrower and smaller dia disc) Hole don't quite line up. But it looks way cool (to an alpine, snowboarder, skier nut case that is). Step in would be a big plus. I would go with the shortest pair I could get away with. Speaking of bastardizing gear. Anyone mounted up a set of Skwals as a pair of mondo carving / powder bad boy skis?? That should turns some stomaches.
  12. Here is a somewhat poor photo of what I mentioned. True, "Ski-Boards" are not required to have releaseable bindings and are typically plates. Of course they are much shorter , leverage is undenieable. At your own risk , sounds good untill your hurt?
  13. Tom, playing with a similiar idea on the new "LINE" brand of twin tips. They actually have an insert pattern built in for their new innovative bindings. You of course understand no one is going to give you their blessing on such a set up. No release, not designed, blah , blah. However, I like the idea of being able to "Switch out" quickly without changing boots. Forward lean is pretty aggressive on most alping boots and a bit soft in comparison. I rode my ski boots on plenty of alpine board over the years though. What the heck. Willing to take the risk? "Good on ya Mate". The idea of being able to jump on some fat twins for a couple of steep pow runs followed by some rippers on a big full on alpine board is pretty tempting. Understand your flow here. Bryan
  14. Looks like a Fusion. Fun board. If it is clean , grab it. Great smaller pow board.
  15. Come on D-Sub, quit jawing and BUY SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!! You tell us want you want, we provide it at bargain basement prices on a silver platter and you ???? GUMMIT!!!LICKIT Come on take a big old BITE and build a big ol MANLY quiver!!. Sorry, you REALLY beg to get picked on. Dude , no kids, gf, just sell a couple extra gadgets this month and jump in!!!! :) ;)
  16. Cool! I knew you could do it!! They are a couple of my favorite riding bros. Good guys that rip and pull no punches. They may tend to exaggerate just a wee bit. The only thing worse than this NASTY illness is knowing I missed a great session with my bros. Hope to make it down soon after recovery. Welcome to the "Big Boy's" club.:D Its all good. I do prefer the bigger boards and you are in a great place to put them through their paces. Enjoy. Bryan
  17. Here is the photo unzipped. The photo has been reduced in size from over 1900 pixels tall and brightened a bit . Hope this helps.
  18. Hey Art are you a big Pabst fan? I used to collect "Beer Boards". Had to rein that in and get back to the vintage boards. Some are actually pretty sweet boards. Others are bottom of the barrel OEM. Rossi had a bunch of very nice Beer Boards. Mostly Bud. Then too have dropped in value over the last 4 years. Did you get snow ?? Hope it is better up there now , it has been pretty sad on Hood.
  19. http://www.incaempire.com/ Ask them? I have not seen a new model in years. I think they are gone. All that is left is the images and a few boards circulating around. I think in the final days they offered "Custom" boards. Built to suit. They have not had any presence for a few years. Could be wrong. Be happy to hear they are alive and well.
  20. I am interested in the 182cm version of the INCA. Interesting in buying one or more if available. Must be in excellent to NOS condition. New smaller version available for trade. I have a few of the smaller boards. The "Dual Camber" theory didn't take off. Its value is in question. I believe it would be very important that your weight would match the tension in each of the cambers. To me it is another interesting concept in the history of snowboards. Falls in a class of clever ideas , weather valid or not, did not gain acceptance and dissapeared into obscurity. I.E. Hobie -Dual Edged snowboard, Sno-Dad, Hy-Arc etc. Enjoy!
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