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Everything posted by twelsch42

  1. How do you get going fast enough to lay down some carves without straightlining?
  2. I think I fixed my contact stuff - thanks for the heads up. Let me know if your buyers falls through. I'm just a little short on funds this week to commit... next week will hopefully be another story. T
  3. My FR2's need to be replaced by something a little more BOMBER!! I can't wait to get my grubby-paws on these.
  4. Maybe someone ... anyone ?
  5. http://www.montbell.us/products/disp.php?cat_id=73&p_id=2301140 I've usually got one of these jackets on, or in my pack. Super duper warm. Weighs next-to-nothing. And is synthetic. Anything above 10F and it's too warm after about the middle of my 2nd run. Goes right in my pack, and I don't even notice it's there.
  6. If I had $300 laying around, yes, sparks would be a no-brainer. That was not my question. Thanks
  7. I've finally got some gear going on! Thank you Craigslist. As I'm checking out the voile hardware I'm wondering if anyone's run the CatekFR2's with them? It's going to be hard to give up my cant/lean. It appears that any softboot binding is going to be much wider than the 'plate' of the voile system. It doesn't seem like a particularity great idea, but it'd be nice to have a bit of guidance before I get crazy. Thanks
  8. twelsch42

    Lucky Fin

    I don't usually paint with such a big brush, but I effing hate racer kids. Especially at Copper. After a single early season day, I won't make any more turns there, untill those pesky kids take off. T
  9. Really? A quick search for 'all board sports boulder' brings up all contact information and a map. 1750 30th Street Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 415-1600 Bola runs/owns the shop, and is also a member of these boards. He also really likes the the Dupraz. T
  10. Thanks for all the replies so far! I don't have a problem with carving my turns in general - it's more when things get sketchy (riding bumps, avoiding people, tired legs) that my arm starts getting a bit wild. It seems like I'm working on the right things. I'd love to get out and ride w/ all you Loveland peeps - but I'm a mid-week kind of guy. And I rely on my buddies to get up to the mountain (MJ usually) and they're all skiers too...grr... Once the season gets going, I'll figure something out! T
  11. Besides pinching my pants near my rear hip, does anyone have any tips on how to tame a flailing rear arm? When I keep my arms still it seems like I drive my shoulders harder? Is this right? Thanks for any ideas. T
  12. Wow! thanks everyone for your input so far. Just the kind of information I was looking for. T
  13. Before I go wading through things on someotherforum, I'll ask my fellow carvers for their opinion. Hopefully some of the Colorado members can chime in. Anyone have experience with Venture splitboards? At ~$900 they seem pretty reasonably priced. I can't believe I just typed that. Neversummer (summit) is about $1300, but includes skins and Voile Split Kit. It appears a Venture splitboard only includes the Voile clips which hold both halves together. I'd love to keep my $$ in Colorado, but, are there any other splits I should consider? Now on to boots and bindings. I'm a soft-booter at heart, but won't be touring with my FR2's. My daily driver is a Tanker 192 (thanks Thor!). I can't go back to a plasticish binding. Bomber's splitboard-sidewinder binding looks awesome. What would be the pitfalls of using a more mountaineering style boot to spiltboard with? Could I get some older cheap mountaineering boots to 'practice' with? And then graduate to something nicer. Or am I making up this option is my head? Anyone care to help me get going in the right direction? Thanks for the heads up! T
  14. I ride a 192 (the skinny one at 24cm) in softies. I'm a lightweight at about 165lbs. I'm ready to put one more year on this board before I look at a Tanker200; or something custom from Sean or Bruce. It's my everyday, go anywhere board. After three years of trying I'm still confident I haven't pushed this thing to the limits yet. T
  15. twelsch42

    iphone 4

    or simply jailbreak your iphone and do whatever you want on it. retina display kicks ass.
  16. Those black spacers (not the o-ring on the top-sheet) are there to make sure you pick the correct (short or long) kingpin. This is important so you don't bottom out on your top-sheet. T
  17. If you've never had one you wouldn't understand. I wouldn't be comfortable living in a state w/o Stone, or Avery or Odell's. And beer's not even my substance of choice. All things considered I feel pretty lucky to live in Colorado. To each his own.
  18. Your mileage may vary: For me at ~25f/18r in softies, cant and lift were an absolute game changer. It gave me a much more effective platform for the transfer of energy; which changed my riding, for the better, across the board. disclaimer: I've never ridden these supersecretbomberplates only catek FR2's
  19. There are but only two seasons. November through April, snowboarding season! April through October, BASEBALL season!
  20. Pot? Kettle? I believe you two have met. Is lighter always better?
  21. Catek makes a clear thin riser plate for those who want extra protection on their metal boards. Now should I be worried about my Tanker and Catek FR2's? Unless I'm railing really hard I wouldn't think so.
  22. You can learn the norm on softboots with a much larger 'sweet spot' then you're getting with those stiff TD-1's and hardboots.
  23. If you're expecting lots of powder, I would call softies the right tool for the job. But everyone's different. I would also consider what gear you're most comfortable with. Nothing like a day in the back-country with boots that don't fit right, or bindings that don't work as expected.
  24. Anyone else think that Steamboat is not really the place to strap into hardboots for the first time? Don't leave your softies at home yet, you'll need them for the trees and pow-dah.
  25. I love my REI half-zip mid/bottom layers. You don't get the double fabric neck of a true turtle-neck. But with the longer zipper it allows for quite a wide range of temperature moderation. They also come in LONG sizes. Works super sweet for layering if you're even close to slim. And who doesn't want longer sleeves / torso on your winter bottom layers. Go REI!
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